
Hey, WHITE CHRISTMAS Producers - KISS MY $&%!!!!!- Page 4

Hey, WHITE CHRISTMAS Producers - KISS MY $&%!!!!!

winston89 Profile Photo
#75re: Hey, WHITE CHRISTMAS Producers - KISS MY $&%!!!!!
Posted: 12/11/09 at 10:41pm

trombonist, I am well aware that Legally Blonde was a student rush. However, I was talking more about the rushes that had people line up early in the morning and sold the second the box office opened. It was rushes like that that caused problems for tons of people, including those who worked at the theatres.

I mean, for Blonde, they thought that it was just the younger high school girls who were causing the problem. So, as a result they made it college only. However, most of the people causing trouble were the older college kids.

And, then there is Next To Normal, which just had a general rush when the box office opened. I am not going to go into too much detail about that one due to the fact that the reasons why they switched from general rush to lotto are posted in threads that ain't that old yet.

I guess that be it student rush or general. Most of the problems come with the show selling the cheap seats when the box office opens. That leads to people camping out etc and that is when the real trouble happens.

If they want to have a general rush, then fine, that is okay. But they should do something like have the tickets be on sale 2 hours prior to showtime or something like that, that way there isn't this huge mob of people.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

FallintoLight Profile Photo
#76re: Hey, WHITE CHRISTMAS Producers - KISS MY $&%!!!!!
Posted: 12/11/09 at 11:53pm

So, does being grad school not count since it's only 2 years rather than 4 years?

winston89 Profile Photo
#77re: Hey, WHITE CHRISTMAS Producers - KISS MY $&%!!!!!
Posted: 12/12/09 at 12:14am

Fallintolight, I honestly don't know. I know people who despite the fact that they have been out of college for a couple of years, still use their college ID's due to the fact that they don't have any dates on them and they haven't changed drastically in looks between then and now.

And, I have seen rushes that were strictly for college ID's only (like South Pacific) where people used their grad school ID and not have a problem. Keep in mind, for some grad schools, it doesn't always say grad school on the ID and some of the time it would just have the college name and emblem that it is associated with on the ID.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#78re: Hey, WHITE CHRISTMAS Producers - KISS MY $&%!!!!!
Posted: 12/12/09 at 3:44am

Did you also bitch out at Xanadu? I went to get student rush and some guy once bitched out a box office worker for the exact same reasons.

Honestly, it's their judgement whether or not you apply to their student rush policy.

Legally Blonde got ridiculous, but that's only because they let it get so out of hand that they tried to fix it and failed.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.
Updated On: 12/12/09 at 03:44 AM

#79re: Hey, WHITE CHRISTMAS Producers - KISS MY $&%!!!!!
Posted: 12/12/09 at 8:50am

While I agree that the shows don't have to offer student rush, and I would be fine with a general rush or with the lottery system, I think a lot of the primary issue could be cleared up if the "4-year accredited college or university" thing (which is the producers' right to limit it as such, I'm not arguing that) was stated UP FRONT. Not when someone gets to the box office.

When the policy is first announced as "student rush" it does seem that anyone who is a student would be eligible. Then to get to the box office and be told "oh sorry, you don't go to an accredited 4-year college or university" when that policy never appeared in any of the show's materials where "a limited number of student rush tickets will be available at [insert amount]", it does seem arbitrary and suspicious. Even posting the rush policy on the doors as some theaters do for lottery policy could help. But it should be stated in the show's initial announcement of offering student rush.

If I had waited in line and/or gone to the trouble to go into Manhattan for a student rush ticket when I was a student based on an offer that did not specify what kind of student only to be told I didn't meet their qualifications for a student - and have those qualifications told to me there - I would be upset too. If it is legitimately their policy, they know it and knew it when they decided to offer student rush and should have stated it in the information they initially released about student rush.

winston89 Profile Photo
#80re: Hey, WHITE CHRISTMAS Producers - KISS MY $&%!!!!!
Posted: 12/12/09 at 10:03am

Trombonist, I do agree with you about how it is important for shows to be very clear about how they are deciding to go about doing their rush system. I remember walking around the theatre district with a friend of mine and stopped in the Longacre box office during the run of Talk Radio and was asking them about student rush. They told me that it was college only. I would have asked to speak to one of the higher ups if I had known for sure that the materials online that mentioned that they are having a student rush stated that it was for high school and college students. However, given the fact that I was not 100 per cent sure, I didn't do anything. However, at the time I was a senior in high school and my friend was a college freshman. He offered to use my money to go buy me a ticket, and that was how I was able to see the show.

And, I also feel like shows should be consistent about how they do rush. During the beginning of the run of the Little Mermaid I went to the box office in time for the Wednesday afternoon performance. Got there and asked for a rush ticket, showed them my high school ID and got the ticket without a problem. When I went back the red head woman that people talk about on here asked to see my college ID. Considering the fact that now I was in college and had one, I showed it to her. As she was printing out the ticket I asked her a question out of curiosity. And that was that awhile ago I was able to come in and buy a ticket with my high school ID and now it is College. And, I was asking when they changed the policy. Of course we both understood that it didn't really matter, due to the fact that I am in college now etc. But, she said that it was always a college ID, and that who ever sold me the student rush ticket with my high school ID wasn't doing his job correctly.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#81re: Hey, WHITE CHRISTMAS Producers - KISS MY $&%!!!!!
Posted: 12/12/09 at 11:39am

If it is legitimately their policy, they know it and knew it when they decided to offer student rush and should have stated it in the information they initially released about student rush.

Exactly. This sounds like a job for Consumerist!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#82re: Hey, WHITE CHRISTMAS Producers - KISS MY $&%!!!!!
Posted: 12/12/09 at 12:16pm

FallintoLight: Lucky, my grad school is 5 years. But I'm never carded for my student ID anyway because I look so young.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
