
Hedwig Stagedoor 7:00 Saturday Show?

Hedwig Stagedoor 7:00 Saturday Show?

regnad kcin Profile Photo
regnad kcin
#1Hedwig Stagedoor 7:00 Saturday Show?
Posted: 4/21/14 at 12:29pm

Is it correct to assume that Neil and Lena do not come out and sign after the 7:00 PM Saturday show?

~~tiny3~~ Profile Photo
#2Hedwig Stagedoor 7:00 Saturday Show?
Posted: 4/21/14 at 1:28pm


#2Hedwig Stagedoor 7:00 Saturday Show?
Posted: 4/21/14 at 5:44pm

No idea, but lots of actors come out after matinees on two-show days, which is basically the same thing as this. So I wouldn't assume just because they have the 10:00 show that they won't come out.

#3Hedwig Stagedoor 7:00 Saturday Show?
Posted: 4/21/14 at 5:52pm

They don't come out in between. There's a big difference between 2:00/8:00 and 7:00/10:00.

haterobics Profile Photo
#4Hedwig Stagedoor 7:00 Saturday Show?
Posted: 4/21/14 at 5:52pm

"No idea, but lots of actors come out after matinees on two-show days, which is basically the same thing as this."

Only if you ignore that those actors are coming out with a 2-ish+ hour break between shows, and NPH has less than 90 minutes from finishing the first show, in costume, before having to do it all again... there's no comparison between that, and an actor getting out at around 5pm, and having to get back to the theater before 7, so they have an hour or so to get back into costume, and prepare for their second show.

#5Hedwig Stagedoor 7:00 Saturday Show?
Posted: 4/21/14 at 6:08pm

I agree there's a difference, but they still have an hour between the end of show one and half hour call for show two. I'm not saying they do come out, just that we shouldn't assume they don't.

#6Hedwig Stagedoor 7:00 Saturday Show?
Posted: 4/21/14 at 6:18pm

It's not an assumption, I've been there, it's their policy.

BwayGeek2 Profile Photo
#7Hedwig Stagedoor 7:00 Saturday Show?
Posted: 4/21/14 at 6:20pm

That's such a quick turnaround, I'm not surprised.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#8Hedwig Stagedoor 7:00 Saturday Show?
Posted: 4/21/14 at 6:20pm

They're pretty exhausted so an hour to rest and eat is not nearly enough between shows.


HogansHero Profile Photo
#9Hedwig Stagedoor 7:00 Saturday Show?
Posted: 4/21/14 at 6:56pm

There is no "policy" nor could there be but there is common sense that there is not enough time to do anything during the short break. And in particular, if NPH came out he would just be assaulted by people who want him to sign their playbill or whatever. Does that seem like a logical way to rest between two incredibly strenuous performances?
