Cats National Tour

#0Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/25/05 at 10:17am

Can anyone tell me what they may know about a 2006 Cats Nat'l Tour?

lildogs Profile Photo
#1re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/25/05 at 10:25am

I know there is a tour out now--I know the company manager and the stage manager, but I'm not sure of their schedule

WonderBoy Profile Photo
#2re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/25/05 at 12:55pm

All I know is that it is non-Equity and more than likely a bit sloppy.

"For me, THEATRE is an anticipation, an artistic rush, an emotional banquet, a jubilant appreciation, and an exit hopeful of clearer thought and better worlds." ~ an anonymous traveler with Robert Burns

lildogs Profile Photo
#3re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/25/05 at 1:57pm

that's real nice, WonderBoy...unreal

ChiChi Profile Photo
#4re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/25/05 at 3:34pm

I have a problem with people equating non-equity with untalented. Just because a show is going to be non-equity doesn't mean it is going to be "sloppy" or bad in anyway. A lot of times equity boils down to snobbery.

Gypsy - Betty Buckley

lildogs Profile Photo
#5re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/25/05 at 3:47pm

I agree ChiChi, and I'll tell you why:

Ive seen several showcases here in the city with both equity and non-equity actors and the simple truth is I can't tell the difference, at least for beginning actors. I try to keep in mind the MANY ways of getting equity cards and rationalize it that way.

I think people believe equity actors are better because those are the people who have lasted. My roommate for example, went equity and has yet to work again. Not that she isn't talented, but she joined equity far too soon, and with too few contacts in the theatre world. I think that happens alot, which also explains why so many actos are unemployed--there are just too many with equity cards.

BrdwyThtr Profile Photo
#6re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/25/05 at 5:08pm

I don't think non-equity shows lack in talent whatsoever. I just prefer to see a show where I know the actors are being taken care of by a legitimate union.

WonderBoy Profile Photo
#7re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/25/05 at 5:14pm

I didn't mean that a non-Equity cast would be untalented. I said it would be sloppy. I've yet to see a tour of CATS Equity or non that was as clean as the Broadway production. Believe me, I've seen it enough to know. I could also tell you that the make-up isn't the same too. It is more cartoonish on tour but then you would probably think I was being a @ss about that as well.

"For me, THEATRE is an anticipation, an artistic rush, an emotional banquet, a jubilant appreciation, and an exit hopeful of clearer thought and better worlds." ~ an anonymous traveler with Robert Burns

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#8re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/25/05 at 5:14pm


You are EXACTLY correct. THAT is what the union is for, procecting it's members so that they don't get screwed. It happens all the time in non-union shows.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

lildogs Profile Photo
#9re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/25/05 at 5:20pm

Of course there will be differences in a Broadway show and a touring production. It has to travel for God's sake! It's the same for the make-up--think about it: the actors are in a new place and may not have a whole lot of time to get ready--especially with the non-eq tours--it's nothing to drive in for a matinee/evening show, pack up, travel and do the same thing the next day only 300 miles away. It's a rough job, and the tickets for touring shows are almost always lower than those of a regular Bway perhaps the expectations of seeing a Bway show in Peoria shouldn't be the same as in NYC, though the performers are the same pool of folks

WonderBoy Profile Photo
#10re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/25/05 at 5:40pm

My expectations of seeing an Equity national tour verses a non-Equity tour are different. When you are seeing an Equity tour of RENT you expect to see a re-creation of the Broadway show. When I see a non-Equity tour of RENT i expect to see a cheap knockoff of the show.

I have absolutely no problems with non-Equity performers as far as talent is concerned. However, I do have major issues with productions of shows currently running on Broadway that are licensed and people expect to see the "Broadway version" when that is not an accurate representation with what is on stage. Capisco?

"For me, THEATRE is an anticipation, an artistic rush, an emotional banquet, a jubilant appreciation, and an exit hopeful of clearer thought and better worlds." ~ an anonymous traveler with Robert Burns

#11re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/25/05 at 11:00pm

I'm extremely appreciative of all the feedback, but can back to my question? My reason for wanting to know is that I sit on a board of a rather large Connecticut theatre that will produce a non-equity run of 'Cats' for April 2006. I recently read in that AEA auditions will be held soon for a national tour. If so, I want to be sure that our stage company producers have ample time to announce another selection. I 'm getting tired of our schedule being 'a go' until a tour or revival is announced and the rights get pulled from us at the last minute.

And to continue your thread regarding Equity/non-Equity. I say, hang equity. I've worked for them and I've worked with them and all has led to a major headache! However the time this really irks me is at an audition. Equity always gets to be seen first. And I resent not being heard/seen just because I am not union affiliated. And just when I 'm told that "we have run out of time and we will not be hearing non-union actors", and I'm trying to contain my anger, I hear an equity card carrier sing (and sing badly)through the open studio door and I want to vomit. Too many equity cards in the hands of actors with less than zero talent. I have actually refused equity offers just so I can work. I'll stick with my commitment to perfection & the rest will follow.

Updated On: 7/25/05 at 11:00 PM

#12re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/26/05 at 12:15am

Present or produce?

CCM '10!
Updated On: 7/26/05 at 12:15 AM

#13re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/26/05 at 1:12am

This show is to be produced by our own stage company. This is not a tour rental.

lovinlife2 Profile Photo
#14re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/26/05 at 2:26am

Listen, from the costumes to the makeup, it's identical to the broadway broaduction. They even use the same makeup charts...PS, saw the show about 2 months ago and the cast was young and amazing. If i wouldnt have known it was non equity, i would have guessed it was equity, it's that good.

Broadway_Bound_Star Profile Photo
#15re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/26/05 at 2:30am

Well, she show overall is just plain EFFING hard to do. its rarley pulled off well. But I belive that non-equity can be good, if not better then an equity show.

#16re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/26/05 at 2:40am

This tour is actually pretty good.

CCM '10!

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#17re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/26/05 at 2:47am

except they cut out my favorite song so I hate them for it... why produce a national tour if you're gonna do it half-ass? otherwise everything else was okay...

lildogs Profile Photo
#18re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/26/05 at 9:35am

glad to hear you liked the show--I haven't seen it, but since I only know crew, I probably won't make a trip...when does the tour end? does anyone know?

BrdwyThtr Profile Photo
#19re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/26/05 at 9:39am

Boy, that tour is going to some SMALL cities.

lildogs Profile Photo
#20re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/26/05 at 9:56am

Yeah, I'm sure it is. In a way, I think that's good. Yes, alot of the theatres are sh**boxes, but that's the only theatre many people get to see. I still remember a tour of WSS I saw when I was 13--the sets shook, Anita was about 40, but I remember how cute Baby Jon was and how much I liked the show...and that was in a small Texas town. I also find the audiences are really pumped and very responsive for one-nighters...which to me makes it worthwhile.

#21re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/26/05 at 10:31am

The last Troika tour of CATS apparently had inflatable sets.

#22re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/26/05 at 12:40pm

Yes, the tour that was out last year had inflatable sets. A freind of mine did the load-in/out.

#23re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/26/05 at 1:53pm

This is the same tour. It is hitting the small cities because it has been out for a pretty long time.

I could not tell they were inflatable...just a quicker way to load in/out for the short stops. No problem with that.

CCM '10!

ChiChi Profile Photo
#24re: Cats National Tour
Posted: 7/26/05 at 1:56pm

I would actually be interested in seeing pictures of the inflatable set. Of course, my mind draws a picture of that inflatable furniture that was so particular., I'm guessing it was more complex than that.

Gypsy - Betty Buckley
