
Yes, it's been a year without her.

Yes, it's been a year without her.

#0Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:10pm

Let's have a moment of silence to remember her.

Idina Menzel, Elphie, herself.

Who could forget this date?

Anyone have that unforgettable video remembering her performance in Wicked?...that made everyone think she had died?

I'll look for it. It provided good laughs.

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

#1re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:16pm

I think this is the video you mean

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#2re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:17pm

I felt like going into mourning after seeing that video tribute. A tearful moment in time.

#3re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:17pm

A moment of silence for the EyeDina Mentzelbaum.

::tear falls::

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay

#4re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:24pm

Hahaha, yes--that'd be it, Kringas.

Today is also one of my best friend's birthday and my brother left today for 5 months go to college in Pensyllvania. re: Yes, it's been a year without her.

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

#5re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:26pm

I forgot about this video. Wow.

ETA: Now, where are all the Shoshana videos?

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife
Updated On: 1/9/06 at 05:26 PM

#6re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:28pm

*is silent for a moment*

Wait a minute- this doesn't make sense...because no one mourns the wicked!

xxnewgirlxx Profile Photo
#7re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:30pm

OK, I do love Idina, but that was absolutely ridiculous.

It has Oscar telecast "In Memoriam" written all over it. And the woman is still alive.

#8re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:30pm


PARKS- you had to start this, didn't you? You sure seem to like to start trouble.

I think watching that was one of the most wasted 5 minutes of my life.


"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

#9re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:31pm


Who wants to volunteer to make the Shoshsana vid?

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

Holliwoodblonde Profile Photo
#10re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:32pm

I have no words, that was *tear* beautiful.



#11re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:32pm

If you were Idina, can you imagine going online and finding THAT? How freaky would that be?

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

sadiem100 Profile Photo
#12re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:34pm

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA I FREAKING LOVE YOU GUYS... this thread has made my day.

"Electricity sparks inside of me... and I'm free, I'm free."

#13re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:36pm

lol, Ashley--I was just wondering that too.

Do you think she's seen it? What has her reaction been, do you think?

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

Holliwoodblonde Profile Photo
#14re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:38pm

If she were to see it she'd probably be royally freaked out. But can you blame her?


#15re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:40pm

She's not dead. What are these people thinking? I can't even imagine her reaction. I'm freaked out by watching it and it's not even me. What was it like? "The thousands of lives she's touched" or something?

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#16re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:40pm

oh my god..imagine the video that will be made when she actually dies, god forbid ofcourse. I love how at the end they say you have a successful road ahead of you.. as if Wicked was her big break.

#17re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:40pm

She'd probably get a lot of sh!t for it. haha

Not like, haha--I like Idina in pain...but haha towards the situation.

That video is so ridiculous.

I do like Idina Menzel--don't get me wrong.

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

#18re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:42pm

"as if Wicked was her big break."

Wait...Idina was in stuff before Wicked?


re: Yes, it's been a year without her.

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

#19re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:42pm

Yes, totally mocking the video! Love her!

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

#20re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:45pm

If I were her, I would move out of the country and perhaps change my name.

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

#21re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:46pm

Eh, not sure it's THAT big of a deal.

Not everyone in the US has seen this.

Probably mostly just BWW people.

Hopefully she has a good sense of humor, I'm sure she does...maybe.

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

#22re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 5:52pm


I remember that video. I don't even need to watch it to know which one it is.

#23re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 6:00pm

Where do I send the flowers? Oh wait, she's NOT dead???? That video would have freaked me out!

Kimmygonbefamous Profile Photo
#24re: Yes, it's been a year without her.
Posted: 1/9/06 at 6:40pm

My favorite part is when it switches to Defying Gravity and the pictures change in time with the music. Brilliant editing...Oscar caliber. Can we submit this as a short film?

"You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don't make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and do them so well that people can't take their eyes off you." - Maya Angelou
