
bwaylvsong finally sees Ragtime!

bwaylvsong finally sees Ragtime!

#1bwaylvsong finally sees Ragtime!
Posted: 1/5/10 at 11:59pm

It was incredible! Do not miss this production! I thought as a whole it worked really well, although I didn't care for the staging of Till We Reach That Day and many of the cuts/changes/additions from the original. I actually audibly said "No, they didn't cut that!" at the end of He Wanted to Say. I'll elaborate more on everything when I have access to a computer, but I just want to reiterate that if you're reading this, are in NY, and haven't seen it yet, SEE IT ASAP!

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#2bwaylvsong finally sees Ragtime!
Posted: 1/6/10 at 12:33am

I'm glad you didn't make a trip to the city in vain this time!

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#2bwaylvsong finally sees Ragtime!
Posted: 1/6/10 at 12:43am

I was there for the fourth and final time tonight as well.

I kept thinking about what I'd post about the show when I got home but I first have to say that it's a real shame. It's a shame that so many people will miss out on this incredible piece of theater, this stunning production, and an experience that simply can't be put into words.

I know there are people on BWW who didn't enjoy it and you're entitled to your opinions but I just couldn't help but think tonight during the show (multiple times) that this is what theater is all about.

A timely, moving story with a uniformly excellent cast, smooth direction, and just an overall unforgettable experience. If you didn't feel this way, I'm sorry RAGTIME didn't touch you the way it touched me. But I'll miss it very, very much and it's truly sad that it didn't last nearly as long as it should have. And that it probably won't get the awards recognition it fully deserves.

The mezzanine was about 70-75% full tonight and the audience was electric. Loud, prolonged applause at the beginning and after many numbers and even a round of applause after (spoiler...?) Father decides to shake Coalhouse's hand before the finale (end spoiler).

The last ten minutes are some of the most stunningly staged moments that I've ever seen on the stage, truthfully. I'm sorry to see the show go and if you can see it this week, by all means GO. You will not regret it.
Updated On: 1/6/10 at 12:43 AM

BwayTday Profile Photo
#3bwaylvsong finally sees Ragtime!
Posted: 1/6/10 at 12:46am

rOcKS, your post makes me sad that it isn't closing a week later. Also that it is closing at all.

#4bwaylvsong finally sees Ragtime!
Posted: 1/6/10 at 12:53am

Yes, muscle, I was smart enough to buy a full-price (well, mid-mezzanine + discount code, but still) ticket this time. I felt kind of stupid when the show began since there were so many empty seats in the mezz, but it was totally worth it.
Yes, the audience was electric, and the last 10 minutes were stunning! I also really enjoyed the talkback, but was disappointed that I was never called on to ask a question, which would have been why the specific changes (particularly Ford's intro to his number) were made. I also sat next to a guy who was in the original production who felt the same way I did, since we are both overly familiar with the show.

#5bwaylvsong finally sees Ragtime!
Posted: 1/6/10 at 2:53am

I felt the same way when I saw it. This is one of those productions that should be seen! Nothing is perfect, but I pretty much liked everything about it (well, maybe minus a couple of acting so-sos). And, not having seen it before, I found what I saw in the staging, magnificient (the best effect was when Houdini was hanging upside down =I ).
Glad you got to see it :)

Dagobert Profile Photo
#6bwaylvsong finally sees Ragtime!
Posted: 1/6/10 at 10:17am

My understanding from those in the know is that all cuts were made for time...the first act is pretty long as it is...and from the beginning they wrestled with some way to get the length down on that first act especially. Be grateful that some of the proposed cuts that were floated were shot down by the director...Not sure I can be specific here, but PM me if you want an example.

#7bwaylvsong finally sees Ragtime!
Posted: 1/6/10 at 10:57am

Yeah, bwaybabe, if I were not familiar with the show, I would never have guessed anything was cut or changed. However, I would have rather sitten in the theatre an extra 12 minutes and not have any material be cut. Another thing that stands out in my mind is the scene between Union Square and Gliding, which was totally changed just to save time but lost a ton of drama in the process.

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#8bwaylvsong finally sees Ragtime!
Posted: 1/6/10 at 11:20am

What was cut in Gliding? I didn't notice any deletions there. If anything needs to be cut, it's some of Tateh's material.
Ragtime might be my favorite show, but I always skip Success and Gliding on the recordings.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany
Updated On: 1/6/10 at 11:20 AM

#9bwaylvsong finally sees Ragtime!
Posted: 1/6/10 at 11:51am

The song itself wasn't cut down, but the scene preceding it was entirely changed. In the original text, the Little Girl is put on the train alone to be sent to another family, and the train gets away from Tateh, and he jumps on the train to be with his daughter. I'm not really explaining it well, but it was a very emotional moment and gave Tateh more of a reason to sing Gliding. In this production, Younger Brother puts them on a train together to escape the madness of the strike, and Tateh sings Gliding just to calm his daughter down.

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#10bwaylvsong finally sees Ragtime!
Posted: 1/6/10 at 12:06pm

Thanks, that I knew, I thought there was another cut that you were referring to.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

#11bwaylvsong finally sees Ragtime!
Posted: 1/6/10 at 12:19pm

Here's the scene (plus Union Square) from my HS production:
Much more dramatic than what they do now!
