
Posted: 12/28/05 at 1:52am

Hey all here is a site with alot of bloopers for rent I don't know if anyone posted this or not. If they did oh well!
Here is the link:

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#1re: Rent
Posted: 12/28/05 at 3:20am

Thank you for the link and your incredibly descriptive subject header!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

MarkysSparky Profile Photo
#2re: Rent
Posted: 12/28/05 at 3:29am

Hey... I don't think they wrote anything about the disappearing lady during the Santa Fe number on the subway!!! LOL! My friend had seen this film about 5 times and she didn't even notice the lady until the fifth time seeing it... when I pointed it out to her. What a laugh.

"And I said, Not in MY backyard, utensils! Go back to {China}!"... bidi BAH...

meagan9848 Profile Photo
#3re: Rent
Posted: 12/28/05 at 4:26am

The "disappearing lady" is a sour subject for a lot of people, some say she just moves, some says she disappears. My vote is she moves.

Idina: Somehow I got myself to the stage, came out at the end of the show, and I had some kind of closure.
Some guy: You looked great!
Idina: Thanks...I WAS SO HIGH! 8/21/05

#4re: Rent
Posted: 1/1/06 at 6:56pm

yea they do have the lady moving but you have to look more on there I found it.

badreligion Profile Photo
#5re: Rent
Posted: 1/1/06 at 7:03pm

They forgot to mention that right after New Years and Mark is recording the group, he is asking them questions about their resolutions. The camera he uses, a Bolex (or actually what looks like an Arri-S with a crank taped on to it) does not record sound.

mentaltenant Profile Photo
#6re: Rent
Posted: 1/1/06 at 7:15pm

there really are a huge amount of just really amateurish mistakes in that movie like no one ever sat down and watched it after editing they just did it in 2 weeks and released it. I mean I enjoy the movie because thank god it was made but come on! lol

badreligion Profile Photo
#7re: Rent
Posted: 1/1/06 at 7:18pm

now hold on one second, yes there are mistakes in the film like the ones listed on the above link, but listen EVERY film has these mistakes EVERY single one, no one gets continuity completely right, its a game in film school to find new mistakes in Great Great films. Again they ALL have them, it is nothing unusual or amateurish.

mentaltenant Profile Photo
#8re: Rent
Posted: 1/1/06 at 7:21pm

i didn't say every film doesn't have mistakes but come on some of them are just ridiculous.

badreligion Profile Photo
#9re: Rent
Posted: 1/1/06 at 7:23pm

which ones? elaborate.

Anakela Profile Photo
#10re: Rent
Posted: 1/2/06 at 12:15am

There's all kinds of movie mistakes, and I wouldn't say that Rent has any more or less continuity mistakes than other films, there's stuff that gets by editing in everything so I am pretty forgiving of stuff like a bag switching from one shoulder to the other, snow disappearing then reappearing in someone's hair, etc.

However, I do think that when Columbus specified 1989/1990 there were errors born from that which were not taken care of, both within the original's song lyrics (Thelma & Louise, Pee Wee Herman, etc.), and also with the visuals on screen (style of MTA car, year of the Range Rover, what buildings/stores existed/did not exist then, etc.), that it did sometimes feel as if no one noticed. The kind of stuff that editing isn't supposed to fix, because it's not supposed to happen in the first place, those are the errors that I think Rent did have a lot of...

For example the mistake that I hated the most was the fact that at the end we get "Today 4 U" footage in Mark's movie, when Mark did not have his camera and was not filming during that scene- how does no one catch something like that?

#11re: Rent
Posted: 1/2/06 at 12:20am

Did anyone notice that there was an extra who looked kinda like Miranda from Sex and the City walking behind Collins and Angel in I'll cover you and she walks past them everytime the camera cuts behind them and then it cuts in front and shes in back again. this happens about 4 times. Also when they run down the street and the camera cuts in front shes the same distence away she was before they were running.

You must think I'm still sixteen. I dropped out of high school for a reason. And I don't care if you're pretty. I'm not admitting you are right. My soul is not a stage. I won't pretend I'm anything I'm not

#12re: Rent
Posted: 1/2/06 at 12:23am

Thank you, Analela, I agree completely. The time change was completley unnecessary- I know his reasons for moving it to 1989-1990, but I still don't think it had to be done.

And maybe Mark just tends to narrate as a habit. Because the Bolex doesn't record sound, that doesn't necessarily make it a blooper.

Grief does not expire like a candle or the beacon on a lighthouse. It simply changes temperature. -Nocturne
