Thou shalt Not- The sequel

Creative Lunatic
#0Thou shalt Not- The sequel
Posted: 1/5/06 at 6:07pm

I just read the article stating that Harry Connick Jr. is writing another musical. I continue to be a fan of his singing and acting, but as stated in other threads still could not get over the debacle that was "Thou Shalt Not" I kept thinking why didn't someone derail this train wreck before it got to this point.
Now perhaps, Mr. Connick will go on to create a musical that is a triumph, but what I find disturbing from the article is that he seems to have no ability to be self-critical.
What are your thoughts?

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#1re: Thou shalt Not- The sequel
Posted: 1/5/06 at 6:10pm

I think the problem was more in the source material. Given the right subject, I think he could write a wonderful score. Perhaps he will choose something a little sunnier.
Updated On: 1/5/06 at 06:10 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#2re: Thou shalt Not- The sequel
Posted: 1/5/06 at 6:14pm


My wife & I actually liked it

Poster Emeritus

GClef2 Profile Photo
#3re: Thou shalt Not- The sequel
Posted: 1/5/06 at 6:19pm

Do you mean the RIGHT subject? lol

"The only way we live beyond our lives is to connect and carve ourselves into the souls of those we love." -Little Fish

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#4re: Thou shalt Not- The sequel
Posted: 1/5/06 at 6:20pm

Sorry, I'm half awake.

Creative Lunatic
#5re: Thou shalt Not- The sequel
Posted: 1/5/06 at 6:27pm

Harry Connick Jr's. source of inspiration has been his beloved New Orleans. He has been so dedicated and committed to Katrina relief efforts.
So, it is entirely possible that his hometown may continue to be his source material.
Certainly, a requirement for creating a successful musical is not sunny source material. It is how the creative team and actors interpret the material.

SirLiir Profile Photo
#6re: Thou shalt Not- The sequel
Posted: 1/5/06 at 6:30pm

I thoroughy enjoy Thou Shalt Not and though the book is weak, I still do not understand why people call it a train wreck. It had a sensible plot, interesting yet underdeveloped characters, and from what I understand of the Therese Raquin book, followed the plot points very well. Take out some of the sex, add some more snappy dialogue, and implement better transitional sequences (Murder right after Tug Boat?...ruins the song) and the show would have been a bit better. I have seen far worse musicals and thought this one was worth the money. Again though, just my opinion.

Creative Lunatic
#7re: Thou shalt Not- The sequel
Posted: 1/5/06 at 6:34pm

and Norbert Leo Butz was a stand out!!!

SirLiir Profile Photo
#8re: Thou shalt Not- The sequel
Posted: 1/5/06 at 6:47pm

Of course!

edit: In fact, I would be very surprised if Norbert is not cast to be in the new musical. If you check the interview (its on the link page of NLB online) he states he really enjoyed Connick's musical style. Norbert on board would also give the show a little star power. If the material is good, the show would be a great project when he is done with DRS. Updated On: 1/5/06 at 06:47 PM

#9re: Thou shalt Not- The sequel
Posted: 1/5/06 at 9:45pm

Please say it ain't so!!!!! After sitting through THOU SHALT NOT, I would think twice about enduring another Harry Connick show. I've had nightmares about that girl humping the headboard!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

SirLiir Profile Photo
#10re: Thou shalt Not- The sequel
Posted: 1/5/06 at 10:09pm

Dolly, take out that extremely over-long sex scene and it wasn't that bad, was it? Haha

kateerin Profile Photo
#11re: Thou shalt Not- The sequel
Posted: 1/6/06 at 9:29am

I really enjoyed Thou Shalt Not. There were aspects about it that I didn't like (next time cast a young woman who can sing...), but over all the honest to God flavor of New Orleans was vibrant and well, and though it was a weak book, the score was wonderful (Tony Nom) and the direction and choreography (Stroman) were excellent. I went on to find the Emil Zola source material - based on my experience with the show. Of course the absolute BEST thing was Norbert Leo Butz's performance.

"If your wanting a beginner, I shan't do..."

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#12re: Thou shalt Not- The sequel
Posted: 1/6/06 at 9:40am

I hate Harry Connick, Jr. with a passion, but....give the guy a second chance, fer cryin' out loud! Just keep it simple and don't let Stroman do anything other than musical COMEDY and all should be fine.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

#13re: Thou shalt Not- The sequel
Posted: 1/6/06 at 9:51am

I liked the songs on their own. They just had nothing to do with the story. Hopefully, if he writes a new one, it will be better integrated than the last. I'd like to say perhaps we were expecting too much considering the talent involved, but "Thou Shalt Not" was just very hard to sit through.

Just my opinion, I may be wrong.

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