Filming Woman in White

jem2 Profile Photo
#75re: Filming Woman in White
Posted: 2/9/06 at 5:54am

Regarding who could have been filming WIW that Mamie mentioned.

How about the different video clips available on different sites? There are videos of Woman in White on this site,, and American Express Presents Broadway.

That could explain the cameramen set up in the theatre the night of 11/15?

Not that I wouldn't LOVE to see a full length film of the show in it's entirety.

chernjam Profile Photo
#76re: Filming Woman in White
Posted: 2/9/06 at 6:32am

I think the taping that took place recently I read was for the Lincoln Center Archives. Don't know that for certain, but on another board, someone mentioned that's who it was for, because they had "papered" or "comped" a lot of the audience that night (which was one reason, supposedly, the grosses fell as dramatically last week as they did).

As for emailing RUG - they might not be the sole producer or the lead producer, but considering who they represent (ALW) who owns the copyright to the material, they could easily contract the cast for an additional performance.

That's what happened with Sondheim's Passion - they filmed it the day after it closed - it was shown on PBS and then was released on Video and DVD. It would be great to do this for the fans and for the theatre art form itself...


#77re: Filming Woman in White
Posted: 2/9/06 at 7:57am

Jim the Lincoln Center taping did happen last Sunday (I have a friend who was there).

I too would love to see the show filmed, but it would be a shame for that to happen and not include Michael Ball's performance (he missed the archival taping).

I'm still just sick over the closing announcement. I have tickets for the last show on Feb 19th and I'll probably be bawling my eyes out lol!

"Take Care! When I am thwarted I am very terrible!"

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#78re: Filming Woman in White
Posted: 2/9/06 at 8:09am

That is so sad that Michael isn't in the know what makes me sad is the fact that they don't actually have the diffrent costumes for the Fosco understudy...ex. The marroon smoking jacket

chernjam Profile Photo
#79re: Filming Woman in White
Posted: 2/9/06 at 3:16pm

Today's update -

Still not hearing back from Really Useful, I decided to send a second email. I know that someone suggested this was not a good idea because it might tick off the webmaster. Sorry, I don't understand that logic. They don't want to hear from their fans? I'm not telling people to be rude or angry. I'm saying, let them hear those fans who are interested and appreciate this work.

Here's what I sent today:
To Whom It May Concern:

I had sent an email last Sunday, and never got a response, so, just to make sure that it actually went through, I'm writing again with a request.

I realize you've received a number of emails asking the same, but I respectfully ask that you pass along to those in charge of Really Useful Group that they would consider filming The Woman in White prior to it's closing a week from Sunday.

After seeing it for my second time this past Tuesday, I am saddened to think that this Broadway cast, headed with the dramatic and vocal powerhouse of Maria Friedman will not be preserved in a suitable way and even more saddened that their work, as well as the work of Lord Lloyd-Webber have not received the attention or acclaim they all deserve.

At least if it is filmed, (like Stephen Sondheim's Passion was right after it's closing -- airing on PBS and then released on video), theatregoers, critics and all can continue to appreciate this ground-breaking work. In fact, I realized how much I have grown to love this work since the first time I heard the score. It's intricacies and sophistication need time to be fully appreciated.

I only write because it would be a shame a month from now if the producers or powers-that be decided then it would have been a good idea to do and then be unable to draw this cast back together.

I appreciate your consideration.

Sincerely, a dedicated Andrew Lloyd Webber fan,

chernjam Profile Photo
#80re: Filming Woman in White
Posted: 2/10/06 at 11:07pm

...and here's the response I finally got, which seems to me is implying they don't believe all of the other emails are legitimate:

Dear Jim

We have received a few absolutely identical mails concerning this, which seems very strange!

There are no plans to film The Woman in White at present.

Best regards


BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#81re: Filming Woman in White
Posted: 2/11/06 at 1:28am

I qoute Isn't She Great :

"There Cocksuckers!" ~ Jackie Susanne

chernjam Profile Photo
#82re: Filming Woman in White
Posted: 2/11/06 at 1:40pm

Well - I do admit, I was surprised by the tone/implication. I would think that more than a "few" of the over 3,000 people who have viewed this thread, as well as the posts on other forums and such have droppped them an email. Just looking at the ip address of where they came from, they probably could figure out that it was more than just one (or a few) people sending mutliple emails.

But then again, Really Useful has never been known for being "fan-friendly". That doesn't change my opinion of ALW - I still love his work, but you'd think they'd have better PR people working for them. Especially if as a fan you have to worry you might be bothering the "poor-overworked" webmaster with an email...

#83re: Filming Woman in White
Posted: 2/11/06 at 1:54pm

Very sad about woman in white both shows closing, I would like to see it filmed but with only Michael as Count Fosco and I doubt if he would do it. Shame.

MAKE SOMEONE LAUGH!!!!!*******************
