
The 20 Million Dollar Flop- Page 3

The 20 Million Dollar Flop

jordangirl Profile Photo
#50re: The 20 Million Dollar Flop
Posted: 11/21/08 at 6:55am

I fit in the seats just fine. Jerk.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

winston89 Profile Photo
#51re: The 20 Million Dollar Flop
Posted: 11/21/08 at 7:20am

evic, you do realize that the same kinds of people who are seeing Shrek are the same kinds of people seeing your beloved Lion King too ya dumbass.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#52re: The 20 Million Dollar Flop
Posted: 11/21/08 at 11:10am

Good grief, this thread has turned into a junior-high Myspace page.

evic - If you find the audience members to be so offensive and not dressed to your liking, then just don't go to the theatre. Until there is a dress code requiring evening wear imposed on the audiences at all theatres, the problem is actually yours, not theirs. Let the cast handle their own issues of audience and professionalism. It's their job, not yours to decide to pay enough attention to the audience as to let it affect their performance. I have a feeling they would rather play to a full house of "schleps" than to one that is only 25% full of well-dressed comped snobs. I have issues with those who disrupt the performance with their behavior (and they are usually the ones dressed up to attend a performance), but I do not judge those by what they wear to attend a performance. The could be the nicest and most well-behaved people in the house.

I know being bitchy and offensive is considered really cool and fun, but only amongst the immature or bigoted. While you consider your theatre etiquette to be high-class and above the unwashed masses, your attitude sounds to be pretty well below them.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#53re: The 20 Million Dollar Flop
Posted: 11/21/08 at 4:12pm

Hey Winston-Of course it is the same audience for Lion King- but Lion King is breathtaking in it's artistry and with Shrek you need oxygen just to stay awake.

Matt- The theater is a temple and respect must be paid. It is not a pig calling contest

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#54re: The 20 Million Dollar Flop
Posted: 11/21/08 at 5:19pm

Matt- The theater is a temple and respect must be paid. It is not a pig calling contest

I'll refrain from the obvious retorts. While funny, they are simply too easy. There are a variety of ways of showing respect. I think respect is paid by those who paid for their tickets and by those who behave appropriately. Your obsession with audience aesthetics only comes across as shallow and materialistic, not as if you give a damn about respect.

Art and social customs have trends and evolve. Instead of imposing your expectations on others, I think you're the one who needs to change. Dress down next time and show some respect.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

winston89 Profile Photo
#55re: The 20 Million Dollar Flop
Posted: 11/22/08 at 8:16am

evic, yet when you were talking about how one dresses for the theatre you weren't mentioning a word about the quality of the show that they were seeing. Your pretty much a rich snob who loves to look down on other people. Just watch Shrek not flop and become close to a hit. Then I would laugh.

And if you say that it isn't good therefor that's the best reason for it to become a flop then I would laugh in your face. There have been bad shows or shows that weren't so great that became hits. Case and point Wicked.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

#56re: The 20 Million Dollar Flop
Posted: 11/22/08 at 8:29am

Evic, I would suggest you quit while you're ahead.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

billynj Profile Photo
#57re: The 20 Million Dollar Flop
Posted: 11/22/08 at 9:20am

The last show to advertise so heavily on this site was YF ...so it seems like a pattern ...throw good money after bad ... but i have not seen the show ... and have no interest in seeing it...its a limited audience in m.o

#58re: The 20 Million Dollar Flop
Posted: 11/22/08 at 11:47am

The theater is a temple and respect must be paid. It is not a pig calling contest

Proof that evic is just looking for a little attention.

Were it that they truly thought theater was a "temple" and not a "pig calling contest" they would not be bashing the show, actors, writers, creative team, AND audience in an ignorant, bigoted, pretentious, and immature way (pig calling, anyone?).

This is absolutely ridiculous. While I would MUCH prefer a Broadway dominated by truly exceptional pieces of theater that really focus on the artistry (to name a few examples, Sondheim's works, The Light in the Piazza, Caroline or Change, In the Heights, Grey Gardens, etc) the fact of the matter is Broadway is COMMERCIAL THEATER. It is designed to make money, and that's why we have shows like Shrek, Hairspray, Spamalot, the Disney shows on the boards - while they don't necessarily push the limits of theater at all, they are fun entertainment.

I've seen Shrek myself, and if you honestly believed the theater to be such a sacred place, you would have been able to find something to praise in this production. There are several great songs in the score (as well as some mediocre to bad ones) and performances to be admired. You show absolutely no respect for the work being created even if it is something that you dislike, and that is simply offensive, degrading, and egocentric of you.

Your remarks about audience members are simply bigoted, given that you relish and gloat so much in the glory of your comp tickets (again, attention-seeker anyone?). I agree that today's audiences could dress up more, but your comments are plain offensive. Try to overcome your uneducated background and look at a newspaper, particularly anything on the economy. Frankly, we should be happy that people are still coming to the theater. And if a family is bringing their child to the theater for the first time (maybe it's the parents' first time as well), shouldn't we be happy that these people are being exposed to the theater in the first place, regardless of how they dress?

I suggest simply ignoring evic from now on. In their own words, they're looking for a fight about this and giving them that only gives them the attention that their life clearly lacks otherwise.

MamasDoin'Fine Profile Photo
#59re: The 20 Million Dollar Flop
Posted: 11/22/08 at 1:33pm

Thank you, actormcfamous, very well put.
