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re: 'Brokeback! The Musical!'
 Jan 12 2006, 08:05:13 PM
Oh God this thread is quite humourous but honestly if they ever even thought of making Brokeback a Musical I'd drop Broadway completely!
re: Riedel on Lestat
 Jan 12 2006, 08:03:12 PM
toto2 don't use words like Libel if you don't know what they mean, especially in the legal sense. You people get carried away from an article by THE NEW YORK POST, come on, get over it, see the play, i'm sure it will be a suckfest, before the vultures and obnoxious brats come after me, yes i saw it, and it sucked even worse than that article claims. But so goes it. Can't do two Vampire Chronicles in one (God have mercy) musical. Unless they build up the Lestat's love, real love for Louis and
re: Complete list of the RENT DVD features !
 Jan 12 2006, 07:40:31 PM
Fantastic! But still wish Disc 1 was a Director's Cut, Unrated, with all the deleted scenes in the film in context. Now that would be worthy of Criterion Collection, who knows maybe in the future. Very happy nonetheless
re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & Other DVD News
 Jan 12 2006, 07:37:54 PM
Thank God it's a double disc. Disappointed its not a directors cut but will accept deleted scenes instead.
re: 2006: The year the OSCARS died?
 Jan 4 2006, 10:27:01 PM
jrb screeners for Munich and King Kong WERE sent out just gave the voters about 4 days to watch them. Which is the fault of the productions companies.
re: why is the RENT movie set in 89?
 Jan 2 2006, 09:36:16 PM
Honestly, they didn't have to indicate what year it was at all. Alot of this and the critics reactions and nitpicking is because a year was chosen. No year being mentioned in the play worked for everyone, it would have worked for everyone in the film. The Pre-gentrification of alphabet city i do understand, but lets remember the gentrification happened over a pretty long period of time and isn't done yet. Emcee-I loved the OBC of Rent and was obsessed with the play, relax a little about peopl
re: Will Chase in RENT
 Jan 1 2006, 07:26:55 PM
andrew - you're post which you claim to have lost friends and family to AIDS exemplifies not "support" for AIDS, but complacency. Sad comment really.
re: Rent
 Jan 1 2006, 07:23:36 PM
which ones? elaborate.
re: Lestat = Le Bad
 Jan 1 2006, 07:22:30 PM
I've seen it, it has no potential and it will bomb on Broadway.
re: Rent
 Jan 1 2006, 07:18:40 PM
now hold on one second, yes there are mistakes in the film like the ones listed on the above link, but listen EVERY film has these mistakes EVERY single one, no one gets continuity completely right, its a game in film school to find new mistakes in Great Great films. Again they ALL have them, it is nothing unusual or amateurish.
re: Jai Rodriguez
 Jan 1 2006, 07:16:10 PM
eh, his Angel in Rent left alot to be desired.
re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
 Jan 1 2006, 07:14:11 PM
Possibly the script was not that good and the plans for possible distribution were not there, but we can never know, but hey where would your screen name be if he didn't do Cabaret :). I still think he needs to get in with the right casting people, hell i'll give him names :)
re: Rent
 Jan 1 2006, 07:03:02 PM
They forgot to mention that right after New Years and Mark is recording the group, he is asking them questions about their resolutions. The camera he uses, a Bolex (or actually what looks like an Arri-S with a crank taped on to it) does not record sound.
re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
 Jan 1 2006, 06:56:06 PM
Chloe - you're quite welcome, took me back a long time ago. Adam needs the right people around him, I am a filmmaker myself and in the indie circuit. Plenty of indies are made every year and alot of people keep a certain amount in their budget for a named actor but you won't find Adam on those lists, not because he's not qualified to get a film some notice, he is, but he just hasn't been in touch with the casting agents and casting directors we work with. He can find a good script, they are o
re: 1996 Tony Awards
 Jan 1 2006, 06:47:03 PM
I should have them archived somewhere, I was a Rent freak back then. If i can find it ill let you know.
LA theatre
 Jan 1 2006, 03:31:42 PM
I work in LA and NYC, I spend half my time on west coast and half my time on east coast, but always saw theatre in nyc. Maybe I'll try to see something in LA, you are all so enthusiastic about it.
re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
 Jan 1 2006, 03:28:58 PM
I am absolutely positive the Adam acting bashing definitely hurt him as did some of the neg. reviews of him in the film. He's been trying to break into film since '97 and hasn't had much sucess. And I doubt after the failure of Rent critically and box office is not going to help him. And people here definitely let him know. Emcee- I'm glad youve gotten over your fear of Adam and have been able to have a comfortable repoire with him. Its important, i think im somewhat older than you, i met him
re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
 Jan 1 2006, 02:56:37 PM
Well put Emcee, I talked to Adam alot during Rent (yes I was obsessed with the show, sorry) and we would walk away from the theatre to talk because he was VERY uncomfortable with screaming fans, nervous fans and I never saw him as anything but the guy who takes the stress away from me from a horrible job I had at the time, and the first time I walked up to him and said smiling, "dude you f***ed up" and laughed cos he said "It was mad - I got bad" (reversed mad and bad) during X-Mas Bells and he
re: Lestat = Le Bad
 Jan 1 2006, 02:45:02 PM
Any radical changes? I'm sorry but this so is so wretchedly bad that you'll want to vomit during it. I chose to laugh my as* off during the RIDICULOUS musical numbers and the HORRIBLE HUGH PANARO (Gasp! Did he really say that! watch out the Panaro stalkers are after you) He had no clue who the Vampire Lestat was and was part of the creation of the worst interpretation I have ever seen of the Vampire Chronicles. And Elton John is banal. Just watch Aida, he is 100x's worse in Lestat.
re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
 Jan 1 2006, 04:43:14 AM
If you puruse through these boards there are ALOT of obnoxious kids on this board that spend their time flaming each other and ganging up on others. Adam is right, this board is predominately vicious, but then again most internet chat boards are. If I were him I wouldn't take a second glance and Anthony's pissed off at this board as well right now for good reason. Adam has never been the type to like overgushing and nervous fans either. He is much better with someone who simply walks up to h
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