Donate to John Hill

#50re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 9:01pm

Mr. Hill ought to be very careful what he wishes for.

Because, to use his words...

Say I don't like John Hill. And say that instead of trying to get my anti-John message up on the Joe Boxer zipper (do they still have that thing?), I find out I can simply get John to post "John Hill is a lazy turd" on his own Web site...for a small donation, of course.

Now that's strictly a hypothetical sitch. I don't know John and therefore neither like nor dislike him. I find his journal neither funny nor offensive. I'm just an impartial bitch who enjoys playing devil's advocate, that's all.


paradox_error Profile Photo
#51re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 9:08pm

Pleased to meet you.

I've always liked impartial bitches that know they are...


Craig Profile Photo
#52re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 9:08pm

I can assure you, it's meant as a complete joke. Many times in life people find things funny or amusing and other times people do not. Humor is a tricky thing - especially when it's only in print as many people have experienced on line. John didn't think anyone would actually donate. I would never equate John with Andy Kaufman, but in this case it might apply. Andy liked to go full out with his "joke" for total realism. Many people got and loved his humor, some people would get pissed off. I believe that the amazon donation page is an extension of his journal entry to further his joke. Some get it, some don't. And please don't think I mean that those that don't like or care of it aren't "getting it".

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

TVBoy Profile Photo
#53re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 9:12pm

I agee with you Craig, but unfortunately it looks like the one who is "getting it" -- is John. Getting the money, that is.

I honestly think it's meant as a joke, but everything we do is for a reason. Personally -- and I might be wrong -- but I think in the back of his mind he is hoping someone will donate. Otherwise, a simple plea for donations on his site would suffice. I honestly think he is hoping some people will donate for the hell of it -- actually I bet you he is "banking" on it. re: Donate to John Hill

"I'm not a catcher! I'm a piano player!" -- Schroeder from "Peanuts" -----
Updated On: 3/20/05 at 09:12 PM

amasis Profile Photo
#54re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 9:17pm

But it's like... 50 bucks. And all the money coming from people, as MadeOfGold said, who either know him, or who found his writing hilarious and decided to play along with his craziness. I bet no random strangers are donating money because they seriously want to help him "pay off his debt". re: Donate to John Hill

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#55re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 9:19pm

Whatever the reason, rest assured that Hill is not even on the same PLANET as Andy Kaufman was. Kaufman was a comic genius, Hill, at best, is a smug wannabe who's a bit light in the talent department, with a sense of humour that is way off mark. If over 50% of the people don't "get" it, it's not working.

Craig Profile Photo
#56re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 9:30pm

50 percent of what Al? You can't measure the # of people reading his journal vs the # not getting it. I'm not defending Hill other than to say that's kind of a silly general comment coming from someone that is usually very careful to be specific. As for him being smug, I also think that's a value (yours) judgement. Those that know and have worked with him would hardly call him smug.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka
Updated On: 3/20/05 at 09:30 PM

#57re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 9:38pm

I *love* his humor, and I'm sure it started out as a joke. But c'mon. He had to know that some of his fans would start whipping out their wallets if he asked. I'm not sure I believe that he didn't think anyone would donate. He's not that naive.

One thing is for sure - it will put a little extra cash in his pocket. I'm curious enough to keep checking in to see how much the guy is pulling in. As for his journal entries? They should be published in a book one day. THAT I would buy.
Updated On: 3/20/05 at 09:38 PM

Broadway Matt Profile Photo
Broadway Matt
#58re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 10:02pm

I guess you can't fault the guy if he's found a gig that works for him. $50 doesn't go too far in this city, but if it helps to keep him in matching khaki attire and messenger bags, well some would argue that this IS supporting the common good. anything for that tax deduction, huh?

My point is simply this: people will always be getting duped into sending money out into cyberspace. regardless of whether someone else is duping them or they are doing it to themselves, they always pull through with some extra cash that apparently has no where better to go. I just think you should get more for your donation than a witty journal entry every few months- especially when there isn't a worthy cause involved. If not a charity case, it's an entertainment expense. Things have changed it seems, but I was just raised in a time when $50 sent to some guy thru Paypal would at least get you a few Bum Fight videos and a thank you note.

"The last train out of any station will not be full of nice guys." - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

"I wash my face, then drink beer, then I weep. Say a prayer and induce insincere self-abuse, till I'm fast asleep"- In Trousers

Amneris Profile Photo
#59re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 10:08pm

i wish i had $50.00 let alone 50 cent HA.

totally off topic sorry john but, is anyone else watching this AWFUL shark movie on CBS?

robbiej Profile Photo
#60re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 10:24pm

1. You'd be very surprised by what complete strangers would be willing to send money to.

2. Remember the good old days when people actually did something for money. Like hooking? I have nothing but the utmost respect for whores, gigolos and rent boys. They're at least breaking a sweat for their dough. And usually not with the type of folks any of us would choose.

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

amasis Profile Photo
#61re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 11:01pm

just think you should get more for your donation than a witty journal entry every few months-

I agree, Matt. Which is why I'm holding out on my donations until he gets desperate enough to offer videos of him and his camel ;-p.

#62re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 11:07pm

This thread made me remember something that struck me as odd when I looked at the link to the Amazon page...I thought I saw a little piece of fine print that said "Fully Refundable", which is in fact there. I think that those of you out there who believe it to be a joke are correct, and maybe someone who has donated, perhaps MoG(?), could tell us when their credit card bill comes in if there is actually a charge on it. Those words made me think that no money at all is being donated.

Thats actually kinda scary, because, like lets say you have a keystroke reading virus on your computer, some crazy person now has your credit card account number...yikes

"Past the point of no return, no backward glances: our games of make-believe are at an end" Phantom

CelebrityDogWalker Profile Photo
#63re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 11:12pm

Okay kids, as one of John's wives, allow me to post..

First off, the Donate to John Hill fund is a total JOKE. Joke joke joke! As is the plan John and I hatched this weekend to dress up like Jerri Blank, walk to the West Village, and see if they will kick us out of Marc Jacobs when we start to try on clothing. So in advance to any Broadway Worlders who spot us in hot pink stirrup pants, belted Bedazzled sweatshirts and fanny packs: those ensembles will also be a joke. Again, the word's Joke. No need to run to the computer with posts about John's gender confusion and passion for sparkle eyeshadow paired with antique birdcage earrings - allow me to salvage that Internet bandwidth now.

Second off, believe me, a whole heck of a lot of people think his online blog is beyond hysterical. A lot of the same people who cast him in things like Broadway shows... hmmm... Maybe this John Hill and his crazy idea of humor... Maybe he is on to something? Maybe he knows something us non-casted-in-Broadway-shows types don't?

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#64re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 11:17pm

the hell with John Hill, how can I donate to the dog in your icon?!?!?

Craig Profile Photo
#65re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 11:18pm

One would assume you donate daily to Woo, Mr. Shaiman.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

CelebrityDogWalker Profile Photo
#66re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 11:19pm

right now the dog likes bangle bracelets from Tiffany and size 6 patent leather pumps

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#67re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 11:21pm

ironically, Mr. Hill is house sitting and therefore Woo sitting for me right now...guess Woo is gonna be in the money!!

amasis Profile Photo
#68re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 11:25pm

right now the dog likes bangle bracelets from Tiffany and size 6 patent leather pumps

Yeah, but does she have an amazon account set up?? I love dogs in leather pumps. *takes out credit card* Updated On: 3/20/05 at 11:25 PM

CelebrityDogWalker Profile Photo
#69re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 11:28pm

Woo is a Fed Ex kind of girl

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#70re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 11:30pm

should I set up a biscuit and "Greenie" donation site for Woo?
Updated On: 3/20/05 at 11:30 PM

amasis Profile Photo
#71re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 11:33pm

Done, DogWalker. Credit card Fed-Exed.

(Wait.... that's not what you meant?)

CelebrityDogWalker Profile Photo
#72re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 11:36pm

I don't know what I meant, I was hypnotized as I stared into the compassionate eyes of my Walli Woo icon

Craig Profile Photo
#73re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/20/05 at 11:50pm

Not to threadjack, but I heard a vicious rumor that Woo doesn't do her own barking and that somewhere on a farm in Iowa, the real barker lives chained to giant bob's big boy figurine

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

HumpersTheCamel Profile Photo
#74re: Donate to John Hill
Posted: 3/21/05 at 12:06am

It is very expensive to keep a Camel especially in the city. Of Course he needs the donations to keep up on vet and food bills. Think of it as an Animal Charity.

Love Always,
Humpers the Camel