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MJ or Titanique?

#1MJ or Titanique?
Posted: 10/26/22 at 12:51pm

I know, it's a strange choice.

I have one slot left for an upcoming trip to NYC.
As much as I like Michael Jackson's music, after seeing a few numbers on TV, I feel like I've sort of seen the show already, or at least I can imagine what it's going to be like. 

Friends tell me that Titanique is lots of fun, especially if you like Celine AND belting, both of which I like.  And it would be nice to go downtown and see something a little less commercial. 

Just when I think I've decided, I feel like I'll be missing something. Anyone have any thoughts? 

Thank you!

#2MJ or Titanique?
Posted: 10/26/22 at 1:27pm

I'd say MJ is not to be missed if you're able to get the tickets. I haven't seen Titanique but heard mixed reviews, not everyone finds it fun.

#3MJ or Titanique?
Posted: 10/26/22 at 6:23pm


Titanique is for people who don't like musical theater. 

#4MJ or Titanique?
Posted: 10/26/22 at 6:40pm

BETTY22 said: "Titanique is for people who don't like musical theater."

MJ or Titanique?


Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#5MJ or Titanique?
Posted: 10/26/22 at 6:43pm


Updated On: 10/26/22 at 06:43 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#6MJ or Titanique?
Posted: 10/26/22 at 10:34pm

MemorableUserName said: "BETTY22 said: "Titanique is for people who don't like musical theater."

MJ or Titanique?


This made my entire day!


Just give the world Love.

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#7MJ or Titanique?
Posted: 10/26/22 at 11:13pm

BETTY22 said: "Titanique is for people who don't like musical theater."



Updated On: 10/26/22 at 11:13 PM

#8MJ or Titanique?
Posted: 10/28/22 at 12:50am

I am a big Celine fan and the star of Titanique does an excellent impression of her, but I not hesitate to go see MJ instead.  The MJ musical is in the same spirit of the documentary of showed MJ's last days, if you have seen it, but I highly recommend it.
