Jersey Boys Rush

gumbo2 Profile Photo
#1Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 11/24/06 at 4:03pm

I really want to see Jersey Boys, and I was just wondering how early I'm gonna have to get there to get a student rush ticket. Would I be safe getting there by 6 am?

antiandrewx Profile Photo
#1re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 11/24/06 at 4:08pm

I'd say get there more like 5ish

gumbo2 Profile Photo
#2re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 11/24/06 at 4:36pm


Broadwayfan120791 Profile Photo
#3re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 11/24/06 at 6:49pm

it really depends on the day you are planning on going...if you go on a weekend you should probably go around 5/6 but on a weekday you would be safe maybe going at about 7:00/7:30 sometimes even 8:00

and not to say this in an offensive way(at all) but there really should be a seperate board for just the jersey boys rush threads considering how many there are : )

Come on babe we're gonna paint the town...and all that jazz...

Rachel2789 Profile Photo
#4re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 11/24/06 at 9:52pm

I think I remember reading somewhere on here that Thursdays tend to be the "slowest" day for rush. For anyone that's done it recently, what's the latest time you think you could get there and still get tickets? Thanks. re: Jersey Boys Rush

Broadwayfan120791 Profile Photo
#5re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 11/25/06 at 12:23am

I just recently happened to do it on a Thursday...I showed up at 7:00 the next people to show up did not get there until 9:30 unless like you do it the week before Christmas or somewhere close to Christmas, I would think that this time would still be good. So I would say if you want to play it safe, latest to be there is 9:00 if you want to be 1st...if you want to be just getting a ticket then show up with like the other people at 9:30 but just hope a crowd doesn't come at that time all at once.

Come on babe we're gonna paint the town...and all that jazz...

Rachel2789 Profile Photo
#6re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 11/25/06 at 12:45pm

Thanks Bwayfan, good to know. re: Jersey Boys Rush

dramaqueen2 Profile Photo
#7re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 11/25/06 at 12:50pm

errr, maybe i'm stupid..
but i saw jersey boys student rush, got there around 10 and was fine..

and it was on a saturday matinee, the day of the BC/EFA flea market.. so, idk 5 or 6 is kinda crazy if you ask me, unless you're intent upon being the first person in line, haha.

unless you're talking about an evening performance.. that's different.

hear my song; it was made for the time when you don't know where to go, listen to the song that i sing, you'll be fine..

#8re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 12/29/06 at 4:33pm

By the way, I saw some scalpers today at student rush. They were causing all sorts of problems and throwing debree on the road. Their hut was made out of cardborad boxes and a newspaper stand. They were also cursing and using the n-word (they were african american). It was ridiculous. They still got in for student rush and are probably trying to sell the tickets to someone. Apparently, they also got tickets to Thursday night. How crazy of the people running the management to do that!

"This is a stupid story. It never stops. But we keep making lemonade! We're opening the biggest f***ing lemonade stand you ever saw!" -Walter Bobbie after a long day of Sweet Charity Rehersals (

Broadwayfan120791 Profile Photo
#9re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 12/29/06 at 9:21pm

JerseyScoundrel- Thats crazy that they got away with that and management did not even say anything. I'm surprised with that one. And Did they even have student id's is my question?
For a few minutes there...I really thought management took the whole student rush thing seriously but after hearing your story it sounds like they do let people get away with stuff. By the way what time did they get there at like after you got there or were they there before you showed up? just wondering.

Come on babe we're gonna paint the town...and all that jazz...

Broadwayfan120791 Profile Photo
#10re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 12/29/06 at 9:21pm

Double Post.

Come on babe we're gonna paint the town...and all that jazz...
Updated On: 12/29/06 at 09:21 PM

#11re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 12/29/06 at 10:30pm

They were there since two in the morning. They had student ID's, which really sucked for the many people online because a cleaning lady said they were there in order to resell tickets. Literally, those guys were disturbing the peace from 5 to 8 in the morning (I arrived at 5:10 and thought a homeless guy was in front of the theater because of their behavior). They stopped for a while and just smoked and relaxed. I did not think they were the typical type of audience wanting to see Jersey Boys, which drew suspicion from me.

"This is a stupid story. It never stops. But we keep making lemonade! We're opening the biggest f***ing lemonade stand you ever saw!" -Walter Bobbie after a long day of Sweet Charity Rehersals (
Updated On: 12/29/06 at 10:30 PM

dramaqueen2 Profile Photo
#12re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 12/29/06 at 10:32pm

hm, maybe i got lucky but when i did it we got there at 10 and got tickets just fine? but i wasn't with a whole crowd of people.. if you're with more than like one other person i'm sure the earlier the better! good luck!!

hear my song; it was made for the time when you don't know where to go, listen to the song that i sing, you'll be fine..

#13re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 12/29/06 at 11:44pm

These guys/girls you are talking about are going to ruin the student rush for everyone sooner or later. The only reason they are there very early now is because school is out for the holidays. Come next week during the week the student rush lines is very slow until after 8-9. Except weekends. I know this because I work there in the morning.

Broadwayfan120791 Profile Photo
#14re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 12/30/06 at 6:28am

JerseyScoundrel--I actually woke up this morning at 5:00 went to the city at 5:30 with my mother...expecting to get on the Jersey Boys Student Rush Line or even start it off.
So, my mom is driving to 52nd street parking lot to park right next to the as we go past the theatre...we see these people the same ones you probably are refering to or maybe people they get to go for them on another day I don't really even know. But my mom saw people, we drove past really slowly and we see these people and from reading your story about it I was aware of it all. So there must have been about 7 or 8 of them standing and sitting and not looking like a crowd that you would want to even stand with. So my mom and me were very scared so we just did not even bother so now I am home pissed as anything, it is lucky for me that I live not very far away from the city that I can just go back home if anything. I mean if I had showed up being 3 hours away and see that it would have pissed the heck out of me even more. That is just ridiculous and uncalled for.

I mean to wake up at that time and have that happen..I mean don't get me wrong they might be like the friendliest people ever but from the way they got really close to our car and how you said they were pretty roudy from 5:00 to 8:00, there was no way we were going to stand online and wait with them for about 4 or 5 hours out there. Plus, there is no security there, it was dark, no lights on, no one besides them online at the time. I mean to stand there and take that chance is crazy. It just annoys the hell out of me that I woke up for nothing and hoping so badly to see the show. Its truly ashame.

Come on babe we're gonna paint the town...and all that jazz...

gumbo2 Profile Photo
#15re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 12/30/06 at 6:44am

Sorry about that broadwayfan...well in case anyone was wondering I got to the theater around 5:00 and was the first person there (closely followed by a couple others) and got my seat and loved the show. Of course this was about a month ago because this is sort of an old thread. Anyway, good luck to everyone with the rush!

#16re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 12/30/06 at 12:25pm

JerseyScoundrel did you say anything to anybody?
Something like that happen when i went for stundent rush but i just though "hey maybe they want to expence(sp?) something new" then when they dident come to the show then i knew something was up. Then there were two people sitting next to me i diddent see in the rush line and i over hear them say "wow i cant belive someone would be selling these tickets off the street" but if i would have known what they would have done i would have said something.
I hate people like that who cheat people who really want to see the show, just to make a few bucks.

2008 Pirandello Players of SBHS present "Damn Yankees"

#17re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 12/30/06 at 12:58pm

All the more reason to make a lotto.

#18re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 12/30/06 at 1:48pm

Even if it was a lotto people can still scalp the tickets

2008 Pirandello Players of SBHS present "Damn Yankees"

#19re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 12/30/06 at 2:11pm

Of course people can still scalp the tickets, but people won't have to wait on a rush line at 5 in the morning with dangerous looking, disruptive people with no security around.

#20re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 12/30/06 at 3:44pm

Lotto doesn't show as much dedication as student rush does. I liked the old policy they had over there(especially now that JLY doesn' do matinees) where they sold the tickets at specific times.

Broadwayfan120791 Profile Photo
#21re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 12/30/06 at 6:35pm

So I ended up going to the show anyways my mom who I was with this morning for the student rush tickets when I saw the scalpers...she asked the box office girl that we bought tickets from tonight and also these 2 people that were sitting in student rush seats

The Box Office Lady...knew about the scalpers, shook her head at the though, and was like Yes I know I know its terrible and she seemed to not say much about them besides what JerseyScoundrel said about they had student id's but she did not seem too pleased with the whole idea like any of us, but I guess whoever has a student id theres not much they can really do about that then.

The 2 people that were sitting in the student rush seats--my mom told them we got there at 5:30 and they said they showed up there at 7:00 got the last 2 seats...and said that the scalpers were a very rowdy bunch who they were not pleased to have to stand on line with and they were very serious and strict about getting all of the night there were 8 of them in total..I think if I am correct like 6 of them took the night tickets and 2 took afternoon seats...horrible
I did not see them either in the seats and obviously figured they wouldn't be...I saw people who looked like they obviously did not know what they got themselves into and probably wouldn't care dropping however much money was charged for those tickets...not right at all

Come on babe we're gonna paint the town...and all that jazz...

#22re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 12/30/06 at 8:38pm

worrell4077, rush does show dedication and I have no problems with it. I actually prefer it over lotto (for most shows anyway). I just think that in this case, lotto would be safer with these guys around. It pisses me off that people are taking advantage of something that I'm so appreciative of.

#23re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 12/31/06 at 1:32am

I'm rushing on the 12th of Jan at 7am, and now I'm kind of afraid because I'm going to be alone...

I have a pocket knife, but I doubt that'll do any good...

is anyone going that morning?
Updated On: 12/31/06 at 01:32 AM

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#24re: Jersey Boys Rush
Posted: 12/31/06 at 1:47am

It would be so much better if it was just switched back to the specific times, where people could wait in the daylight. Going to wait at 2AM is ridiculous.

I wish something would be done about this already. If a lotto needs to be done, so be it.
