
who DIDN'T get show tickets OR the Wicked cd!?!?!

who DIDN'T get show tickets OR the Wicked cd!?!?!

Princess MimiChica Profile Photo
Princess MimiChica
#0who DIDN'T get show tickets OR the Wicked cd!?!?!
Posted: 12/25/03 at 10:30pm

sounds like everyone had a nice Christmas!!! I can't complain, I was very spoiled, but alas, no theatre trip to NYC and no theatre tickets =*( I also didn't get the Wicked cd, but thats what gift cards are for!
Is anyone else in the same boat as me?
To add to the Broadway Christmas theame, I did get the book Wicked, a really cool NYC purse, ITW on dvd, and the Avenue Q cd =) Merry Christmas to me!

BroadwayDiva Profile Photo
#1re: who DIDN'T get show tickets OR the Wicked cd!?!?!
Posted: 12/25/03 at 10:36pm

I didn't get the cd, but I got tickets with my theater group for January 11, so my parents (who payed for it) said that it will be a late Christmas present.

I'm sure the cd is amazing, so I might go into debt with one of my siblings and go out to Circuit City and go buy myself a copy that probably only cost $10.99 because it's still considered a new release!

I have my books and my poetry to protect me...

#2re: re: who DIDN'T get show tickets OR the Wicked cd!?!?!
Posted: 12/25/03 at 10:37pm

I bought the Wicked CD myself on Amazon.com. Cheap enough, and I so love it.

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#3re: re: re: who DIDN'T get show tickets OR the Wicked cd!?!?!
Posted: 12/25/03 at 11:14pm

I bought the Wicked cd when it came out, and I knew I would, so I purposely didn't ask for that. I'm quite sure I would have gotten it had I asked...My mom bought me the cast recording of Avenue Q, and she didn't even want to. lol She was like, "It has cursing!" hahaha I'm 21 years old, so that was cute that she said that.
I was hoping for theatre tickets, but my Dad did one better. See, I used his credit card to purchase quite a few theatre tickets over the past year...which I had promised to pay back; and I had every intetion of paying back after this holiday season was over. So, in addition to DVD's of Friends, gift certificate, and jelwery, he told me I didn't hae to pay him back for any of the tickets! re: re: re: who DIDN'T get show tickets OR the Wicked cd!?!?! As far as I'm concerned, it's better than getting tickets to something I've seen already anyway...considering I've seen pretty much every show on Broadway.

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

Gatesy2 Profile Photo
#4re: who DIDN'T get show tickets OR the Wicked cd!?!?!
Posted: 12/25/03 at 11:16pm

I got some show tickets. Orchestra seats to the January 16th show of "The Producers" starring Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick. So I'm happy!

Songsstresss Profile Photo
#5re: re: who DIDN'T get show tickets OR the Wicked cd!?!?!
Posted: 12/25/03 at 11:58pm

I had very little waiting under my tree for me this morning, but that's because I just got back from NYC last week and the plane ticket was my Christmas present! Getting to see it snow for the first time standing in the middle of Times Square was a wonderful gift!

#6re: re: re: who DIDN'T get show tickets OR the Wicked cd!?!?!
Posted: 12/26/03 at 12:18am

i got the cd but not tickets...i can't wait to see the show though...it looks "Wicked" awesome (sorry, couldn't help it)LOL

LiTtLeDaNcEr729 Profile Photo
#7re: re: re: re: who DIDN'T get show tickets OR the Wicked cd!?!?!
Posted: 12/26/03 at 12:27am

I too got the CD, but no tickets...ah well- can't have everything I suppose- plus there is still tomorrow night...Yay for 8 nights.

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#8who DIDN'T get show tickets OR the Wicked cd!?!?!
Posted: 12/26/03 at 12:55am

I didn't!

tthomas76 Profile Photo
#9re: who DIDN'T get show tickets OR the Wicked cd!?!?!
Posted: 12/26/03 at 5:41am

I asked for that Cd and didn't get it! re: who DIDN'T get show tickets OR the Wicked cd!?!?! So lastnight I ordered it and the Boy From Oz for a total of 26.00 from Amazon. I didn't think the price was too bad! We've already got plans to attend a directors conference in NYC this coming August and Wicked will be one show we won't miss!

CaTheatreGirl Profile Photo
#10re: re: who DIDN'T get show tickets OR the Wicked cd!?!?!
Posted: 12/26/03 at 11:39am

Nobody gave me anything theater related. Bah humbug! What I got, I purchased myself. Airline tickets for my next NY visit next week (for two weeks), tickets to The Producers, Wicked, Hairspray, Wonderful Town and others to be purchased when I get to town. Now the big gift is that I'm bringing my teenage niece to NY this time. I also bought myself the Wicked and Boy From Oz CDs. Merry Christmas to me! Happy holidays to all of you, too!!

#11re: re: re: who DIDN'T get show tickets OR the Wicked cd!?!?!
Posted: 12/26/03 at 11:48am

My wife gave me the DVD boxed set of Rogers & Hammerstein musicals as my theatre realted gift. Oklahoma, Carousel, The King and I, The Sound of Music, South Pacific and State Fair. We watched The Sound of Music last night with our guests. We were amazed how much better it is without comercials! LOL

I also go an XM Roady radio, now I can listen to Broadway radio tunes in my car!

Cake or death?
Updated On: 12/26/03 at 11:48 AM
