Jersey Boys Rush

Rachel2789 Profile Photo
#50re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 4/3/07 at 4:04pm

Yep...after you get your tickets you can leave and just go back when the doors open.

#51re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 4/3/07 at 4:57pm

Hey I asked this question on another thread but it wasn't answered. I will be doing SRO for the evening show this Sat (april 7th) It seems that if I get in line at 3 PM i should be fine right? The only reason I'm asking is because it's Easter weekend and I'm not to sure if the line will start early. An answer soon will be nice please.

The towel waving reminded me of a Per?nist rally. I kept chanting "Evita!" whenever they'd pan to the crowds. - SM2

ReinaInNYC Profile Photo
#52re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 4/4/07 at 10:14am

very early like 5am or even before that? Your help is much appreciated.

#53re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 4/6/07 at 3:01pm

i went on wed to the night and my friend were first in the rush line at6am...the scalpers appeared a minute after we got there...the cast thanked us for beating the scalpers

Wavetree Profile Photo
#54re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 4/6/07 at 4:01pm

The scalpers on Thursday were a little lazier and didn't show til 7:45am. I was first at 6am and joined by 3 others before unlawful ones came. At the show that night, the rich lady with her giant fur coat who bought the scalpers tickets kept complaining that she paid $400 to have her eardrums blown out by the speakers.

ReinaInNYC Profile Photo
#55re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 4/7/07 at 1:05pm

i'll report back after the show, but i got there at 5 am and there were 3 women, 5 scalpers already on line. i needed three tickets, but by the time that i was asked what kind of tickets were wanted, only 2 evening tickets were left. I had to take the matinee tickets and am seriously bummed about it. it was really obvious who the scalpers were.

like i said, i will report back after the show to see who showed up in those seats, but given the demographic on the line, i really doubt it would be those boys, who stuck out like sore thumbs.

daisyj2 Profile Photo
#56re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 5/6/07 at 12:29pm

Ok, let's revive this thread again: has anyone been to the JB rush or SRO lately? Any info on either would be great! Are the scalpers still there? What time did you get there, and how has the line been?


#57re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 5/6/07 at 3:22pm

"At the show that night, the rich lady with her giant fur coat who bought the scalpers tickets kept complaining that she paid $400 to have her eardrums blown out by the speakers."

Well, that sucks for her. She wanted to see the show and she bought the tickets for $400, it's her problem.

The last time I went to rush JB, one of the box office guys tried a scare tactic to get rid of the scalpers, but the scalpers didn't budge, they almost did but they didn't and because of that I got tickets to the matinee when I wanted night show tickets. When I went to the show, didn't see that many actual students in the seats, more like older couples in those seats especially the two ahead of me and during the show I was so curious to ask them how much did they pay for their tickets. There was also this Asian lady who was on line and she got two sets of tickets, one from someone who works at JB and she bought the other one and she either scalped a set or went to both shows which I think she did go to both cause she was there at the matinee and then she was at the stage door for the night show as me, my mom, my sister, and JLY were walking out of the stage door(I never get tired of saying that).

"i really doubt it would be those boys, who stuck out like sore thumbs."

Yeah, the scalpers do stick out in the line. It's like the last time I went and walked onto the line and saw the first group in line, I could tell right away that they were scalpers just by the way they acted and dressed like one was wearing those jeans with the different basketball team logos on them(who the hell would wear those) and then you pass them and see the ones on line who are dressed nicer.

I think that if anyone should rush JB this summer to do it probably on a weekday, even though it will probably still be nuts with all of the college kids and the scalpers out and about. I usually like to rush during the week during the school year.

littlelotte64 Profile Photo
#58re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 5/6/07 at 3:26pm

I don't know about any of you guys, but I'm so sick and tired of these scalpers. I went to the show this past Wednesday and there was one scalper on line when I got there, but they said they were getting matinee seats so I didn't think anything of it. But then he brought like 3 of his friends and then decided to get evening seats after I had said I was getting evening seats. So spiteful, thankfully I still ended up getting seats. I said to the woman who was taking names that these kids were not going to the show and she just responded with "I know, thats why we take names" not for nothing but if these scalpers have like 15 different kids getting tickets, what is taking names only on matinee days going to do? I got there at like 6:20 on a weekday and had to hurt myself to see the stage, I have neck problems so its not a "i'll just deal with it" situation, I was thouroughly pissed off.

I know I'm rambling, but I guess what I'm trying to say to you guys who are trying to rush, if your not first online you have no guarentee of anything, even after waiting hours and hours. Just get there early and hope luck is on your side.

#59re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 5/6/07 at 11:13pm

I second this. I went last week on a weekday and ended up not even bothering to wait-- there was someone who must have gotten there around 5:30am and someone who had gotten there at 6:15am. Apparently, one scalper showed up between the 5:30am person and 6:15am person, and then had three other scalpers show up to join them much later. Since there are only TWELVE tickets, if the other early person was waiting for a friend (as she might have mentioned, I'm not sure it's what she said), the person there at 6:15am wouldn't have even been able to get tickets without picking a fight with the scalpers. On a weekday, when school is still in session. Ridiculous.

And the scalpers were really young (I'm sure they should have been in some high school class at the time), rude, and loudly talking about scalping the entire time. I stayed for about a twenty minutes to survey the whole situation, but I wish the box office would take it less lightly. This is the only way for people to get seats for less than $96, and it would be really nice if some of us who just want to see the show for the first time could actually get them... There were in total only 3 or 4 people in front of me if the scalpers weren't there.

"I thought that that was just going to be a like one shot deal for me, you know, but they kept talking about it like, 'when we do the production, when we do the production', and I was like, 'yes, yes, when you do the production, cool, I will come and see it'". - John Gallagher Jr. on SA

littlelotte64 Profile Photo
#60re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 5/6/07 at 11:57pm

Oh yea, the scalpers are really young. They do in fact go to high school, the ones on line went to some high school in Chelsea, which is downtown. I really almost freaked the hell out, I was worried that I was gunna go ballistic and have to be restrained. It's just getting so annoying.

Rachel2789 Profile Photo
#61re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 5/7/07 at 2:43pm

Has anyone rushed on a Sunday recently? I'll be there in June and will most likely be rushing that day. I know the box office opens at 12 instead of 10, so (this is probably a silly question...) do people usually show up even a little later or is it just as early as a weekday when it opens a few hours earlier?

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#62re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 5/7/07 at 2:46pm

I have a question about SRO:

Is it limited to one or two per person? I walked by the Jersey Boys SRO line before, and there were only 5 people in it, and I was wondering if I should get tickets or not.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

#63re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 5/7/07 at 2:52pm

Standing room is one per person.

#64re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 5/7/07 at 4:43pm

I work at Jersey Boys in the morning and do feel sorry for the students who want to see the show and can't because of these scalpers. They were only there on weekends but the past few weeks they have been there for every performance. It is a shame that nothing is being done about them. Sooner or later whats going to happen they will see that these scalpers are getting so much money for them they will stop selling them and get full price for them instead of $26.50. I think everyone needs to write letters to the company about this situation and maybe something will finally get done. They need to have someone there everyday with the lines and not just on the matinee days. GOOD LUCK

usmma2010 Profile Photo
#65re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 5/7/07 at 6:59pm

ok im rushing this saturday, and am prob crazy but im getting there really really early, so i will either be 1st or right behind the scalpers, i was wondering if the house left is anybetter, i saw house right and was right behind the staircase, and anyone know what time the scalpers are getting there on a saturday, 2 am??

"and in the end the love you make is equal to the love you take"

#66re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 5/7/07 at 7:17pm

House left is definately better the right the staircase ruins that side. I really don't know what time the scalpers get there but I imagine it is very early. I can probably find out from someone who went last saturday she was there about 2:30 am I will ask her around what time the scalpers got there.

usmma2010 Profile Photo
#67re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 5/7/07 at 10:55pm


"and in the end the love you make is equal to the love you take"

#68re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 5/10/07 at 4:25pm

If anyone is interested in writing and complaining about the scalpers the person to write to is Michael David from the Dodgers production company the address is 311 W. 43rd street Suite 603 New York, NY 10036
