
Planning a BWAY (NYC) trip ??? DON'T do these things!- Page 4

Planning a BWAY (NYC) trip ??? DON'T do these things!

Weez Profile Photo
#75re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/2/08 at 7:54pm

Oh god, here's something older people do that drives me up the wall. If there's a line that makes them laugh, then they chuckle, and then repeat the line in question while shaking their head in a chucklesome manner. I heard it when the actor said it, it didn't get any funnier for you repeating it, and I missed the next TWO lines from the actors because of you! GRRR, Chuckles! GRRR!

gilliane Profile Photo
#76re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/2/08 at 9:20pm

I had the running commentary thing happen when I saw August. There were two elderly gentlemen behind me and I guess one of them was hard of hearing because the other explained everything that was going on to him throughout the entire show.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#77re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/3/08 at 2:36pm

Harold and Kumar made it look so good...

Well, yeah, because one of them wasn't even a White Castle burger! It was veggie because Kal Penn is a vegetarian! re: Planning a Bway trip?  DON'T do these things!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

thetinymagic2 Profile Photo
#78re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/3/08 at 10:31pm

DON'T Stomp your foot or clap "off rythmn" if you HAVE NO RYTHMN!

#79re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/3/08 at 10:59pm

Speaking of running commentary...

Last summer at Wicked, my dad and I were in front of a party of four (2 couples). They were probably in their 40s, and judging by their conversation it was some sort of business outing (trying to woo your clients at Wicked?).

EVERY TIME an actor said a made up word, the man trying to woo the client would laugh and repeat it. Every. Single. Time.

How 'bout you don't do that.

SNAFU Profile Photo
#80re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/3/08 at 11:46pm

Don't do as my Mom did her first time visiting me in NYC. Keep in mind homeless or drunk people urinating in public are NOT things to point out and photograph to show the girls back home. Specially if you are only 10 feet away from them!

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

#81re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/4/08 at 12:58am

Don't sit at Jersey Boys and sing every last song out loud in a voice that would peel paint!!

If you do, I hope someone kicks YOUR chair!

#82re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/4/08 at 1:02am

Don't assume that both arm rests are yours in the theatre seat. If you are small and the person next to you is larger, lean on the other arm rest.

If putting your arm around your loved one during the performance only to find another person's arm already around their loved one, do not rub your hand against their hand.

If you choose to stage door with your kiddies (less than 12 years old), don't let them continuously push in front of other people that are stage dooring. They may be cute to you but are INCREDIBLY annoying to those who have been waiting just as long as they have. Back off girl scouts or your ass will be flat against the theatre exterior walls.

Do NOT scream to your children "Oh honey, you're standing next to a movie star" when they meet actors at the stage door. FYI - they're currently working on a stage not a screen.

Do NOT text your friends, relatives, acquaintances, or ANYONE during a performance. Additionally, constantly checking to see if anyone has chosen to say that you are their BFF during the show is ridiculous or that Miley Cyrus' new song is your favorite new song. Imagine a world without your cell phone - yes it can be done - and SHOULD be done for the 2 and a half hours you spent $125 to see "In The Heights" for.

DO get free refills at the major chain restaurants. If you are tired and thirsty and wanting only a drink, don't waste your time at Sally's Sandwich shop paying $2.50 for a 16oz. bottle of soda. Go to the nearest chain restaurant and order a refillable 20 oz. glass for $2.50. You don't have to eat there (OG - yuck) but you can certainly get more for your thirst.

#83re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/4/08 at 6:12am

.......MAKE sure you tip the cabbie, unless you want to be thrown out of his cab like we were! =O
Thanks again, thetinymagic, for all the other advice, as I'm very soon going to be in the streets of NYC on my own!

thetinymagic2 Profile Photo
#84re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/4/08 at 12:44pm

oh, you're wlecome, BwayBabe! Enjoy! (your PM doesn't work)

thetinymagic2 Profile Photo
#85re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/4/08 at 11:50pm

bump for this weekend's tourists. Behaving?, NY style?

AKDPerformer Profile Photo
#86re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/8/08 at 10:51pm

I've been absent from BWW for a bit and this was one of the first threads I came across. I am currently laughing my ass off. I have nothing to add because what everyone has said so far is so brilliant and so true about NYC/TS etc. FABULOUS! :)

"We need people not to come to Broadway shows wearing shorts and flip-flops. We are working hard up here folks. Find a pair of socks."-Joanna Gleason "I hear L. Ron Hubbard is gonna blow the ladies...and all that jazz! C'mon babe! We're gonna unicorn hug, I bought some NyQuil down....at Wal-Mart?!"-Bebe Neuwirth singing ATJ to Musical Mad Libs at DQYNJ :)

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#87re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/8/08 at 10:56pm

*From the moment you arrive in New York City, switch your cell phones to VIBRATE. Do not switch them back to ringing mode until you leave the city.

If you have the ringer turned on, you will:

a) never hear it as you are walking down the noisy streets

b) annoy the strangers surrounding you in restaurants, stores, museums, theatres, ANYWHERE THAT IS NOT YOUR HOME.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)
Updated On: 7/8/08 at 10:56 PM

thetinymagic2 Profile Photo
#88re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/8/08 at 11:04pm

In Sephora Times Square, for G-d's sakes, don't use the "tester" lipsticks on you LIPS (they're for your wrists, darlings..) Can you imagine 525,600 women using the same lipstick? Eeewww.
It's downright disgusting and unhygenic, as well as mascara-ing your lashes, and dipping your dirty hands in all the eye shadows and foundations.. Again, Eeeww. They have tissues, and disposable brushes for testing! (Yes, NY neurotic)

BroadwayEnthusiast2 Profile Photo
#89re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/8/08 at 11:23pm

Don't eat at The Hard Rock Cafe or any of those other huge restaurants around Times Square. The food is terrible and way over-priced.

Don't stay only in Times Square. Explore.

Don't be afraid to ask New Yorkers for directions or advice.

"I mean, sitting side by side with another man watching Patti LuPone play Rose in GYPSY on Broadway is essentially the equivalent of having hardcore sex." -Wanna Be A Foster. "Say 'Goody.' Say 'Bubbi.'" ... "That's it. Exactly as if it were 'Goody.' Now I know you're gonna sing 'Goody' this time, but nevertheless..."
