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2 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free Lance-Star

2 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free Lance-Star

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#02 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free Lance-Star
Posted: 12/29/05 at 5:36pm

Here's one...

"Although she spends the entire show in green face, Block is explosive as Elphaba, growing with the character. As Elphaba becomes more sure of herself, Block's performances takes flight.

The greatest compliment Kessebaum can receive is that her Glinda is obnoxious, annoying and overbearing, which is exactly how the character should come across.

It's a shame that despite having performers with such exquisite voices, the music comes off a bit garbled from poor acoustics.

This is a problem, as the songs aren't that memorable to begin with. When you have trouble making out some of the words, they just begin to drag, regardless of how good the singer's voice is."

WOW, I guess the sound problem in the Kennedy Center is as bad as people have been saying. Shame!

Washington Examiner Updated On: 12/29/05 at 05:36 PM

Popular Profile Photo
#1re: 2 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free-Lance Star
Posted: 12/29/05 at 5:38pm

And now the other...

"Stephanie J. Block gives a moving performance as Elphaba, deeply wounded by life but true to her convictions. Block has a beautiful voice, truly a pleasure to listen to.

Kendra Kassebaum is burdened with a babyish voice, appropriate to the self-centered Glinda, but shrill and nasal when lifted in song.

They are ably supported by the rest of the cast, including Carole Shelley as Mme. Morrible and David Garrison as the Wizard."

Free Lance-Star, Fredicksburg, VA Updated On: 12/29/05 at 05:38 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#2re: 2 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free-Lance Star
Posted: 12/29/05 at 5:53pm

I just don't get how a lot of critics have put down Mr. Schwartz's music. It is some of the most hummable music out there in my opinion. I love how the critic for the Free Lance says "the show apparently has developed a cult following". What rock has this critic been living under?!

Ms. Block was not impressive the night I saw it in Denver, but it seems she was just off as others here really enjoyed her. Some people I know who saw it 3 times here said that she did have a few off nights. I agree about not hearing some of the lyrics. We missed a lot of the chorus' lyrics. But all in all, it is an entertaining show that I have seen with the original cast and on tour.

Just give the world Love.

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#3re: 2 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free-Lance Star
Posted: 12/29/05 at 6:00pm

uncageg - not that this should be an excuse but Denver isn't the easiest place to sing. I asked Stephanie about the air there once and this was her reply to that.

"And...YES! The air is so thin here and dry...singing is a challenge until you get used to it. And, sister...I am not used to it!"

Gotta love how she keeps it real though! We're always our own worst critics, aren't we? I'm sure she sounded amazing, thin air and all. I really am sad you saw her on an off night.

Updated On: 12/30/05 at 06:00 PM

cubbiegirl Profile Photo
#4re: 2 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free-Lance Star
Posted: 12/29/05 at 7:16pm

The Free Lance Star is my hometown newspaper! I don't live there anymore though.

Great Stephanie reviews as always.

Jim Caruso: You know, you are doing Wicked.
Stephanie J Block: I am!
Jim: Is anyone coming to that old thing?

Radioactiveduck Profile Photo
#5re: 2 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free-Lance Star
Posted: 12/29/05 at 10:01pm

The music is actually fairly un-memorable the first time you listen. It took me two or three listenings to my OBCR before i started getting favorites. But that doesn't mean it isn't really good music.

It's amazing to me that a show that gets such lackluster reviews is such an insanely wild success. I'm sure Stephen Schwartz takes those reviews and cries all the way to the bank.

PS - HI POPULAR! Long time, no see. We still on for Orange County?

Popular Profile Photo
#6re: 2 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free-Lance Star
Posted: 12/30/05 at 1:36am

Orange County, San Diego.. whichever. I think it will be interesting to see who are playing the lead roles by then so, sure, why not!

We can have a big ol' L.A. reunion :) Updated On: 12/30/05 at 01:36 AM

Celestial Entropy Profile Photo
Celestial Entropy
#7re: 2 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free-Lance Star
Posted: 12/30/05 at 1:58am

I personally think songs like Popular, Defying Gravity and No Good Deed are memorable songs... I know they were for me the first time I ever saw the show and heard the music. It's what brought me back to the show and what had me buying the cd. Anyhow... to the reviews: I saw Wicked on Christmas night here in DC and the reviews are almost dead on... I voiced the same issue: the accoustics. It is a problem... they are playing in the Kennedy Center Opera House and it is just eating up the sound. re: 2 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free-Lance Star When Steph got to the end of Defying Gravity and was working with her hands and the broom, she cupped her hand near her mouth as if she was trying to get more amplification out of her voice.
Thankfully Stephanie is an awesome actress with a strong voice, so what accoustic problem there is, her talents are outshining it.

I've come this far with the truth of the heart. Deep down inside I think we're all the same. Try not to judge and never shame... I do believe people are good... they just want hope and respect... to be understood ~Melissa Etheridge

#8re: 2 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free-Lance Star
Posted: 12/30/05 at 2:25am

so... i like stephanie and all when i saw her as Elphaba... but the two times i saw her, she never went for the high note in "deFYing gravity.. and soon i'll match them in renown.." i was kinda bummed... and i've read that she doesn't always hit it.. anyone know why?

Popular Profile Photo
#9re: 2 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free-Lance Star
Posted: 12/30/05 at 3:20am

I can't answer your question of WHY so all I will add is this...

if you go into ANY show with preconceived notions of how certain notes or phrases SHOULD be sung than anything different is going to sound odd to you at first.

You can either sit back, enjoy and accept that it's different, or you can let the fact that it wasn't sung exactly how you have it in your head ruin the moment for you. It's really your choice. As long as it's sung well, different shouldn't equal bad.

If your enjoyment of a performance is based soley on, for example, how long someone playing Elphaba holds the "It's Meeeeeeee note" than you are depriving yourself of enjoying all the other elements that particular person has brought into the role. One person may hold it for 3 seconds but act the hell out of it and have a better voice than someone who holds it for 10 seconds and so on...

I can understand why someone would be disappointed in not hearing something sung how they are used to hearing it but... I guess what I'm trying to say is, unless the notes are sung horribly, the fact that it's sung differently shouldn't be reason enough to make a judgment call on whether the actor was good or not.

It's late, hope I'm making sense.

#10re: 2 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free-Lance Star
Posted: 12/30/05 at 4:28am

i see your point popular... i'm just saying that it appears that she almost never goes for the note... it's kind of disappointing for me to not hear it because when it's sung lower i get the impression that the person isn't putting their 100% into the song... and to me... it just sounds really odd when the note isn't sung... i like stephanie's portrayal and all.. but her performance was just missing something for me the two times i saw it...

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#11re: 2 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free-Lance Star
Posted: 12/30/05 at 11:48am

If you felt something was missing from her performance then that's fair enough, you are entitled to your opinion. I just think it's a shame if your opinion is based soley on that one note is all I'm saying. Seems some people HAVE heard her go higher on that note. I wont pretend to know why she does or doesn't at at times.
Updated On: 12/30/05 at 11:48 AM

Radioactiveduck Profile Photo
#12re: 2 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free-Lance Star
Posted: 12/30/05 at 12:29pm

I like it better when she goes for the F on 'defying' too. I just think it gives the phrase so much more power, plus, when she does it, she does it RIGHT. I'm not looking forward to March 19th at all.

BTW, Entropy - she always does the hand cup thing, it's one of my favorite little things that only Steph does.

PS - Popular, OC works A LOT better for me, is that cool w/ you?

#13re: 2 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free-Lance Star
Posted: 12/30/05 at 12:33pm

I am glad people are acknowledging those sound problems! It made it so hard to enjoy when you are straining to hear what they were saying/singing.

Did anyone else think the line delivery was pretty bad overall?? I really enjoyed it, but I felt like a lot of the key/ funny spoken lines were really downplayed or rushed through to the point where they didn't come across at all. I loved Derrick Williams, but I think he was one of the worst when it came to this problem.

"But now the air is filled with confusion. We replace care with illusion."

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#14re: 2 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free-Lance Star
Posted: 12/30/05 at 12:38pm

Radioactiveduck - I'd rather that decision not be left up to me. As the time gets closer why don't we see how many people want to go and take a vote or something.

It's also impossible for me to say 100% what I'll be doing or where I'll be in the summer, so it's not fair for me to choose when it's quite possible I may not even be around. I definitely want to try and go though, no matter which city is good for everyone.

James885 Profile Photo
#15re: 2 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free-Lance Star
Posted: 12/30/05 at 1:46pm

Very interesting what everyone's saying about the acoustical problems in the Opera House. I'll be seeing it next saturday, so i'll be able to judge for myself. It'll be my first time seeing Wicked, so i'm very much looking forward to it.

"You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - Betty Parris to Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible

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#16re: 2 new Wicked Tour Reviews - Washington Examiner and Free-Lance Star
Posted: 12/30/05 at 4:48pm

Just a thought - I have never used them myself but don't most theaters offer headsets of some kind for people who are hard of hearing? Do you think hearing the show through that would be better or worse or would it not make any difference? I have no idea how those things work.
