
Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...- Page 4

Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...

#75Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/3/08 at 3:30am

I saw the show during the matinee, and then was told by security to wait until after the show ended to see Bailey (we had given her a present)

I thought Baileys voice and dancing skills were phenomenal, however the acting could use some work..some of it just felt so fake to me it was weird to listen to!

during the matinee orpheh, nicolette, ven, etc. came out...in the night kate, ven, nicolette, bailey, autumn, and a few others came out but i had to catch a train so i couldnt see anyone else (luckily bailey came out early and security rushed her to us because we had to go)

overall i think shes perfect for the role, just needs to work on her acting a bit more..i think shes trying too hard to hide her accent (which came out in a few lines)


#76Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/3/08 at 11:15am

guys, it's O-R-F-E-H.

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#77Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/3/08 at 11:43am

i noticed on both the curtain call pictures (broadway.com) and the dress rehearsal pictures (jamd) there is absolutely no shots of lucia as enid. Yet both sets took care to show ven as kyle. Come to think of it on b'way.com's coverage of laura bell's last they didn't mention natalie leaving either.

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

#78Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/3/08 at 4:38pm

i know i realized i spelt it wrong after i posted...but hey it was 3 am and id been up for over 24 hours haha


#79Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/3/08 at 6:12pm

wow. ejgirls89, how many times did u see LB? both the matinee AND the evening performance? Did bailey & orpheh come out for both? did richard blake & christian come out at all?

#80Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/3/08 at 6:55pm

I just got home from the matinee performance. I had seen the show last year with Laura Bell, so I knew Bailey had big shoes to fill. I wasn't expecting much out of her, but I honestly thought she did an amaaaaazing job. I thoroughly enjoyed her performance! She's a such a good dancer, her voice has improved a lot and I thought her acting was great, as well. I was in no way disappointed by her, and I think she's definitely the perfect girl to be playing Elle right now. My friend who had never once watched the MTV show and had no idea who she was, was also very impressed by her. And I thought she had great chemistry with both Richard and Christian. Right before "Find My Way" when she goes to Emmet to hug him, she just ran, jumped and flew into his arms, haha. I thought it was so cute. And she NAILED that last note in "So Much Better"!!

Everyone else was great, too! Orfeh was her usual amazing self, and I got to tell her that after the show. Autumn was okay, Richard was awesome and I'm so sad he didn't come out at the stage door because I wanted to meet him so bad. Same goes for Christian and Bailey, but I guess they never do come out after matinees (even when all the teenage girls were gathered by the door, chanting her name lol).

Oh, and Ven definitely got big laughs today. I know some people here said the audience didn't seem to like him, well this audience certainly did.

Overall, I had a greeeeat time! =)
Updated On: 8/3/08 at 06:55 PM

#81Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/3/08 at 7:50pm

glad you had a great time Bailey as Elle: One Week Later... Are you a NY resident?

#82Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/3/08 at 7:50pm

glad you had a great time Bailey as Elle: One Week Later... Are you a NY resident?

#82Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/3/08 at 7:50pm

sorry for the double message! something w/ the computer.. Updated On: 8/3/08 at 07:50 PM

ruprecht Profile Photo
#84Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/3/08 at 8:24pm

One more time for those who don't actually read entire threads since it was *just* pointed out, it's O.R.F.E.H.
I don't even get the mistake especially if you have the playbill, just sayin'.

#85Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/3/08 at 8:25pm

Me? I'm from NJ.

"One more time for those who don't actually read entire threads since it was *just* pointed out, it's O.R.F.E.H."

I know it's O.R.F.E.H., that was a typo. Updated On: 8/3/08 at 08:25 PM

FosterChild Profile Photo
#86Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/3/08 at 8:30pm

that's better Updated On: 8/3/08 at 08:30 PM

#87Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/3/08 at 9:05pm

i saw the matinee, i was going to go to the evening but i didnt have tickets but richie (the security guard..he had a nametag hahah) told us to stay after bc we had given bailey a present and he wanted to have us meet her!


#88Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/3/08 at 9:08pm

they didnt come out, but they somehow were outside because i was walking by the theater around 7ish (figuring out whether i should get tix to the evening performance) and we saw them both go back in..so is there another door?


#89Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/3/08 at 9:37pm

Bailey didn't come out for the matinee but she came out for the evening right? I think there might be another door that actors can use to get out of the theater Bailey as Elle: One Week Later... That' was so nice of you to get Bailey a present Bailey as Elle: One Week Later... What did you get her?

#90Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/3/08 at 11:22pm

They use the same door that we use to get into the theatre...LOL.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!

winter_sky Profile Photo
#91Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/4/08 at 12:01am

There are other doors too.

#92Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/4/08 at 2:34am

who are the actors who [usually] comes out to sign autographs? actors who don't?

winter_sky Profile Photo
#93Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/4/08 at 1:10pm

It's pretty random. Usually a good amount of the ensemble will come out. I'm pretty sure Kevin Pariseau is always there. Out of the leads, I think Nicolette and Kate are the ones who come out most often.

#94Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/4/08 at 6:18pm

ooo I see. How do you know if Bailey or Autumn is going to play Elle for the upcoming performances?

Byron Abens
#95Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/4/08 at 6:23pm

You assume it's going to be Bailey, unless you know somebody who can tell you if she is going to be out that night.

BroadwayBelle2 Profile Photo
#96Bailey as Elle: One Week Later...
Posted: 8/4/08 at 6:33pm

Go to http://broadwayunderstudies.com/
Updated On: 8/4/08 at 06:33 PM
