Tell Me On A Sunday

#0Tell Me On A Sunday
Posted: 12/29/04 at 4:56pm

Tell me on... is set in London for the West end version with an English arctress, a little fish in a big pond

Does the american version have an american girl and the french version has...


do you think that art should be revised for it's audience, I don't personally think I do

#1re: Tell Me On A Sunday
Posted: 12/29/04 at 5:06pm

Thew version done as the first act of "SONG AND DANCE", starring Bernadette Peters, was about an English girl who comes to New York City. Since one of the songs is titled "English Girls", they kinda had to make her English!

#2re: Tell Me On A Sunday
Posted: 12/29/04 at 5:08pm

Act I of "Song and Dance" (which is a slightly reduced version of "Tell Me On A Sunday") tells the story of a British girl in New York and LA, adjusting to life in America, writing letters back to the UK, falling in and out of love etc ..... The role of Emma is written to be played as a Brit, and when I saw Bernadette Peters play it back in the mid-80s, she spoke and sang with a British accent. Without massive revisions to the text (which Webber and Don Black thus far have shown no interest in doing), it wouldn't make any sense for Emma to be played as anything other than British.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

#3re: Tell Me On A Sunday
Posted: 12/29/04 at 5:12pm

They did revise the show somewhat in 2003 though, right? I've heard some of it...what is so special about Denise VanOuten for them to do that? I can't see it.

bronxboundexpress Profile Photo
#4re: Tell Me On A Sunday
Posted: 12/29/04 at 5:41pm

I think Denise Van OUten is more well know in the UK.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#5re: Tell Me On A Sunday
Posted: 12/29/04 at 6:00pm

I actually like Martti Webb and Denise Van Outen's versions. I heard a little of Bernadette's version and the recording itself was horrible (not Bernadette but the quality of the recording). It is one of my favorite Webber shows.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

bronxboundexpress Profile Photo
#6re: Tell Me On A Sunday
Posted: 12/29/04 at 6:02pm

I cannot put up with Bernadette's strange voice.

~FloweryFriend~ Profile Photo
#7re: Tell Me On A Sunday
Posted: 12/29/04 at 7:28pm

I recieved Denise Van Outen's recording for Christmas.
It's fabulous and I love it.
Rather different from Bernadette's interpretations.
(well, some of the songs themselves are a bit different.)

I starred in a short film called Magnetic Personality. Check it out!

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#8re: Tell Me On A Sunday
Posted: 12/29/04 at 8:10pm

as do I, Flowery. As do I!! re: Tell Me On A Sunday

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2
