
"Perfect for US": The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!- Page 66

"Perfect for US": The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!

MeggilyWeggily08 Profile Photo
#1625re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 4/22/10 at 9:13pm

Updated On: 12/3/11 at 09:13 PM

MeggilyWeggily08 Profile Photo
#1626re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 4/24/10 at 11:50pm

Updated On: 12/3/11 at 11:50 PM

#1627re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 5/17/10 at 8:05pm

Does anybody know when Jessica is leaving? Since she's in Priscilla, starting October. And I've heard Brian's last day is July 18th...is this true? Thanks for any help!

#1628re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 5/17/10 at 8:15pm

i don't know the exact date that brian is leaving, but he's gotta go back to time stands still. i also don't know the exact date of jessica's departure, but she told me a few weeks ago that it will be sometime in august.

#1629re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 5/17/10 at 8:15pm

According to Brian's facebook (not the fanpages) he leaves July 18th and won't be in from June 30-July 11th, due to previous plans.

#1630re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/9/10 at 5:59am

Does anyone know if Jennifer Damiano still plans on singing at Joe's Pub the 23rd? I heard she might have dropped out and was just curious because I would have liked to see her.

#1631re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/9/10 at 6:38am

Where did you hear that she dropped out? I'd be a little dissapointed if I didn't see her there. Would they make a press release about that?

#1632re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/9/10 at 7:09am

I read it on Twitter so who knows how reliable that is. I'm hoping it's wrong because I was really looking forwards to seeing her perform. I'm not sure if they would make a press release or not.

#1633re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/9/10 at 8:53am

jenn told me directly that she will not be at joe's on the 23rd. she is moving apartments that day.

#1634re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/9/10 at 10:35am

Oh man that's a bummer re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!

Thanks for confirming though.

MeggilyWeggily08 Profile Photo
#1635re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/9/10 at 5:34pm

Updated On: 12/3/11 at 05:34 PM

Blockhead24 Profile Photo
#1636re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/16/10 at 6:31pm

Michael McElroy is the temporary standby for the doctors while Louis is on vacation this week and next week.

MeggilyWeggily08 Profile Photo
#1637re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/16/10 at 6:43pm

Updated On: 12/3/11 at 06:43 PM

GatorNY Profile Photo
#1638re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/16/10 at 8:06pm

I saw BDJ last night for the first time, and he was absolutely fantastic as Dan. I really liked his take on Dan. It was easy to see how comfortable he is in this role, and in some very subtle ways he was so different than Bobby. His Dan was, for me at least, more likable, and kinder, and I in no way ever saw Bobby's Dan as cold or harsh. Going in...since I have seen and enjoyed the show SO many times, I thought to myself, maybe this will be the time when I will have been desensitized...but I found myself even MORE emotionally involved. I have to attribute to attribute this at least part to Brian. The rest of the cast was wonderful as usual. Michael B was on as the doctors, and he was fine (pardon the pun) but I missed seeing Louis. I love hearing Louis sing "The price of love is loss, but still we pay," and no one else can sing it like he can.

"The price of love is loss, but still we pay; We love anyway."

steven22 Profile Photo
#1639re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/16/10 at 8:09pm

I disagree with you about BDJ as Dan. I liked Bobby much better. I though Michael Berry was terrible as the doctors, compared to Louis. Louis is much better than Michael Berry. I'm having a very hard time seeing Michael McElroy as the doctors...

MeggilyWeggily08 Profile Photo
#1640re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/16/10 at 8:17pm

Me too. I'm a big fan of his, but it doesn't seem like a role that really fits him.

#1641re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/16/10 at 8:19pm

He's the first non-Caucasian in the show.

#1642re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/18/10 at 1:53pm

I saw Brian will be on vacation from June 30 to July 11, does anyone know if Alice is taking a vacation before she leaves the show? I am thinking of going this week and would like to see both.

MeggilyWeggily08 Profile Photo
#1643re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/18/10 at 2:23pm

Updated On: 12/3/11 at 02:23 PM

Blockhead24 Profile Photo
#1644re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/18/10 at 3:33pm

She has 1 month left I doubt she'll be taking a vacation between now and then.

shrekster224 Profile Photo
#1645re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/19/10 at 1:15am

Is Alice Ripley joining the tour of N2N for the whole tour or just for the first few stops to kick off the tour?

adamgreer Profile Photo
#1646re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/19/10 at 1:18am

Alice Ripley was announced for the entire 36-week tour.

The article on BWW mentioned that very specifically.

shrekster224 Profile Photo
#1647re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/19/10 at 1:27am

Sorry for asking.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#1648re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/24/10 at 9:20pm

Kathy Voytko will be the new Diana standby after Jessica Phillips leaves.

#1649re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 6/24/10 at 9:40pm

Casting some pretty young folks.
