Happy birthday Hugh Jackman!

Birgit Profile Photo
#0Happy birthday Hugh Jackman!
Posted: 10/12/05 at 5:32am

Happy birthday to an amazing performer!

#1re: Happy birthday Hugh Jackman!
Posted: 10/12/05 at 9:23am

A multi-talented performer!

It's going to be a bountiful year of films for Hugh fans in 2006 ( The Fountain, the Woody Allen movie, XMEN3, two voice-over animation movies with Kate Winslet and Nicole Kidman, maybe the film with Christian Bale, maybe GOOD by CP Taylor, and hopefully the new movie musical under the Disney banner). I hope he gets a chance to come back to the stage occasionally.

Marquise Profile Photo
#2re: Happy birthday Hugh Jackman!
Posted: 10/12/05 at 9:31am

Happy Birthday!
That Aussie boy is B-A-N-G-I-N'!

Anastasia_Beaverhausen Profile Photo
#3re: Happy birthday Hugh Jackman!
Posted: 10/12/05 at 9:52am

When can I give him his present???

NYadgal Profile Photo
#4re: Happy birthday Hugh Jackman!
Posted: 10/12/05 at 9:57am

A VERY Happy Birthday to Mr. Jackman!

I hope all of his birthday wishes come true. re: Happy birthday Hugh Jackman!

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#5re: Happy birthday Hugh Jackman!
Posted: 10/12/05 at 10:05am

WOW, Hugh shares the same birthday as me. I wonder if it is a hint of what the future holds for me (Bww.com members drooling at my ultra sexy pictures re: Happy birthday Hugh Jackman!)

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

Marguerite Chauvelin
#6re: Happy birthday Hugh Jackman!
Posted: 10/12/05 at 10:41am

Happy B-Day Hugh!!! :)

If Percy Blakeney were in Les Mis....

Percy: Sink me! If it isn't Javvurt!
Javert: Zsah-vair, it's pronounced Zsah-vair.
Pecry: But it's spelled J-A-V-E-R-T Javvurt.
Javert: Repeat after me Zsah...Zsah....
Percy: Oh! Zsa-Zsa! Like the Gabor sister! Well I personally have always prefered Eva.
Javert: (Looks for gun)
