
Does Christopher Walken sign/talk at the stage door?

Does Christopher Walken sign/talk at the stage door?

Mimi2 Profile Photo
#1Does Christopher Walken sign/talk at the stage door?
Posted: 3/29/10 at 9:16am

I saw A Behanding in Spokane this past Saturday. I loved it! I was wondering if Christopher Walken comes out of the stage door and signs autographs. I didn't wait after the performance that I saw because I didn't know if he actually stage doored.

#2Does Christopher Walken sign/talk at the stage door?
Posted: 3/29/10 at 9:50am

I can't vouch for what he does at the stage door, but I was at "God of Carnage" two weeks ago (one of the rare evenings I semi-regret and wish I'd chosen another show) at the "Behanding" theatre is just up the street.

We heard a loud cheer from the very large crowd when he came out and he seemed to get into the limo within a couple of minutes, so maybe's he the random signer/picture taker type rather than signing for everyone with a waiting Playbill.

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#2Does Christopher Walken sign/talk at the stage door?
Posted: 3/29/10 at 9:59am

He signs for a few people- if you're in the front 'row' standing at the barricades, you have a pretty good chance of getting his sig. But he doesn't stick around much to chat it up or anything. So get out there fast because a crowd does accumulate quickly.

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

#3Does Christopher Walken sign/talk at the stage door?
Posted: 3/29/10 at 10:50am

On reading the title of this thread, my first thought was - how kind of Mr. Walken to accommodate his deaf fans!

#4Does Christopher Walken sign/talk at the stage door?
Posted: 3/29/10 at 2:15pm

he does come out and sign for random people as mentioned above. But I wouldn't say he talks, more randomly whispers/mumbles incoherently. (That's not meant as an insult, this weirdness is one of the things I love about Walken)

mormonophobic Profile Photo
#5Does Christopher Walken sign/talk at the stage door?
Posted: 4/1/10 at 2:03am

I was wondering: has anyone has tried the stage door after a matinee? I'm thinking about trying to add this to my trip, but it would be a Wednesday matinee. I'm just curious as to whether or not anyone knows for sure if the cast sign or just ready themselves for the next performance. Any help would be great.

Capt_Fluellen Profile Photo
#6Does Christopher Walken sign/talk at the stage door?
Posted: 4/1/10 at 11:47am

I wonder if he'd sign my cowbell.
