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A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?- Page 5

A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#100re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/14/09 at 7:02pm

Slightly off-topic, but were the Tony Awards broadcast in 1973? I'm wondering if and what ALNM performed.

wickedfan Profile Photo
#101re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/14/09 at 7:07pm

ALNM didn't perform. The theme was "musical theatre reaching the globe" or something. The only musical that did perform was Pippin.

"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#102re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/14/09 at 7:13pm

Awww....well in that case we can probably look forward to seeing either "A Weekend in the Country" (most likely abridged) or "Send in the Clowns" (which I do know the song has been performed at the awards before).

givesmevoice Profile Photo
#103re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/14/09 at 10:31pm

However, Laura Benanti is someone who looks OLDER than she really is.
So if Desiree needs to be 35, Laura could pass for 35 IMO. I wouldn't want her to play the role, but she could pass for that age.

I was pleasantly surprised at how well she played Louise, since I definitely agree that she looks and plays older than she is. I actually would prefer her as Charlotte to Desiree, I think. I'm not sure why, though.

When I see the phrase "the ____ estate", I imagine a vast mansion in the country full of monocled men and high-collared women receiving letters about productions across the country and doing spit-takes at whatever they contain. -Kad

#104re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 9:00am

You've officially sold me on Jenny Powers. She has the perfect look and voice for Charlotte. I may just rewatch that clip.

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#105re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 9:08am

I think Laura would actually be better as Charlotte too.

#106re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 9:22am

I think Laura has a little too much of an leading lady look to play Charlotte. Not saying that Charlotte should be played by a hag, I just mean an actress whose look has a harder edge. I'm thinking Powers would be great.

#107re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 12:32pm

Heard some news...

I've heard most of the cast from Roundabout's concert have auditioned for Nunn and many are being offered the roles.

Laura is one whom, I hear, has or will receive an offer. Whether or not, she takes it, we'll see.

And it's not a done deal, but I hear Desiree will be from across the pond.... Shame that.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#108re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 12:34pm

Laura as who??? Anne? Charlotte?

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#109re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 12:45pm

Well, I hope she doesn't do Anne, which she has done before.
I DO think that she looks too old (this is one case, that I am NOT upset about the "young" look that Nunn wants for the show). I also perfer Anne to be a petite woman too. Laura is thin, but isn't she about 5'7" or 5'8" or so? Too tall for my liking as Anne.
I'm also glad to see that her husband will not be Henrik.

Also, as always is the case, I'm sure that the men will do much better than the women will as far as age is concearned.
Without knowing the exact ages of the characters, I would say that Victor Garber and Marc Kudisch will easily fit the roles and be cast.
Updated On: 6/15/09 at 12:45 PM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#110re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 12:56pm

I too think Laura is too old for Anne, especially for this production. Charlotte is a much better role for her. She's already played Anne before. Plus the original Charlotte won the Tony. She's much better off with Charlotte.

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#111re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 1:18pm

It doesn't make sense that anyone from the Roundabout concert would receive an offer because every single one of them are "too old" for this production.

I know for a fact that Nunn has been very strict about adhering to the guidelines laid out in the casting notice in regards to age. He won't even see anyone who doesn't fit the roles as they're now being cast (people with significant Broadway credits have been turned away from auditioning.)

And if they're bringing over Hannah Wadddingham as Desiree, that only further solidifies why they would stick to the ages they've pre-determined from the London production. She, at 34, would look ridiculous if playing opposite a much older cast. Her "working" relies heavily on Nunn's concept.

We know they've already cast a 22 year old as Henrik. That should be a pretty good indicator as to the direction they're headed.

Besides, most of the people from that concert aren't even available. Victor Garber is doing PRESENT LAUGHTER, Alexandra Socha is doing BRIGHTON BEACH MEMOIRS, Steven Pasquale will be shooting his television series, etc.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 6/15/09 at 01:18 PM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#112re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 1:21pm

^ I completely agree with everything you wrote. Those were my thoughts as well. I doubt a near 60 year old Christine Baranski will get anywhere near this production. I believe London's Count and Countess are late 20's/early 30's, and I imagine we will get the same. Kudisch is too old.
Updated On: 6/15/09 at 01:21 PM

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#113re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 2:09pm

Ugh, Hannah? No thanks. How annoying is this. Not only do get a revival of NIGHT MUSIC where actresses who are the right age for the role are deemed "too old" but we get a NY revival of this fabulous show, and they don't cast a Broadway name? Pretty ridiculous. The only people from across the pond that I'd be remotely interested in seeing in the part are the likes of Ruthie Henshall, Kim Cattrall (too old for the part in this production, of course), Rachel Griffiths (in a TV show), or Ute Lemper. Not Hannah Waddingham. How uninteresting.
I doubt Laura is being considered for Anne. If she's even being discussed for this production, Charlotte is the part that would suit her the best. I think she'd be pretty good in the part.

Not saying that Charlotte should be played by a hag, I just mean an actress whose look has a harder edge. I'm thinking Powers would be great.

I think I get what you are saying but I think Powers is insanely beautiful, though I do think she has more of an edge than Benanti, perhaps because of the roles she's more renowned for playing.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

ljay889 Profile Photo
#114re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 2:13pm

I don't know how much truth there is to the Hannah rumor. I would prefer a Broadway name. But the audio I have heard of Hannah is pretty fabulous. She gives a beautiful rendition of "Send In The Clowns."
Updated On: 6/15/09 at 02:13 PM

Scripps2 Profile Photo
#115re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 2:58pm

I do think this production will disappoint those who are wanting a lavish revival that "waltz, waltz, waltzes". Nunn has directed it like the late nineteenth century plays he has staged at the National, particularly in Act I.

I would guess that the simultaneous Kristin Scott Thomas/Lambert Wilson/Leslie Caron production in Paris will waltz. How long can I postpone booking in the hope that the £:E exchange rate dips!

ljay889 Profile Photo
#116re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 4:21pm

This will bug me until it's announced. Laura as Anne or Charlotte? She'd be a fool to pass up Charlotte. That's a Tony winning role. Anyway, I hope she is in the production.

jewishboy Profile Photo
#117re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 4:37pm

You know, I would actually love to see Laura Benanti as Desiree. If they are casting the role in her age group, then why not? I don't care if a Broadway "name" plays the part one bit, it's not like Glynis Johns was a famous Broadway actress, right? As long as she's good, that is enough for me. But, what I wouldn't give to see Emma Thompson in this role...

This is really out of the box, but how about Kristin Chenoweth for Desiree? She would bring a sophisticated blend of comedy and drama judging by her turns as Eve in The Apple Tree and Daisy in Encores!'s On A Clear Day You Can See Forever.
Updated On: 6/15/09 at 04:37 PM

wickedfan Profile Photo
#118re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 4:46pm

Yes, but Glynis Johns was a film star. Hannah coming over with the production wouldn't be terrible, as she was a highlight. But it's not like she was so outstanding that she needs to come over. It would be nicer if Nunn picked someone here, though. If only because there are so many wonderful candidates.

"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.
Updated On: 6/15/09 at 04:46 PM

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#119re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 4:52pm

While I don't know how I see her voice wrapping around "Send in the Clowns," Alice Ripley would be a fascinating Desiree (though she would have been an ideal Petra years ago.)

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 6/15/09 at 04:52 PM

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#120re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 5:00pm

ljay, it has to be Charlotte. If the age thing has to go into effect for this production to work, then she is too old for Anne.

desiree armfeldt Profile Photo
desiree armfeldt
#121re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 6:10pm

I have a feeling Benanti was probably offered Anne, though I definitely agree that her age is a little off.

Pgenre Profile Photo
#122re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 6:27pm

With this news of Waddingham (all 34 years of her, though earnest and moving in THE BEAUTIFUL GAME)... I am really disappointed.

Just get Lupone (Desiree), Gaines (Henrik) and Benanti (Anne), and btw who CARES if they're too old, and you'll have a first-rate BROADWAY revival of the one of the best scores ever written.

Hell, put those 3 into the tired (but better than this sounds) Ellis/Stroman production at NYCO for a couple weeks and you'll be better off than this Nunn-sense.

This is doomed if they continue in the direction they are headed (no set, no stars, no orchestra (1/4 of the original 28 musicians)) and if Laura passes we all will know its Julia Murney in DOTV all over again so get your pistols locked and loaded.

BTW one has not lived until they have seen Patti perform "Send In The Clowns" delivered directly to an openly emotional Sondheim in the front row of a small theatre. Patti can ACT this role like few others and make it work like no one else.


P.S. Kim Cattrall is a fascinating suggestion and would be exquisite in the role (or perhaps Charlotte), and as we've seen time and time again the role requires a great actress more than a great singer (of which Taylor was neither by the time of the film of ALNM, but Taylor only shined with a great director of which, musical film-wise, Prince was not)
Updated On: 6/16/09 at 06:27 PM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#123re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 6:31pm

Patti LuPone already played it in concert. She sounded fine, but she can not pass for a Swedish actress that two men are fighting over. And I am a huge Patti fan.

Pgenre Profile Photo
#124re: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC takes the Kerr?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 6:51pm

(I thought they had cast FREDERICK with a 22-year old, deepest apologies)

So instead of the actors playing instruments, Nunn's new "hook" for his productions is casting everyone WAY too young? Is that the new avant-garde Euro-theatre hot trend?

2011: SUNSET BLVD starring Karen Olivo (and Aaron Tveit as Max)!


Updated On: 6/16/09 at 06:51 PM
