
PJ Reviews "See What I Wanna See"- Page 4

PJ Reviews "See What I Wanna See"

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#75re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/14/05 at 10:45pm

LaChiusa shows always seem to be love them or hate them. There is rarely ever a middle ground.

angelic1 Profile Photo
#76re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/14/05 at 11:11pm

Just saw it tonight. Loved it. But my friend hated it. So I guess you're right.

"Nothing's lost forever. In this world, there is a kind of painful progress. Longing for what we've left behind, and dreaming ahead." -Tony Kushner's Angels in America

Marlene Profile Photo
#77re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/15/05 at 7:46pm

I don't know if we can assume the Wicked precedent, but if anyone was wondering, Idina did not come out after the show for this Saturday afternoon's matinee. (Oct. 15) There was again around 20-30-ish people waiting in the lobby for her.

I sort of half-regret seeing the show. I do feel that if I were older/wiser/*whatever adjective you want to add*, I could have appreciated the show a lot more. The graphic nature of the show is certainly a factor, and I sincerely hope that Idina's younger fans stay away from it; unless pray tell you have an individual who is very, very...scratch that, extremely mature.

As a 16-year-old avid Idina fan, I do have to say that I walked out of the Public loving the other actors, though I must admit I was truly lured to the show by Ms. Menzel. I was definitely giving mental golf claps to the all risks taken. While I was watching the play, I really picked it apart; trying to analyze technique and the choices made, with the limited knowledge I have...which I feel totally kept me in to it during a certain part of the first act, where I realized that a lot of people when zoning out. (To an extent I did get distracted for several seconds at a time, when I realized so many people with in direct view were zoning out or slightly bored with themselves. But when Aaron Lohr was sharing the spotlight with a guy seated in the first row who is clearly not interested, it's rather frustrating.)

I do have to add that the graphic material in the show is really not that terrible. It is really no worse than what is on TV. But given, the circumstances, the fact that it was live, and the power of the performance, the lyrics, the score, etc.--it amounted more to me than something on TV.

I'll be the first one to say that I straddle the line between love and dislike. I certainly enjoyed what I got out of it, the complexities of it all, but I personally feel that some of the content deterred me away from fully appreciating the work of both the cast and LaChiusa. But only time, experience, life, can really fill that void. Though I think I’ll still fill my head with images of Ms. Menzel defying gravity over simulated sex...but maybe that's another personal thing.

Henry Stram and Mary Testa were remarkable in Act Two. Idina Menzel portraying the wife when they were retelling the story through the point of view of the husband was something that really stood out for me in Act One, along with her doing See What I Wanna See, which I adored and was familiar with through Audra's CD. So I am thrilled for having an experience with a live and kicking LaChiusa piece, and such a small intimate setting that was not a one man show or performance art. It's good to take a bite out of something new.

There were still a few empty seats in the house...but they were mainly at the extreme sides.

[edited] Aaron Lohr, Henry Stram. Updated On: 10/15/05 at 07:46 PM

#78re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/15/05 at 8:44pm

Aaron Lohr...

"Though I think I’ll still fill my head with images of Ms. Menzel defying gravity over simulated sex...but maybe that's another personal thing."

That's a tough one for me...yeah...right re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#79re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/15/05 at 9:02pm

so who gets nude in this show?

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#80re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/15/05 at 9:21pm

No one.

#81re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/15/05 at 9:43pm

so, are they going to be making a CD for this? i wont have a chance to get to NYC before it ends, and i would love to hear the songs, and everything in it...

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#82re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/15/05 at 9:44pm

Yes, apparently there will be a cast recording.

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#83re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/15/05 at 9:53pm

The cast goes into the recording studio on October 31.

Marlene Profile Photo
#84re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/15/05 at 9:56pm

BSoBW2, it's good to know that you enjoy watching Idina defying gravity over the "choreography" in SWIWS.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#85re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/15/05 at 10:00pm

I actually was lead to believe BSO was leaning towards the dirty images of Idina...

#86re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/15/05 at 10:01pm

I agree with Bwaygirl re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'

I mean, obvioulsy "rape" choreography isn't hot...and I in no way endorse Rape...but...nevermind, this is a bad situation I got myself in.

Marlene Profile Photo
#87re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/15/05 at 10:01pm

I can't be sarcastic?

#88re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/15/05 at 10:02pm

I figured you were....

Marlene Profile Photo
#89re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/15/05 at 10:04pm

Well you can pick the scene where Kesa is enjoying herself, if that suits your fancy. That way we can write you off as guy with hots for Idina, instead of guy with problems.

#90re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/15/05 at 10:07pm

"Well you can pick the scene where Kesa is enjoying herself"


Yea, don't bother me for AT LEAST....15 mins.

Just kidding.

Marlene Profile Photo
#91re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/15/05 at 10:26pm

It's okay, you still rock my world. Well broadway world only. Someone should attack me for going off topic. No one is carrying a stiletto around, right?
Updated On: 10/15/05 at 10:26 PM

#92re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/16/05 at 10:08pm

stephygirl, PJ, and yankeefan007,
what show are all of your profile pics from?

#93re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/16/05 at 10:21pm

Their pix are from SWIWS (as is mine)...


#94re: PJ Reviews 'See What I Wanna See'
Posted: 10/17/05 at 4:45pm

thank you so much. and i figured your picture was from SWIWS as well.
