Harvey - pretty?

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#0Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/27/04 at 10:04pm

I think Harvey Fierstein is so pretty! I met him at the stagedoor and his skin was flawless!! I know cuz he let me touch him...only Bruce Vilanch is prettier.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

Crazy4MattMorrison52 Profile Photo
#1re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/27/04 at 10:08pm

harvey is one sexy beast

"gimme a bottle of bourbon and half a chicken and i'll conquer the world!"

MyNameInLights Profile Photo
#2re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/27/04 at 10:09pm

Simply gorgeous!

"The stage is where I live and come alive and act out all the things that go on in my life. It's not just what I do for a living, it's my shrink and my love affair. No one in my life has ever or ever will kiss me on the mouth like this lover called my relationship with my performance."

#3re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/27/04 at 10:12pm

I definitely need to ask Harvey for some makeup tips.

#4re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/27/04 at 10:26pm

Hello Gorgeous!

Phantom2 Profile Photo
#5re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/27/04 at 10:30pm

Pretty inside and out!

"I'm learning to dig deep down inside and find the truth within myself and put that out. I think what we identify with in popular music more than anything else is when someone just shares a truth that we can relate to. That's what I'm searching for in my music." - Ron Bohmer

"I broke the boundaries. It wasn't cool to be in plays- especially if you were in sports & I was in both." - Ashton Kutcher

SamIAm Profile Photo
#6re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/28/04 at 8:34am

He does have great skin.

There are a couple of men who have really great skin and beautiful complexions (and that's an odd thing to say about a guy, I know).

Harvey, Nathan Lane, Victor Garber come to mind. If you see these people up close their skin is luminescent.

Anyone else?

"Life is a lesson in humility"

thebigkrakowski Profile Photo
#7re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/28/04 at 9:13am


#8re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/28/04 at 9:16am

No! I don't find him pretty at all...I actually find him a bit annoying.

My vote goes to Mandy or Victor.

HeartinNYC Profile Photo
#9re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/28/04 at 9:51am

Harvey has amazing skin, but Nathan Lane has that beautiful creamy-rose Irish skin that is to die for.

Neither a borrower nor a lender be...unless that's mine in the first place.

BreakingTheCircle07 Profile Photo
#10re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/28/04 at 10:12am

Yea, Harvey is a great and super sweet guy, but when I saw the name of this thread, I plotzed!

Variations on a Theme blog: http://panekattack.blogspot.com/

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#11re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/28/04 at 10:13am

It's a joke, guys. A take-off on the "Idina...pretty?" thread. A JOKE.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#12re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/28/04 at 10:20am

It's hard to tell, but I THINK LadyG and Phantom2 got the joke.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

BreakingTheCircle07 Profile Photo
#13re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/28/04 at 10:46am

I did, no worries.

Variations on a Theme blog: http://panekattack.blogspot.com/

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#14re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/28/04 at 9:31pm

During one of the rare lovely evenings of the summer, Barry & I were invited to a friends roof-garden party. Returning from getting Barry a drink, I found him deep in flirtatious conversation with a tall, handsome gentlemen with silver hair and ice-blue eyes. So of course I had to see what they were chatting about. Naturally, they were yammering about theater and what to see in the next few weeks. "Have you seen THE FROGS?" I blurted out smilingly to Mr. Ice-B.(Barry rolled his eyes, having heard his fill of my enthusiasm for the show). "No, and I'm looking forward to it, " said Ice-B. "I like Nathan Lane a lot, and think he's much more varied than he's given credit for" (I flashed a "TOLDJA" look to Barry). "I actually met Nathan at THE WORKS many years ago," he continued, "And I was very struck by how soft spoken and nice he was. But what I most remember about him was how pretty he was with his pale skin and huge dark eyes and thick brown hair. Very handsome man."

At that point - just when Barry & I were about to offer to give Ice-B our numbers...his boyfriend showed up. Aint that ALWAYS the case?

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

HeartinNYC Profile Photo
#15re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/28/04 at 9:41pm

Thanks for sharing that story, MasterLCZ. I am constantly struck by how handsome Nathan Lane is, especially up-close. Dark, amazing eyes. Yowzah!

Neither a borrower nor a lender be...unless that's mine in the first place.

SamIAm Profile Photo
#16re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/29/04 at 8:20am

rath: it may be a joke but Harvey DOES have beautiful skin.

It always amazes me when I see a guy up close and personal and they have such smooth, creamy skin.

Some women would kill for that complexion

As for Mandy -- I've seen him up close a lot and LOVE him but he doesn't have a creamy complexion :)

Lane's beautiful, Irish milky complexion is arresting and as I said...some women would kill for it!

And Victor Garber? What does he use for HIS skin? WOW.

Harvey? It's all in the moisturizer!!!!

"Life is a lesson in humility"
Updated On: 9/29/04 at 08:20 AM

Phantom2 Profile Photo
#17re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/29/04 at 9:34am

Beauty tips of the stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I'm learning to dig deep down inside and find the truth within myself and put that out. I think what we identify with in popular music more than anything else is when someone just shares a truth that we can relate to. That's what I'm searching for in my music." - Ron Bohmer

"I broke the boundaries. It wasn't cool to be in plays- especially if you were in sports & I was in both." - Ashton Kutcher

EddieVarley Profile Photo
#18re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/29/04 at 9:48am

I am always swooning when I see Harvey, his mind, heart and face are all lovely!

Ditto for Nathan (who really is wonderful for so many reasons!), and Victor Garber is a personal favorite and SO very nice. All of the guys mentioned above are glorious!

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cvapb Profile Photo
#19re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/29/04 at 10:55am

Theres a difference between having great skin and being pretty.

#20re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/29/04 at 11:44am


sndtrklvr Profile Photo
#21re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/29/04 at 12:32pm

Harvey is nearly as pretty as his sister who played Edna in Hairspray. She was a loooker! That was his sister, right?

So my dear you think you can get to Broadway. Well, let me tell you something. Broadway has no room for people like you. Not the Broadway I know. My Broadway takes people like you and eats them up and spits them out. My Broadway is the Broadway of Merman, and Martin, and Fontaine, and if you think you can build yourself up by knocking other people down... ...GOOD LUCK... Seinfeld

Phantom2 Profile Photo
#22re: Harvey - pretty?
Posted: 9/29/04 at 12:34pm


"I'm learning to dig deep down inside and find the truth within myself and put that out. I think what we identify with in popular music more than anything else is when someone just shares a truth that we can relate to. That's what I'm searching for in my music." - Ron Bohmer

"I broke the boundaries. It wasn't cool to be in plays- especially if you were in sports & I was in both." - Ashton Kutcher
