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re: Michael Ball as Edna PICTURE!!!!
 Aug 22 2007, 01:05:35 PM

I know Michael has said he wanted to play Edna as a woman, not just a man in drag. I think this look has really achieved this! Quite foxy,

Excellent job on wig, makeup, and costume. Kudos to the artists doing him up so well. He looks likes he's having a great time on this photoshoot. lol.

I LOVE this I guess I will have to check those frequent flyer miles and see if I can see it on the West End. Seeing Michael in any role is NEVER a disappointment and this looks like one that he will give it all he's got, and then some!

Go Edna! Go Edna!!

re: who here thinks...
 Feb 12 2006, 09:08:13 PM
Andrew, an excellent question.

I admire those who are able to keep up a grueling work schedule like that, they have loads of heart and dedication. I know I couldn't cut it for very long although I am not a performer. When I am watching performances I tend to think of what it must be like. At the outset it looks like "wow, wouldn't it be cool/fun/awesome to play this part?" but when you think about doing it eight times a week for months on's a killer.

re: Filming Woman in White
 Feb 9 2006, 05:54:15 AM
Regarding who could have been filming WIW that Mamie mentioned.

How about the different video clips available on different sites? There are videos of Woman in White on this site,, and American Express Presents Broadway.

That could explain the cameramen set up in the theatre the night of 11/15?

Not that I wouldn't LOVE to see a full length film of the show in it's entirety.

re: WIW - disbelief & ticked off
 Feb 5 2006, 01:36:46 PM
Actually I am one of those who really likes this score. The production was not all it could be (one thing that "pops" (pun intended!) to mind is the ending with the gravestone) and the libretto was a bit dodgy sometimes with some of the rhymes. But I think overall the score is stirring and very good, one of ALW's best, and I do listen to the OCR quite a bit.

The saving grace for this show was the excellent cast. They almost, but not quite, were able to make up for the shortfalls else

re: Souvenir Program for Woman in White
 Feb 4 2006, 01:04:36 AM
Afraid not. More of the dynamic marketing this show received. (that was sarcasm friends...)

The program for sale would be of the London production or you may have seen the book with vocal selections which also has a number of photos inside.

re: Michael Ball out of WIW indefinitely?
 Feb 3 2006, 09:24:35 PM
Hi Jo,

I guess it would be a lot to hope for that Michael rally and be in the show for the last week? If his health permits, of course. I know he is on full vocal rest right now.

I agree that I wish him a full recovery and best wishes in his future plans. Now Alone Together on Broadway...that's the ticket! And Jonathan Butterell will already be in town...

I'm only half joking there.

Very sad indeed about WIW closing s

re: The Woman in White to Play Final Broadway Performance on Sunday, Februa
 Feb 3 2006, 08:04:26 PM
I feel totally dejected...

I, despite having a preconceived notion that I wouldn't like the show much, LOVED it. I saw it twice the middle of January during the brief window that Michael Ball was well enough to perform and Maria was in. Magic times...they were both magnificent.

What an absolutely fabulous cast and ensemble. Some of the nicest, most talented, bighearted, and hardworking people making the best of every performance against the odds sometimes. They are surely

re: Hotel Suggestions for Theater District
 Jan 27 2006, 07:20:50 AM
I suggest the Milford Plaza also. I just stayed there last week and it could not have been more convenient. It was clean and comfortable. Our room was a little small but fine. It was slightly shabby but clean. I did see some of my friend's room s and they had been refurbished. Good rates can be found, shop around. The Milford Plaza site offers good rates but you can sometimes do better on Expedia or

I would stay there again in a heartbeat.

 Jan 25 2006, 07:10:55 AM
"I love Easy Terms, beautiful song and Tell Me It's Not True is gorgeous too. I have the soundtrack with Stephanie Lawrence and it's great.

You have the WHAT?"

My apologies...lazy choice of words there. I have the cast recording with Stephanie Lawrence. (hangs head in shame)

re: Did anyone see the CBS Evening News tonight?
 Jan 24 2006, 11:07:56 PM
watch the clip titled " An Odd Couple on the Stage" and it is a feature interview with Michael Ball of Woman in White with his co-star Beatrice the rat! It's funny.

Clips are on right side of page.

 Jan 24 2006, 09:43:48 PM
I saw it in London a couple years ago. What a totally implausible and far out story but I was sucked in emotionally by it.
I laughed my head off and I cried like a baby...

I love Easy Terms, beautiful song and Tell Me It's Not True is gorgeous too. I have the soundtrack with Stephanie Lawrence and it's great.

Next time in London I am going back to see it. If it's still there and it looks like there is a good chance it will be!

re: Woman in White CD
 Jan 23 2006, 06:29:49 PM
Well, I have to say I am now wanting a OBC of Woman in White since I have seen it. I'm sure a lot of my desire stems from that I like to hear the cast I actually saw for sentimental reasons. Also, some of the songs were dropped when it came to Broadway. I listened to parts of the OLC and while it's good, I personally prefer Brazier & Ball to Crewes & Crawford (although they are all really good). LOL, sound like SOME teams, don't they?

And honestly, I was croaking Evermore Without Y

re: WIW on B'way to have similar fate?
 Jan 21 2006, 11:31:14 PM
that's a good idea there, nomdeplume. It would give the first act a bit of a jump does start out a bit slowly. Once it gains momentum it's fine.

Also agree with you about Michael Ball, whose performance is very Tony worthy...

re: WIW on B'way to have similar fate?
 Jan 21 2006, 08:02:30 PM
Well, add me to the WIW lover's list.

Saw the show this past Tuesday and then bought tickets to see it again on Thursday.

Great cast, I got to see everyone...Maria Friedman and Michael Ball were both present as were all the cast. I feel lucky to have caught Michael Ball on his first night back. He really "brought it" and his vocalization was superb as was his portrayal. Maria Friedman is a powerhouse of a performer and her "All For La

re: Favorite Love Song from a Broadway Show
 Jan 5 2006, 01:20:12 PM
some personal favs that tug at my heartstrings...

Half a Moment from By Jeeves
Unexpected Song from Song and Dance
Losing My Mind from Follies
Loving You from Passion
I Believe My Heart from Woman in White

re: Woman In White 77% attendance Christmas week
 Jan 4 2006, 01:42:35 PM
"Shouldn't we hope they ALL do well? If not for personal preferences but the good of the art form and theatre in general?"

Chernjam, you are TOO RIGHT.

I don't know why anyone would revel in any show not doing well but some people have seemed to make it their mission in life to be a doomsayer for some shows. Whatever...

Interesting list of shows you posted too, a bit surprising, but good news regarding the particular show someone likes to keep slagging off. <

re: Your favorite Christmas cds
 Nov 30 2005, 06:09:26 AM
My fav cds I can't start the holidays without...

Michael Ball Christmas
Rockapella Christmas
A Charlie Brown Christmas with Vince Guaraldi Trio

Sorry, I guess only the first one would be Broadway related. But it's excellent...five out of five stars for me. A well crafted album with an interesting mix of songs. And Ball's voice...mmmm.

Rockapella Christmas...oh it's just great fun. If you haven't listened to any Rockapella listen to a sample somewhere. It

re: An Interview with Michael Ball
 Nov 15 2005, 09:52:20 PM
Rob, congratulation on an extremely interesting and informative interview. I really enjoyed reading that and a few people in my office read it too and thought it was really well done.

You must have a wonderful repoire with Michael Ball to get such a great interview. Thanks!

 Nov 14 2005, 11:28:19 PM
ooo, a love thread...
Can you feel the love tonight???

Well, I wish Michael absolutely all the best. Thrilled to have him back on Broadway. He's one of my favourite performers of all time and has a beautiful voice and marvellous personality. No need to mention he's gorgeous, is there??

Break a leg, Michael! I love your ~deliciously dastardly~ Count Fosco!

re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
 Nov 13 2005, 08:26:27 AM
Well said mysterychix, and others, but don't beat yourself about the head trying to make your point to Fosse76. He can't even spell "surgery".

Without using the "b" word or "c" word he finds so disagreeable when describing Miss Friedman I would like to say I think she has loads of MOXIE and I admire her greatly. It's not every actor who would have surgery and then allow themselves to be cinched into a corset for hours every day and sing th

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