
And The World Goes 'Round (Benefit) - One Weekend Left!

And The World Goes 'Round (Benefit) - One Weekend Left!

#0And The World Goes 'Round (Benefit) - One Weekend Left!
Posted: 1/30/06 at 11:16am

And The World Goes 'Round (Benefit) - One Weekend Left!

For all you LA people (and I know you're out there), here's the info on West Coast Ensemble's upcoming production of And The World Goes 'Round - a benefit to raise funds for the new theater. I hope you can make it! =)

EDITED: Opening weekend went great (despite my sprained wrist - long story), and we're raising lots of money for the theater, but we still need as much support as we can get! We have 3 more shows...3/3 & 3/4 at 8pm and 3/5 at 3pm. Come check us out! =)

Updated On: 3/1/06 at 11:16 AM

best12bars Profile Photo
#1re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 1/30/06 at 11:19am

Best of luck in this terrific revue, Erika!

I will definitely make plans to see it.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#2re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 1/30/06 at 11:23am

Sounds fun. I love this show.

#3re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 1/30/06 at 11:53am

Thanks, guys! It's shaping up to be a really great evening. And it would be awesome to meet some of you BWW folks! =)

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#4re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 1/30/06 at 11:56am

Haha what a cooincidence. I am appearing in a high school production of WGR March 3rd-5th.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

#5re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 1/30/06 at 12:28pm

Well, break a leg! =)

tthomas76 Profile Photo
#6re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 1/30/06 at 12:32pm

That's funny, I'm actually directing this show coming up in May. re: And The World Goes 'Round... It's a fun revue!

Hanna from Hamburg Profile Photo
Hanna from Hamburg
#7re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 1/30/06 at 12:42pm

It's such a TOUGH work!!!! I music directed it several years ago and the harmonies are SO difficult. On top of that, it requires terrific actors to sell the story of the song out of context of a show (which isn't easy). And the staging/choreography has to be so sharp. Break a leg!!!

". . . POP . . ."

tthomas76 Profile Photo
#8re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 1/30/06 at 12:43pm

Thanks, I'm sure it will be fun... I enjoy the music and the show seems to be fun...

#9re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 1/30/06 at 12:47pm

Well, we're actually doing it as a fundraising concert for the company... We don't normally do revues at West Coast Ensemble, but as we have a new space, which as of now is just an empty warehouse-type space, the board thought this would be a great choice. We're doing it cabaret-style, with lots of tables and a small thrust stage, so people can really get a feeling for the space. And as you can tell from the cast list, we're using the evening as a showcase for the company as opposed to "star turns" for just a few members... This is an actual company - one of the few true theater ensembles left in LA - so it's great to be able to have so many people involved.

As for myself, I'll be singing "How Lucky Can You Get" (solo), "The Grass Is Always Greener" (duet), "Cabaret" (quintet), backup vocals in "All That Jazz," "Money, Money" (entire cast) and of course the "World Goes 'Round" finale (entire cast).

We're also doing some gender-switching on some songs...

We started choreographing "All That Jazz" and "Money" this weekend. I think both numbers are gong to fab.

It's gonna be fun!

tthomas76 Profile Photo
#10re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 1/30/06 at 12:49pm

Wish I was closer to LA to see it... Here in Indiana I'm sure it's not going to happen... Break a Leg! re: And The World Goes 'Round...

#11re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 1/30/06 at 12:54pm

I started that post before I read Hanna's...

Yes, Hanna, I agree. The harmonies are challenging, which I adore. I'm so pleased I get to do "Cabaret." =) And we have a amazing choreographer working with us, so I'm pretty confident that the staging/choreography will be impressive - particularly for a bunch of "movers." re: And The World Goes 'Round...

As for the acting, you're right, and I think that's precisely why this show will work so well for us. The company is an acting ensemble. We only do one musical a season (18 months); the rest of the time we do straight plays of various types, from classics to new avant-garde works. So, those of us in this production are all dedicated actors who also happen to sing. =)

Thanks so much for the good wishes! And again, it's a benefit concert, so please think about coming if you're in the area, and spread the word! =)
Updated On: 1/30/06 at 12:54 PM

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#12re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 1/30/06 at 1:31pm

Congrats Erika - that is just great!

best12bars Profile Photo
#13re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 1/30/06 at 1:41pm

I'm sure you'll tear the roof off with "How Lucky Can You Get!"

...although that would defeat the purpose of the fundrasier, actually.

re: And The World Goes 'Round...

It's such a great number. It practically morphs into a Mama Rose-type "turn" at the end.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#14re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 1/30/06 at 1:51pm

Thanks so much, YWIW and tthomas76! =)

best12bars, that is so funny you should say that! I was unfamiliar with the song before I got cast in the show, and when we were going over it for the first time in rehearsal, the director suggested I should come out into the audience and go a little nuts for the "Life's a bed of roses" part, etc. and I replied, "So, basically, this is my "Rose's Turn" moment." hehehe

best12bars Profile Photo
#15re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 1/30/06 at 1:54pm

Erika---It's so true!

I actually teased Marin Mazzie (an old friend) about that. She did the number when the show first came out here (to L.A.) at the Henry Fonda a million years ago. I joked with her that it was her Rose's Turn after the show. Not long after that, she landed Passion... so look out world, here comes ERIKA!!!

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

Popular Profile Photo
#16re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 1/30/06 at 1:59pm

Erika, I will definitely have to try and make it to see you one of these days... sounds like a great evening!

#17re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 1/30/06 at 6:20pm

That would be great, Popular! Be sure sure to let me know if you're coming so I know to stick around and say hi! =)

And that goes for anyone else who wants to come, too!

#18re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 2/2/06 at 11:21am

Hi again, guys! Just got a google alert that two little articles are up on the 'net about the show. =) One's right here on BBW, and the other is on Playbill.com

Thanks so much to the BBW newsdesk for the support!!



If you're in the SoCal area, why not come on out and support live theater in LA! =)

#19re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 2/7/06 at 11:23am

*bump!* Rehearsals are going great... I'm even playing recorder - yes, recorder, that instrument of grammar schools everywhere - in one song. hehehe

Sheri Profile Photo
#20re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 2/7/06 at 12:28pm

*SIGH* I'll be there on the wrong weekend. re: And The World Goes 'Round... Wish I could see it - but my best to you, Erika!

Hanna from Hamburg Profile Photo
Hanna from Hamburg
#21re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 2/7/06 at 12:30pm

We used Ukelele's instead of Banjo's for "Me And My Baby." It was fun having to learn the chords myself AND teach the entire cast how to play, but it's a great moment in the show!!!

". . . POP . . ."

#22re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 2/7/06 at 12:52pm

We're doing the same thing, Hanna! Funny. =) (Except it's just two guys singing the song, and they're the ones playing the ukelele's.)

EDIT: Thanks, so much, Sheri! (One of these days, you'll be out here when I'm doing a show!) re: And The World Goes 'Round... Updated On: 2/7/06 at 12:52 PM

Hanna from Hamburg Profile Photo
Hanna from Hamburg
#23re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 2/7/06 at 1:40pm

Erika -- what song are you playing recorder for?

". . . POP . . ."

#24re: And The World Goes 'Round...
Posted: 2/7/06 at 1:50pm

Count my theater-loving ass in!

Can't wait. WCE has done some amazing work over the years.
