
Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!- Page 4

Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#76Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/16/10 at 6:04pm

Good light.

Two rooms of nice wood floors. Toss out the beds and sleep in the living room. Make one room all open, mirror wall and ballet barre. Other room a pilates studio with at least a ladder barrel and a trapeze.

Unless of course you want to wood floor the rest of the house for dance and pilates and then you can have the bedrooms back.

Minimalist with the furniture. I'd go Hawaiian. And bigtime jolly bright colors with Southeast Asian paintings on the wall.

Herb gardens do well in that clime and don't take much space.

Et voila. Simple and pleasant.

#77Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/16/10 at 11:29pm

I like it!

It does look a little stiff though. I like furniture that looks amazing to relax in.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#78Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/17/10 at 2:45am


Your name is very telling...

"If your chosen livelihood involves putting yourself on display, you are going to have people wanting to look at you at times when you don't want to be looked at, and knowing more things about you than you may want to reveal."

That's not what you implied in your earlier post.
People do not get into acting so that people will look at them. That is one of the silliest things I’ve ever heard. Anyone who gets into acting for that reason doesn’t last long. I know some actors who are extremely shy when they are not in character or on stage. So your statement doesn’t hold water with me. I’ve been in this business my entire life.

I’m sure that you also think the actors owe you something after the show is over by signing your program or chatting you up because you hang out by the stage door.

As far as the house goes, that is your average price for any home in the Los Angeles area that has any sort of property around it.

Heck the very first house I ever looked in Los Angeles had a planter for the front yard and a postage stamp sized piece of cement for the back yard and they wanted a million for it.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

tazber Profile Photo
#79Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/17/10 at 8:35am

I'm loving the people who are still posting about how they like the furniture. Yes, Matthew's furniture that HE himself chose and is in no way designed for selling the house is lovely.

And again, I agree with Phyllis. No one needs to see a guy and a girl hold hands or kiss. KEEP IT IN THE BEDROOM!

....but the world goes 'round

MotorTink Profile Photo
#80Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/17/10 at 8:56am

That's not what you told me last night in the dungeon

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures ...it rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#81Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/17/10 at 9:03am

I don't understand why the original poster is so shocked.

Compared to the houses bigger celebrities buy, it is not that expensive; he's not living in a $20+ million mansion. He's not married and makes tons of money between public appearances and his stint on Glee. With the amount of money is he probably making and has saved up, I have no doubt that he can afford this house.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

newintown Profile Photo
#82Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/17/10 at 9:07am

TheatreDiva, your name is very telling, too...

"People do not get into acting so that people will look at them." Now that's one of the silliest things I ever heard.

Actors owe me nothing. I don't go backstage, or wait by the stage door. Actually, I find autograph collectors repellent. I'm all in favor of the private life. I have no desire to meet or talk to any of the performers whose work I enjoy. Their work is enough.

But to pretend that narcissism is never a factor in an actor's choice of profession - that's funny. You may have been in this business your entire life or not, but that statement is simply not consonant with experience with actors.

I'm not sure what you think I implied in my earlier post. But my statement "If your chosen livelihood involves putting yourself on display, you are going to have people wanting to look at you at times when you don't want to be looked at, and knowing more things about you than you may want to reveal" is just plain truth, doll. Part of acting (as well as politics, professional sports, etc.) is putting yourself on display, whether the actor claims that's part of his intent or not.

I don't think your comments about the house price were directed to me (since I never mentioned that).

Piper3500 Profile Photo
#83Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/17/10 at 9:16am

"$1.19 million dollars for a 2-bedroom house? If this is after a sharp drop in LA housing prices, I hate to imagine what you would have gotten for $1.19 million before..."

it is 1.3 million min. for a smaller home in the Rosedale area of Toronto. (maybe one more bedroom though) location, location, location.

"it's a dirty little war"

tazber Profile Photo
#84Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/17/10 at 9:42am

That has always been an exception Tink. Jeez!  How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!

....but the world goes 'round

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#85Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/17/10 at 10:02am

Is it possible it is decorated that way because he is straight? They don't really have much design sense usually.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#86Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/17/10 at 2:05pm

"You may have been in this business your entire life or not, but that statement is simply not consonant with experience with actors."

I don't even know what you are trying to say here. Next time, try English.

"But to pretend that narcissism is never a factor in an actor's choice of profession - that's funny."

I'm glad you find it funny. Kind of the way I find your posts funny, yet uninformed. I didn't say narcissism was NEVER a factor in some people going into the business, I just deal with a higher level of professionals, and narcissistic people don’t make it very far in the business at all.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

newintown Profile Photo
#87Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/17/10 at 2:09pm

"...narcissistic people don’t make it very far in the business at all."

That speaks volumes.

(Is that clear enough English?)

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#88Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/17/10 at 2:45pm

Yes, but it was only three words and what do you mean by it?

But, good for you.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

newintown Profile Photo
#89Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/17/10 at 3:07pm

There's no doubt what it means.

But if you need help, I'm sure Barbara Streisand, Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney or some other non-narcissistic person in the business could talk you through it. I've little doubt they'd be happy to help someone who has been in the business their entire life, dealing with a higher level of professionals.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#90Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/17/10 at 4:54pm

And the fact that you make broad statements about people you have never met, also speaks volumes.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

newintown Profile Photo
#91Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/17/10 at 4:58pm

Yes, I'm unique that way. No one else has ever hinted that Babs or Oprah are narcissistic. That's my self-granted privilege.

newintown Profile Photo
#92Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/17/10 at 5:01pm

Oh, wait - everyone says that Babs, Oprah, and George are narcissistic. Dang.

I was feeling all sparkly there for a brief moment...

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#93Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/17/10 at 6:58pm

You must get all of your news from the rags at the check out stand like every other mouth breather in the mid-west.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

sabrelady Profile Photo
#94Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/18/10 at 5:30am

SOOO if Mistah Morrison is straight-ish, where is his arm candy/beard? I mean, a heterotype guy in musical theatre should be drilling for gold/oil at a rate that would make Wilt Chamberlain stop for breath. ( WHOOO another gusher/ nugget!)

And if ya got It- Flaunt It!

danmag Profile Photo
#95Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/18/10 at 8:56am

This thread is almost as entertaining as the Alice Ripley protest thread.

"This show had the WORST magnets on Broadway!"

newintown Profile Photo
#96Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/18/10 at 9:14am

Diva, what could you possibly have against mouth breathers from the Midwest? They're terribly good in bed, you should give it a try.

But I'm more of an guttural type from the Northwest, if you must know. And I get my "news" from the same sources as everyone else. There's this new thing called the "information age," have you read or heard about that?

Anyway, I'm sad that you were at a loss last night at 6:58PM to come up with anything to do but devise a stunning rejoinder for our conversation. Perhaps you're in a more western (mid- or otherwise) time zone. But I wish you more entertaining activities this evening and for the weekend. (I was at dinner before a show with friends - the show was very good, by the way.)

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#97Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/18/10 at 9:14am

I agree, although I have trouble reading the drunk lady's post before yours.

newintown Profile Photo
#98Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/18/10 at 9:48am

Phyllis, is danmag really a drunk? I LOVE drunks.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#99Jeez! How much is Matthew Morrison making on GLEE?!
Posted: 6/18/10 at 9:51am

Oh, we posted at the same time, you and I. I was referring to the post before danmag's. But I think danmag is pretty much always drunk, too.
