
Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?

Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?

#0Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/16/04 at 4:09pm

I wonder if anyone has had any success at meeting Hugh Jackman before a matinee? And if so, when does he usually arrive at the theater? Also, does anyone know if he leaves between performances on Wednesdays or if he stays inside the theater? Any intelligence would be greatly appreciated. Also any stage door tips (I'm new at this.) Thanks!

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#1re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/16/04 at 4:19pm

"Any intelligence would be greatly appreciated." hehee...this just struck me as funny..sorry, I'm so mean.

On to your question...I wouldn't imagine Hugh comes out between matinees. And it's generally not a good idea, though some will tell you otherwise, to approach an actor, even one as nice as Hugh, before a show. He's trying to get to work then and he's more than happy to sign, etc after the show. Just MHO.

Stage door tips: If you're seeing the show and want to get outside quickly, go just as the curtain call begins. I warn you, though, that this is an exceptionally rude thing to do and will probably earn you some nasty looks. Otherwise, you can head on over there after the cast bows (the stage door is on 46th St.) Try to get up close to the barricade, preferably on the right side (as you face the building) so you can see who's coming out. You'll have an easier time of it for Boy From Oz if you're not seeing the show. You can arrive about 20 or so minutes before the end of the show and grab a spot by the barricades. Good luck. I used to do the stage door thing a lot when I was younger so I have some techniques worked out re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions? Updated On: 8/16/04 at 04:19 PM

tthomas76 Profile Photo
#2re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/16/04 at 4:20pm

I know he left after our matinee on August 7th. I'm not sure about anything before the show but he signs most of everyones on the front and second lines. Just get there in plenty of time... Sorry I can't help you before the show.. I've never tried to go before hand.

#3re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/16/04 at 4:20pm

I was able to catch Hugh by accident last Wednesday before he went in for the matinee. We were trying to kill time before The Producers, and wandered down 46th Street on a whim right around 1pm-ish. Be forewarned - there are a TON of people waiting. You'll know if he's there, trust me. His car was there, and the mob was shouting and snapping pictures left and right. We walked up on what would be the right side as you go in the stage door and that's the side he went to first.

He happily signed anything put in front of him (including my stupid little post-it note - it was the only paper thing we had!). I had to get my dad to give him the paper as the crowd was too thick for me to squeeze through (luckily my dad is 6' tall). I was able to snap like 15 photos of him - including one of his backside (my mom requested it re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions? ). However - he is NOT able to take personal photos with anyone, he apologized right up front but he would be mauled if he did. We left soon after but he was still there signing away.

The best part were these two construction guys up on the scaffolding of this building across the street. They kept yelling down to Hugh "We love you!" "Hey - why don't you sign something for us?" and the like. They were hilarious! I took their picture too and the one guy waved and posed for me.

A really fun, but interesting, experience. Hope you get a chance to catch him - he's a really great guy!


"If you start from a place of joy and charm, you can get away with a lot in the second act. It may be that that's my life. I'm not sure." ~Roger Bart

#4re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/16/04 at 4:23pm

teh best way to get Hugh's attetion is to jump on him.

#5re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/16/04 at 5:14pm

hugh always signs after the matinee....hes very nice about it, too.

Elphaba984 Profile Photo
#6re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/16/04 at 5:21pm

I agree with Yankeefan.... Hugh does come out between matinee's. Along with meeting him before the show. I forget what time he gets there but I met him before the matinee and was very nice with greeting fans and signing autographs. I was one of the lucky few that day to get a picture with him. So I wish you the best of luck. And soak up as much Hugh as you can. Such a nice guy.

"You can't stop someone who wants to be an artist. If they're going to do it, they're going to do it... Work as hard as you can on the things you can work on. Until it seems like there is no possible chance you're going to succeed, don't give up." ~ANDREW ASNES avatar: me and jason gillman... in the pouring rain.

#7re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/16/04 at 5:25pm

Mr. Jackman couldn't be nicer. He is so pleasant to everyone.

I understand he gets to the matinees now about 1pm, and comes out about 4:30 after the matinees. He also comes out after the evening performances.

But please don't just get his autograph, the other actors are also very wonderful and gracious, and are happy to sign the playbills.

adp22 Profile Photo
#8re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/16/04 at 6:08pm

isnt the show on 45th street? but the stage door is on 46th? could someone please explain...if not i'll just get there early tomorrow to look for it. thanks!

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#9re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/16/04 at 6:13pm

Yes, the main entrance is on 45th and the stage door is on 46th...to get there faster instead of going around teh theatre is to go out the side doors of the auditorium...if you face the stage, there are doors to the left..go out there and then poof youre at thestage door.

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

Elphaba984 Profile Photo
#10re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/16/04 at 6:19pm

"But please don't just get his autograph, the other actors are also very wonderful and gracious, and are happy to sign the playbills."

maggiebooks is right there. try to get the other cast memeber's autographs. they are a really nice cast. all are happy to sign autographs.

"You can't stop someone who wants to be an artist. If they're going to do it, they're going to do it... Work as hard as you can on the things you can work on. Until it seems like there is no possible chance you're going to succeed, don't give up." ~ANDREW ASNES avatar: me and jason gillman... in the pouring rain.

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#11re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/16/04 at 9:40pm

And a little known tidbit passed on by Kevin The Stage Door Guy: He was saying how for an Aussie, Hugh's a very light drinker, and several months ago construction workers were laying fresh pavement onto the group right in front of the stage door. One day when Hugh had some time to kill, he wrote on the wet pavement, "Say no to alcohol." It's still there immortalized in the cement. AND if you sit on it, you can say that Hugh's hand got thisclose to your ass!

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

morosco Profile Photo
#12re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/16/04 at 9:57pm

"Hugh's a very light drinker, and several months ago...he wrote on the wet pavement, "Say no to alcohol.""

Huh? Why would a very light drinker say no to alcohol? (Or is there a joke here that I'm missing?)

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#13re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/17/04 at 1:19am

Uhh...because he doesn't like to drink? = *Light* drinker

Maybe we're on different pages here.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

morosco Profile Photo
#14re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/17/04 at 9:16am

"Uhh...because he doesn't like to drink? = *Light* drinker"

Umm....but why would anyone who drinks (either you do or you don't, there's no in between) preach saying "no" to alcohol?

Basically....it just seems odd to me that "say no to alcohol" would be the first thing to pop into anyone's head when facing a blank canvas of wet cement.

alterego Profile Photo
#15re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/17/04 at 9:37am

Type_a_Tiff: "For an Aussie Hugh's a very light drinker".
As an Australian I'm mortified that American's think of us as pisspots! No, not really let it be known that we can drink any nation under the table. I also happen to know that Hugh can sink a few tinnies with the best of us!

And I'll drink to that!

#16re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/17/04 at 9:41am

The fact that this beautiful Australian musical has been made into a Broadway showcase makes me want to puke. Excuse me, I'll be in the toilet re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?

Who can explain it, who can tell you why? Fools give you reasons, wise men never try -South Pacific

alterego Profile Photo
#17re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/17/04 at 9:44am

The Boy from Oz was NEVER beautiful. It was flawed in Australia as much as it is flawed in the U.S.

#18re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/17/04 at 11:04am

Flawed or not - we love it re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?

I'm sure it will be an emotional farewell when it closes on September 12!

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#19re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/17/04 at 8:11pm

Type_a_Tiff: "For an Aussie Hugh's a very light drinker".
As an Australian I'm mortified that American's think of us as pisspots!

And Canadians thinks so too. (Me included.) I just take solice in knowing that our beer is much, much better than yours. :)

Ohh, I see where you're coming from, morosco. I was under the impression that Hugh doesn't like to/can't drink very much, and only does so socially, so he'd rather "say no" to alcohol entirely. But you can ask Kevin The Stage Door Guy next time you're around 46th and get back to me.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

alterego Profile Photo
#20re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/17/04 at 9:17pm

Canadian (and American) beer I believe has a lower alcoholic content. Fosters to the world, I say!

NYSinger1 Profile Photo
#21re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/17/04 at 9:22pm

I saw Hugh outside BFO last Tuesday. He was signing autographs and stuff. It was about 7:00pm. (stage door on 46th street)

mother cabrini Profile Photo
mother cabrini
#22re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/17/04 at 9:26pm

the only thing that could have helped the australian AND broadway production of this dreadful show would be an industrial consumtion of canadian american AND australian beer

#23re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/17/04 at 9:27pm

I thought pot might help.

mother cabrini Profile Photo
mother cabrini
#24re: Pre-Show Hugh J. Stage Door Interactions?
Posted: 8/17/04 at 9:43pm

or crack
