
Jersey Boys quote questions.- Page 6

Jersey Boys quote questions.

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#125use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/6/06 at 12:47pm

Yeah. That scene killed me. John is just...*guh*. His acting is fantastic throughout that whole show, but that is by far his best scene. He's just amazing.

I can't think of any other quotes I want that haven't already been said. I keep listening to JB, DRS, and ST. The three shows we saw on our trip. I just can't get enough. After a while, Walk Like a Man, Great Big Stuff, and Ah Miss kind of blend into one song. lol....that's actually a scary thought.

Can you just imagine a medley of songs all from Jersey Boys, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, and Sweeney Todd?

Well, I'm gonna go lay down. I got sent home sick from school with a 100.3 degree temp. The wierd thing is, I feel FINE. Like, my throat hurts a little, but my throat hurts a lot. lol
The only thing that really truly hurts is my appendix (or at least that's what the nurse said it is, I just know that if is killing me). So apparently I have to miss Showtime tonight (a thing my school does every year that I've been dying to see) to go to the doctor and have this checked out. UGH!

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#126use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/6/06 at 2:31pm

Wow, I'm so glad people acknowledge my site.


Katurian2 Profile Photo
#127use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/6/06 at 8:57pm

whoawhoawhoa- That site is my very first bookmark listed! I check it every day! Thank you for making it btw- it is so sweeeeeeeeet!

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#128use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/6/06 at 9:36pm

Pop_Elphie (You're name is Elle, right?) I actually have acknowledged your site before. I co-mod the Jersey Boys group on LJ. lol. Remember, I said something about the site, and then another day I mentioned how you were talked about on John's blog? lol Just didn't want you to be mad at me, it is a great site. Anything for the cast of JB is a great thing. lol

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#129use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/6/06 at 9:48pm

I'm really not mad at anyone, I'm just mad at the fact that my site is always the one skipped over, because of my age and because my site was put up after the others.

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#130use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/6/06 at 10:19pm

Yours was actually the first Jersey Boys site I cam across

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#131use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/6/06 at 10:20pm

Just out of curiosity, how old are you?

new_philosophy_girl Profile Photo
#132use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/6/06 at 11:35pm

elphie...I love your website!! I check it almost everyday (along with johns!). I always remark to myself, "damn, I wish I knew how to make something like this!" *here comes the mother in me* and don't let it bother you about your age, because age doesn't have anything over talent, which you have plenty of with making that page *motherly advice ends*

also, did you ever get my pm about the 17th?

Sponsor me as I walk the Philadelphia AIDS Walk - Sunday, October 16, 2011. Many of our friends, family and neighbors are in desperate need of health care services and other life-saving programs, but with cutbacks in government dollars , these programs are often under-funded. Now, more than ever, your donations are needed to support organizations providing HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention education, counseling and testing and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS. http://www.aidswalkphilly.org/users/index.php/profile/detail/186643

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#133use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/7/06 at 8:45am

lol- Too true. I suck at html. Just take a look at my blank white myspace.....

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#134use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/7/06 at 9:21am

lol. My myspace plays Cry for Me whenever someone goes to it. lol

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#135use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/7/06 at 11:06am

Thanks, guys. I'm 17, and that puts limits on things sometimes. I was interviewed for that NY Post article about Jersey Boys, but I don't think I was put in it because I would have to sign a release.

new_philosophy_girl, I did get your PM! I'm e-mailing the guy at York today to ask when he wants to interview me - if it's on the Tuesday or that Monday, I'll be able to go to the show. I'll let you know!

new_philosophy_girl Profile Photo
#136use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/7/06 at 1:40pm

elphie-excellent!! just let me know...I hope you can come and I hope your interview with York goes well, its a great school!!

Sponsor me as I walk the Philadelphia AIDS Walk - Sunday, October 16, 2011. Many of our friends, family and neighbors are in desperate need of health care services and other life-saving programs, but with cutbacks in government dollars , these programs are often under-funded. Now, more than ever, your donations are needed to support organizations providing HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention education, counseling and testing and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS. http://www.aidswalkphilly.org/users/index.php/profile/detail/186643

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#137use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/7/06 at 9:05pm

The only limits you have are those you put on yourself. 17 is a great age to be!

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#138use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/8/06 at 12:57pm

new_philosophy_girl: York isn't a school, it's a theatre company, lol :).

Getting back on topic, can anyone else think of any quotes they like? We've said a lot of them!

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#139use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/8/06 at 1:00pm

I know it's on the CD and all, but I love the buildup for Sherry and then when Daniel says, "And then one day, a tune pops into my head....."

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

new_philosophy_girl Profile Photo
#140use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/8/06 at 1:55pm

elphie-i thought you were applying to york college lol!! haha...anyway good luck!!

please people, we need some quotes because I've been writing a term paper on how to cause a major chemical warfare attack on the nyc subway system and its just making me so depressed lol. I need some jersey boys to make me smile lol!!!

Sponsor me as I walk the Philadelphia AIDS Walk - Sunday, October 16, 2011. Many of our friends, family and neighbors are in desperate need of health care services and other life-saving programs, but with cutbacks in government dollars , these programs are often under-funded. Now, more than ever, your donations are needed to support organizations providing HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention education, counseling and testing and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS. http://www.aidswalkphilly.org/users/index.php/profile/detail/186643

rebels Profile Photo
#141use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/8/06 at 3:24pm

one of my favorite quotes from Bob Gaudio (from the CD, too):
..."but I never heard a voice like Frankie Valli's. After eight bars, I know I need to write for that voice."

Jersey Boys Blog: http://www.jerseyboysblog.com/

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#142use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/8/06 at 3:32pm

Both Waitresses: "Hi."
Bob: "Hi."
Waitress #1: "So who's the girl in the song?"
Waitress #2: "Your girlfriend?"
Bob: "No, it's any girl - every girl. It's what T.S. Elliott calls the 'objective correlative'."
Waitress #2: "You're not from around here, are you?"

And one of my favorite parts is the "Shopping - Jersey Style" part. "Now who's the asshole?"

new_philosophy_girl Profile Photo
#143use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/8/06 at 3:46pm

wow elphie. I was just about to write that ts eliot quote! I love that part...*sigh* daniel!!

Sponsor me as I walk the Philadelphia AIDS Walk - Sunday, October 16, 2011. Many of our friends, family and neighbors are in desperate need of health care services and other life-saving programs, but with cutbacks in government dollars , these programs are often under-funded. Now, more than ever, your donations are needed to support organizations providing HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention education, counseling and testing and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS. http://www.aidswalkphilly.org/users/index.php/profile/detail/186643

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#144use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/9/06 at 6:53pm

Awww...I love you guys..

I've had a really crappy weekend (I was in the hospital Thursday and Friday) so it's nice to come back to some new JB quotes.

And Popular_Elphie, don't worry. 17 isn't so bad. I'm 18....well...I'll be 19 in September.

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#145use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/9/06 at 6:59pm

Brokenlizard, I hope you're okay! Being in the hospital is never good.

broadway betty Profile Photo
broadway betty
#146use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/9/06 at 7:21pm

There's a quote from the show that I add to. Um...after Daniel sings "cry for me", Christian asks John something and then I tell whoever I'm with "I do!" LOL Can you guys guess?! I know NPG knows!! use the schmootlegg... hahahahaha

"I'm the STAR!"--Daniel Reichard during Glory Daze sound check

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#147use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/9/06 at 7:52pm

Popular_Elphie, I'm fine. Thanks! lol. The doctor (and the school nurse) thought I had appendicitis so I had to go to the hospital to get an ultrasound. Turns out it was an ovarian cyst that had burst. He didn't tell me whether there were more, so I'm nervous.

BroadwayBetty...I should know that, but I can't think of it. what is it? lol

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#148use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/9/06 at 8:27pm

I think it's the line where Tommy says, "Why, you think this kid's the Golden Goose?"

I have no clue, though. LOL.

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#149use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/9/06 at 8:53pm

aw- I hope you feel better! Hospitals are horrible.

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck
