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Member Name: Wavetree
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re: Anybody want ONE front row ticket to Hawke's Things We Want tomorrow (Sat) nite?
 Nov 6 2007, 08:22:46 PM
I saw the show during previews and while I thought the play itself was nothing special, the acting was excellent. Paul Dano and Peter Dinklage were fantastic and seeing them perform in an intimate space like this was more than worth the price of admission for me. When I saw the play in October the second act was riddled with problems, mostly dealing with character motivations. On my way out the door I saw Ethan Hawke sitting at the back looking very nervous. Maybe by now he has fixed some of the
re: Museum of Broadway? Museum of Theatre?
 Oct 15 2007, 07:08:46 PM
I should also mention that The Theatre Museum is holding an event this weekend with the Waterfront Museum in Red Hook, Brooklyn for their "Showboat 'Round the Bend" exhibition. From noon- 6pm on Sat. Oct. 20 and Sun. Oct. 21 they're holding a panel discussion with writers and scholars about the history of the American showboat and featuring performances from the musical Show Boat. Red Hook is kind of a hike if you don't live in Brooklyn, but the Waterfront Museum (which is an actual showboat bar
re: Museum of Broadway? Museum of Theatre?
 Oct 15 2007, 07:53:15 AM
Actually there IS a theatre museum in New York- it just doesn't have a permanent gallery space yet. They have an admin office on 7th Ave. and are collaborating on exhibitions with other museums until they find their own home. I worked at The Theatre Museum this summer and had an absolutely amazing time, I would highly recommend anyone who is interested in museum work and/or theatre getting involved with this organization. You can check out the website,, or just e-mail th
re: SA Monday Rush
 Aug 10 2007, 01:32:02 PM
My friend and I arrived around 6:50 AM and I believe we were the last to get seats ( mezz row B far right side) this past monday-august 6
The Theatre Museum's Showboat Exhibition in Brooklyn
 Jun 26 2007, 11:04:22 AM
From The Theatre Museum press release:

“Showboat ‘Round the Bend!” is a one- of-a-kind exhibition about the American Showboat. The exhibition was created by The Theatre Museum and Waterfront Museum. There will be a special summer reception on July 26, 2007 with refreshments and entertainment from 5:30-7:30 p.m. aboard the historic Lehigh Valley Railroad Barge at the Waterfront Museum in Red Hook, Brooklyn.

The exhibition, curated by Mary Hasbritt and Virginia Willets, explores the origin and development of the American Showboat on New York and national waterways. Showboats began bringing settlers entertainment in 1831. In the 19th and into the 20th century, these riverboats and their performers were for many their only source of entertainment -- from vaudeville to drama to moving pictures.

A grand Showboat Weekend will be held on October 20 - 21, featuring a panel of experts, including scholars, former showboat operators and family members, discussing life on the showboat, music and entertainment presented there, and the reality vs. representations of showboats. Performances of vintage showboat entertainment, from vaudeville to calliope, under the artistic direction of vaudevillian Travis Stewart (a/k/a Trav S.D.), will be presented.

The exhibition will be on view through December 20 2007, and during the Waterfront Museum’s CIRCUS Sundays in June and SUNSET MUSIC SERIES in July. Public viewing hours are Thursdays from 4 - 8 p.m. Admission is free and donations are requested. Directions to the museum may be obtained from

The exhibition is sponsored in part by NY Council for the Humanities, Abraham & Lillian Rosenberg Foundation, Independence Community Foundation, Local One of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Hudson Scenic Studios, Walton Hauling and Warehouse Corp., Framerunner and the MetLife Volunteer Ventures Program. Special thanks to Greg O’Connell."

For more information visit or or call The Theatre Museum at 212-764-4112 ext. 203

re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
 Jun 17 2007, 12:04:00 AM
Yes the book sucks, but the music and vocal performances are wonderful, especially for Patty Griffin fans. And don't forget that student tickets are only $10- cheaper than any number of crappy movies I've paid to see this summer. And none of them had Matthew Morrison.
re: Jersey Boys Rush
 Apr 6 2007, 04:01:37 PM
The scalpers on Thursday were a little lazier and didn't show til 7:45am. I was first at 6am and joined by 3 others before unlawful ones came. At the show that night, the rich lady with her giant fur coat who bought the scalpers tickets kept complaining that she paid $400 to have her eardrums blown out by the speakers.
re: Jeb Brown Replaces Will Chase in 2/19 Working Concert
 Feb 21 2007, 12:41:46 AM
What a great night of theatre. At first I was disappointed to miss out on Will Chase, but Jeb Brown was fantastic as was the entire cast. Thank God I can now replace my bad memories of our horrid high school production 10 years ago. "Just a Housewife" was incredibly beautiful and Celia did a wonderful job with "Millwork"- which I'm glad has had a life beyond the show, I saw Springsteen cover it not too long ago. This show needs a new recording hardcore, the music is just too good not to revis
re: Yes, it's true- High School RENT
 May 23 2006, 10:24:24 PM
Can't believe I forgot to talk about what got changed! Anyway- staging was surprisingly close to the original with the set pretty much all intact. And yes, Mimi danced on the bars, although the sexuality was definitely toned down. They did away with the same sex kisses, but there was still a lot of physical affection between Collins and Angel, I was surprised by how romantic the director allowed them to be without worrying about how the grandmas in the audience would take it.

Yes, it's true- High School RENT
 May 23 2006, 05:05:46 PM
Even though I heard rumors of this production a while ago, I thought it was a load of BS until I had my ticket in hand for the very first workshop of RENT: School Edition. I of course went in expecting the worst. Through the years I've seen enough show choir members in sparkly vests belting out SOL and 16 year old girls screeching OTM at open mike nights to safely assume that nobody whose life is still infused with homeroom, JV soccer practice and prom could ever do RENT justice. Last weekend, I happily discovered that I was dead wrong.

The workshop took place several hundred miles west of the Great White Way, at Shorewood High School in a Milwaukee suburb. The cast was, as expected, not very ethnically diverse, nor did the band have the music completely down, but on the whole, this production was fantastic. I was amazed to find how much I completely enjoyed each and every song, taking in little moments that I hadn't appreciated in years. The beautiful thing that I hadn't thought about in the many times I grimaced in horror at the thought of high schools or community theaters doing this show, was that nobody was phoning in their performance. Every single kid was pouring their heart out and giving his/her role and the show every ounce of respect it deserved. No Matt Kaplans here. On top of this undeniable effort, the cast was amazingly talented.

The ranges had certainly been tinkered with to accommodate untrained teenage voices, but the music did not suffer at all because of it. The Roger and Mimi pulled off both the notes and the chemistry, the Mark anchored the show, and even the scrawny, pale kid playing Collins managed to pull off his gospel solo with great success.

Of course it helps that these kids don't have to perform 8 shows a week for months on the road, but nobody is demanding this of them. The Shorewood kids weren't even seasoned performers- of the male cast members, only the guy playing Mark had ever been on stage before. When the show is finally liscenced for amateur groups, it will probably continue to bring out talented people who had never thought about musical theatre before. And if other high school/amateur productions of RENT are at all similar in quality to the one I saw on Saturday night, I say bring em on.

A link to a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article about the show (with a picture of the cast):

Unsung Jonathan Larson benefit setlist?
 Apr 28 2006, 05:04:50 PM
Does anybody happen to have/know where to find the setlist for the Today 4U: Unsung Jonathan Larson benefit from '97? My tapes were recently unearthed after many many years at the bottom of a drawer (I totally thought they had disappeared into the ether before this) and I'm trying to figure out what order everything was in. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out!
re: Calling all Rasta Thomas Fans in NYC!
 Apr 26 2006, 11:55:22 PM
This continues my weeklong lament over not living in NY. Rasta Thomas was absolutely fantastic in Movin' Out. Go see him if you can!
Adam at IWU
 Apr 14 2006, 12:28:26 PM
Although they're not the full songs ( I kept worrying that the big muscley dude behind me was a cop so I tried to be stealth about it) I put up the videos of "I'm With You" and "Maria"

I'm With You-


Adam at IWU
 Apr 13 2006, 11:02:49 PM
Two days later and I'm still in a mild state of euphoria over my mini road trip down to lovely Bloomington, IL to see the man, the myth, the legend: Adam Pascal. This is a man who knows how to put on a show. It was a very musical theater savvy crowd, so the Broadway redux thing was a big hit, he did a fantastic job with pretty much everything. I was really impressed with his cover of Bruce Springsteen's "Meeting Across the River," which was apparently the fallout of an attempt at a jukebox musical that Adam deemed " TERRRible." But based on his performance of that song, I would have bought a ticket.
I got to talk to him afterwards and told him how the first time we met him in London, I was 15 and my sister 11- we're now 23 and 19, so I felt like we had grown up with him. He was incredibly sweet and just a genuinely good guy. What a champ.

And because a picture is worth 1000 words, and a video probably 10x that, here's the link to my amateur camera work that actually yielded pretty nice results. Watch for his rockstar moment at the end of "What I Did for Love." I can't lie. Eye-meltingly hot.

re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
 Oct 6 2005, 04:19:39 PM
Once in a while they switch it up a bit on TV appearances. Back when the OBC was making rounds they did a bit of Rent on Leno, Without You on GMA, a SOL/LVB combo on Letterman, and Take Me or Leave Me on the Today Show when Kristen Lee Kelly and Gwen Stewart were Maureen/Joanne. And then of course there was my all time fave- Adam singing an acoustic version of OSG on Rosie. Wearing overalls and singing with his eyes closed the entire time. And yes, it was sexy as hell.
re: New Joseph Tour - Minneapolis
 Sep 15 2005, 12:39:04 AM
Yeah you hit the nail right on the head with the whole Patrick Cassidy/hobo deal. I saw it last week in Milwaukee and those abs were just...unnatural. He certainly didn't ruin the show at any rate, and Amy Adams totally impressed me. This cast definitely plays up the campy aspects of the show in a very self-aware manner.
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