
Anyone see Polly Stenham's "That Face"

Anyone see Polly Stenham's "That Face"

#1Anyone see Polly Stenham's "That Face"
Posted: 6/20/10 at 5:03pm

It is running one more week and am wondering how it is. Have not heard much talk about this play, is it worth checking out? Also is it more of a drama or a dark comedy? Thanks

#2Anyone see Polly Stenham's 'That Face'
Posted: 6/20/10 at 5:37pm

I liked it. It's very grim. VERY grim. With shades of Blanche DuBois in the main character. I found it to be a compelling drama, with some very fine acting.

Vespertine1228 Profile Photo
#2Anyone see Polly Stenham's 'That Face'
Posted: 6/20/10 at 6:05pm

I thought it was absolutely horrible. I saw it right before it officially opened, and it honestly turns my stomach a bit that it's still playing after all these weeks. Those poor actors.

If you can get free tickets and feel like you must spend the time seeing it, then by all means go ahead. Otherwise I wouldn't put any effort into it.

#3Anyone see Polly Stenham's 'That Face'
Posted: 6/20/10 at 7:51pm

I appreciate your opinions, thanks.

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#4Anyone see Polly Stenham's 'That Face'
Posted: 6/20/10 at 8:28pm

I am somewhere in between those two. I thought the acting was excellent, but I found the play to be VERY repetitive. She goes in circles for the last half hour. I thought it was more about shock value than good writing.

frontrowcentre2 Profile Photo
#5Anyone see Polly Stenham's 'That Face'
Posted: 6/20/10 at 8:43pm

I think the play is worth seeing just to hear a new, very young and obviously talented author. She makes the mistake so many young people make in assuming that their youthful angst and disdain for the establishment is enough to sustain interest for a full-length piece. It didn't work in HAIR, it doesn't work in AMERICAN IDIOT and it doesn't work here but all three pieces are worth seeing nonetheless.

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backwoodsbarbie Profile Photo
#8Anyone see Polly Stenham's 'That Face'
Posted: 6/20/10 at 10:42pm

I can't speak for this production but I saw the play in DC back in February and I thought the writing was atrocious. I agree that there are shades of Blanche DuBois in the main character and that the play relies primarily on shock value rather that solid writing.


virgil blessing2 Profile Photo
virgil blessing2
#9Anyone see Polly Stenham's 'That Face'
Posted: 6/21/10 at 3:15am

2 actor pals of mine caught it last week and thought it was atrocious. not one good thing to say about it, not even the lovely Laila Robins. this was their facebook quote re. it: "Just witnessed a man in a nightgown urinate on himself in Manhattan Theatre Club's latest production, THAT FACE. To say that the show was a pisser is a serious understatement."

"I am not 'a' Eunice Burns. I am THE Eunice Burns!!!"

#10Anyone see Polly Stenham's 'That Face'
Posted: 6/21/10 at 10:58am

Thank you very much, I was on the fence about this one, was not sure if it would be something I would like. I rather try a dark comedy, so maybe I will opt for the Screwtape Letters instead. Thanks again : )

#11Anyone see Polly Stenham's 'That Face'
Posted: 6/21/10 at 12:35pm

I really enjoyed Laila Robbin's and Christopher Abbott's performance, but the play overall was a bit cliched and nothing special.

My blog: http://thebroadwaybostonian.wordpress.com/

Ilovekevincahoon Profile Photo
#12Anyone see Polly Stenham's 'That Face'
Posted: 6/22/10 at 1:24pm

It was highly recommended to me, and I was extremely disappointed.
The acting was good but the play was horrible, I was wishing there was an intermission so I could have walked out.
2 people did, I wouldn't do that to actors in a small theater.
Let's just say I could not wait for it to end....
opt for anything else, it was the worst play I have seen in years.