
PROJECT RUNWAY Season 13- Page 5


Jane2 Profile Photo
Posted: 8/24/14 at 9:59pm

Fabulous dress!


javero Profile Photo
Posted: 8/24/14 at 10:11pm

LOL @ car wash reference. I colleague described it as a dusty buster in an email earlier today. I'm w/ Jane2. I think it's brilliant and that Heidi looks smashing in it.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Jane2 Profile Photo
Posted: 8/24/14 at 10:17pm

lol, dusty buster, car wash, all the reasons it's so fabulous.


~~tiny3~~ Profile Photo
Posted: 8/28/14 at 9:59pm


Jane2 Profile Photo
Posted: 8/29/14 at 11:16am

that was the worst thing Sandya has made so far. She seems to be going downhill.

I didn't love any of them.


ErikJ972 Profile Photo
Posted: 8/29/14 at 11:21am

I really, really liked Kini's and totally think he should have won especially since he made the shirt for his teammate. He was robbed.
And I loved Char and wanted her to stick around. But oy vey that dress! It was horrible.

Posted: 8/29/14 at 12:38pm

Kini definitely deserves to win. However, him sewing the shirt for his teammate is not a reason for a win. They are being judged by the designs and the winning look deserved the praise it got. Kini was merely a seamster for that shirt. If he keeps his momentum though, he'll win soon enough.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
Posted: 8/29/14 at 2:00pm

I think Kini should have won on the merit of his garment alone. But if Kini hadn't pitched in his partner (whose name I can't remember) wouldn't eve have had a finished garment. He should have let the judges know that he designed it but Kini constructed it.

javero Profile Photo
Posted: 8/29/14 at 2:11pm

Just watched it. Char's cool but it was time for her to go. She went along for the ride and was tossed out of a moving vehicle. Hopefully, this was a wakeup call for Sandyha. The judges are cooling on her craft work and color palette.

My money is on Kini, Fade, and Emily making it to Fashion Week.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 8/29/14 at 02:11 PM

Posted: 8/29/14 at 7:00pm

I definitely want to see more of Kini and Fade. If they have 4 finalists, it would be interesting to see Sandyha in the mix.

Posted: 9/2/14 at 1:07pm

I have been watching bits of this season but it strikes me that I have never seen so many contestants who can't sew or who can't handle time pressure. Kini, Sean and Fade are my picks - but I am rarely right.

doodlenyc Profile Photo
Posted: 9/2/14 at 2:45pm

Fade is easily my favorite designer on this season, so far.
I don't think Amanda deserved either of her wins. Both were ugly, though well made.

When Char and Sandya decided on "citrus", I thought that was a great idea. Then they picked that yellow, and leather, and...ugh. Both deserved to go.

I'm impressed with Kini, but feel like I've seen similar designs before.

Korina is deluded, nasty, and a bad designer.

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
Posted: 9/2/14 at 3:17pm

"My money is on Kini, Fade, and Emily making it to Fashion Week."

Wait, there's a contestant name Emily on this show?

javero Profile Photo
Posted: 9/2/14 at 3:36pm

Emily Payne

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 9/2/14 at 03:36 PM

Posted: 9/5/14 at 6:53pm

Last night - millions of dollars worth of Chopard jewels and all I could think was : yawn. Not the best season by any stretch of the imagination. Do they need to give these contestants more time and/or more money so they can produce something worth getting excited about?

Posted: 9/5/14 at 8:03pm

Tim wasted his save on Char. I would be so pissed if Kini or Sean get eliminated later on and can't be saved.

Posted: 9/5/14 at 9:15pm

Wildcard, Totally agree with you! Char is just middling, IMO. Could not understand why Tim got so emotional about not saving her and then extended his life-saver. I think Char will go soon anyway unless she broadens out beyond peplums and cut-outs. What was Tim thinking?

Posted: 9/5/14 at 10:26pm

Didn't understand Tim's choice either. Except using the save early adds to the suspense later in the season. Agree that Char doesn't seem to have much hidden potential, although she seems less sociopathic than a lot of the rest of them.

javero Profile Photo
Posted: 9/6/14 at 2:46pm

This is a first...I don't agree w/ Tim's waste of a save on Char one bit. That save is going to prevent a designer with a future-forward vision from making it to Fashion Week.

Wanna see what Char will bring to next week's avant garde on the rainway challenge...just click the link.

You Too Can Recreate the PR Winning Looks For Under $15

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 9/6/14 at 02:46 PM

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
Posted: 9/6/14 at 5:25pm

Anyone wanting to see the final 9 collections (3 finalists and 6 decoys) just shown at Fashion Week can go to tomandlorenzo.com where they've all been posted. Based on these showings I'm praying Korinna and Sandhya are finalists (and my vote is on Sandhya for the win). And frankly nobody else's collection seems worthy of that 3rd finalist but if I had to pick, I'd go with Char (to save face for Tim Gunn). Anyone else want to hazard a guess on the Final 3?

GavestonPS Profile Photo
Posted: 9/9/14 at 8:24pm

Do they need to give these contestants more time and/or more money so they can produce something worth getting excited about?

I don't know about money, wonkit, but I do think the contestants need more time. IIRC, the designers often had two days for red carpet, editorial and high-fashion looks. Now they seem to have one day for almost every task, and a runway show every other day.

They get 30 minutes to sketch before they go to Mood, after which their course is pretty well set.

I know as a writer, I often get my best ideas after I've worked on something and then slept on it. (We've seen the same happen on PR, but the designers rarely have time to act on new ideas in the 2 hours devoted to hair and makeup on Day 2.)

It's no wonder that a lot of contestants produce similar looks over and over. I think PR needs to cough up the money to extend the schedule a bit. Somebody else already did "24-HOUR DESIGN".

HorseTears Profile Photo
Posted: 9/10/14 at 6:14am

Agree with all of your comments on the most recent episode. I adore Tim Gunn, but I have no idea what he (and, presumably, the producers) were thinking with that save. As for this last week's designs? What is with all the BASICness? At this point, I'm rooting for Amanda, Sean and Sandhya to make it to Fashion Week. Oh, and, I am SO ready for the Rainway!

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
Posted: 9/12/14 at 1:39am

Finally! No surprise that the first actual 2-day challenge results in the most interesting runway show of the season. No question about who had the winning looks this time-- but perhaps a pyrrhic victory for said winners since immunity is no longer part of the winning deal, nor even a cash reward. They could as easily name 3, 4 or 5 winners per show now, for all the difference it makes.

Sad about the designer they sent home though, whose work never got the proper critiquing it deserved, and who I thought came up with a pretty smashing decoy collection during NY Fashion Week which I guess can be its own sweet revenge.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
Posted: 9/12/14 at 9:13am

I think what Sandya made this week is the ugliest, most ridiculous thing that ever walked down the Project Runway stage. I don't know how she wasn't in the bottom. Her model looked like a deranged clown.

Posted: 9/12/14 at 12:57pm

Agree. I think the wrong person went home. Carwash.