
if you're going to get age specific about Mario Cantone's demographic audience . . .

if you're going to get age specific about Mario Cantone's demographic audience . . .

GladysBumps Profile Photo
#0if you're going to get age specific about Mario Cantone's demographic audience . . .
Posted: 10/15/04 at 6:26pm

as some button heads are wont to do, it would seem to me that since all the impressions he does are people over 60 or dead (The Davis': Sammy and Bette, Streisand, Cher, Galand, Liza, Channing, Julia Child, etc) the cut off age should not stop but begin at fifty. Age-ism is such an insidous thing, isn't it? One becomes so brainwashed in this society, one doesn't even realize when one is indulging. Anyway, lets resist the temptation to turn this thread into a debate about that sillyness. The fact is ANYONE free of homophobic issues and a deep appreciation for incredible talent and inspired lunacy will have a grand time at "Laugh Whore." Mario Cantone is probably the most gifted performer currently on Broadway. Seeing him the other night, sent this old fart back to the days (childhood years, I grant you) of first witnessing the likes of Judy Holliday in "Bells," Barbara Harris in "Clear Day" and Barbra in "Wholsale." (Wasn't I blessed?) Indeed Mario posesses that kind of magic. Not only is his take on things is spot on, but I sincerely believe he is channeling Judy and Julia. Scary!
Auntie Gladys

#1re: if you're going to get age specific about Mario Cantone's demographic audience . . .
Posted: 10/15/04 at 7:14pm

The only age barrier I would put is nobody under 18. It's not a show intended for children or young adults.

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

GladysBumps Profile Photo
#2re: if you're going to get age specific about Mario Cantone's demographic audience . . .
Posted: 10/16/04 at 9:24am

Except kids from the Harvey Milk School, of course.

Isn't it nice to be sincerely and totally excited by a performer who is not a bus and truck anybody, a true original, who has always had the courage to be himself, no matter what company he kept. I mean, I've seen him on comedy roasts where he was indeed being treated like the token faggot and yet he always rose above it and was funnier and more inspired than anybody on the dias.

You've got to admire that little goombah.

Caravaggio Profile Photo
#3re: if you're going to get age specific about Mario Cantone's demographic audience . . .
Posted: 10/16/04 at 9:43am

Well, THIS queer goombah thinks that Cantone's about as funny as a root canal.

I don't admire him at all.

I'm happy as long as there are brownies in the green room.

GladysBumps Profile Photo
#4re: if you're going to get age specific about Mario Cantone's demographic audience . . .
Posted: 10/16/04 at 3:56pm

Now, THAT'S interesting? What exactly turns you off? Where have you experienced him? You don't have to respond, I'm just curious that with the same ethnic background you wouldn't get off on his stories about his family.

SamIAm Profile Photo
#5re: if you're going to get age specific about Mario Cantone's demographic audience . . .
Posted: 10/16/04 at 7:58pm

I am also Italian and I don't find him funny. Having the same background and sharing silly stories that relate to an ethnic group or traditions doesn't necessarily mean that his delivery or way of telling a story works for you.

And as I said in another tthread on this topic, there are lots of gay people who don't find him funny. We are all individuals and the idea that an Italian or a gay person would like him just because they have something in common is rather like saying all New Yorkers like each other because they all live in NY.

"Life is a lesson in humility"

GladysBumps Profile Photo
#6re: if you're going to get age specific about Mario Cantone's demographic audience . . .
Posted: 10/17/04 at 10:12am

Go figure. You see my suspicion was that alot of people judge him merely from seeing his drive by, wham bang, thank you, mam, guest shots and find him strident, desperate and irritating. When, in actuality, when granted some time of his own, he proves to be amazingly perceptive and quite dear really. I think Joe, as a director has encouraged him to have some quite moments which reveal a slight sadness behind all the bravado and make him come across very very vulnerable and sympathetic.
But chac un a son goute! What do I know?

Corine2 Profile Photo
#7re: if you're going to get age specific about Mario Cantone's demographic audience . . .
Posted: 10/17/04 at 12:48pm

I loved it too. I did however see a little old lady who was offended by the show.
I don't find him offensive in the least.

Caravaggio Profile Photo
#8re: if you're going to get age specific about Mario Cantone's demographic audience . . .
Posted: 10/17/04 at 1:08pm

I had enough "time with him" at his 1992 show (which I understand this show is essentially a re-tread of). I kept thinking, "So when does this stop being obnoxious and start getting funny?"

Cantone was always one of those comics (like Margaret Cho) that the gay press promoted as someone that any gay person would instantly find hysterical, presumably because they feel that we would collapse in stupefied glee every time one of them screamed or mugged. Or repated the SAME punch line with sledgehammer delivery, over and over. Or screamed louder (OK, to be fair...I think Cho's comment about her mother thinking she was gay because "Only GAY screen calls!" is one of the funniest and most accurate things I have heard).

I love raunchy and twisted humour, but it requires real finesse to pull off. In my view, neither Cho nor Cantone have the chops. Both of them suffer from the belief that they are funnier and more adorable than they really are.

I'm happy as long as there are brownies in the green room.

SamIAm Profile Photo
#9re: if you're going to get age specific about Mario Cantone's demographic audience . . .
Posted: 10/17/04 at 2:07pm

I find him offensive but not because I am a little old lady or because his language or content offends me. But his delivery, his choice of topics and how he makes a living by trashing other people...including his FRIENDS...THAT I find offensive.

"Life is a lesson in humility"

Corine2 Profile Photo
#10re: if you're going to get age specific about Mario Cantone's demographic audience . . .
Posted: 10/17/04 at 11:34pm

He really gives the best impersonation of Katherine Hepburn,
Carol Channing and Sammy Davis Jr I have ever seen.
He is a very gifted man who really is adorable.
This show really shows how talented he really is.
That Carol Channing was like watching Carol.
Tears were running down my face. I am so glad i don't need mascara.
re: if you're going to get age specific about Mario Cantone's demographic audience . . .
