Billy Elliot in Toronto

#0Billy Elliot in Toronto
Posted: 3/2/06 at 9:13pm

Anyone know why Mirvish couldn't get it this season- even though they want to come to North America. I suspect the producers in London are ify about Toronto and don't want their North American premiere to be a lemon. Although, I'm not sure this show will do well ANYWHERE in North America. Any info? All I've heard was the brief mention in the Globe about it yesterday.

Chloe Profile Photo
#1re: Billy Elliot in Toronto
Posted: 3/2/06 at 9:26pm

I've read that it takes 18 months to train the main child performers, so they need a lot of lead time.

#2re: Billy Elliot in Toronto
Posted: 3/10/06 at 8:24am

From Riedel's colum today:

"HAS Toronto snatched "Billy Elliot" from New York?

What critics have called "the best British musical ever" may put its plans for a Broadway engagement on hold for several years and go to Canada instead.

Sources say the Mirvish family, which controls most of the theaters in Toronto, has made an aggressive offer for "Billy Elliot."

The offer is hard to pass up for a number of reasons.

This is a complex show, and with its large, rotating cast of teenagers, it could cost up to $15 million to stage here. A Toronto version would certainly be cheaper.

In addition, director Stephen Daldry is said to be concerned about finding enough teenage boys who are up to Broadway's exacting standards.

If he gets a Toronto production up and running, it could become a sort of school for Billy Elliots, where young actors can get their sea legs before appearing in New York.

"Toronto would be the feeder for Broadway," says a person involved in the show.

The show's producers have yet to make their decision.

Last month, Elton John, who wrote the music for the show, told me he thought the show would go to Toronto before New York.

But Toronto isn't the hot market it was years ago, when shows like "Mamma Mia!" and "The Lion King" were minting money there.

The Canadian dollar has made big gains on the U.S. dollar, so the city is no longer such a bargain for Americans. And since the attack on the World Trade Center, getting across the border has become a hassle.

It would be a shame if a great show like "Billy Elliot" wound up dying in Toronto the way "The Producers" and "Hairspray" did."

This explains why I saw a sides posted by Stephanie Gorin (Toronto casting director)for Billy Elliot. It seems like the wheels are already turning on this project... hmm. Still not convinced this is a good idea.

I can't see LOTR staying in Toronto for long. That will reflect badly on our city. Then, if Billy Elliot actually does come here, I can't see it doing very well either. Although it got rave reviews and is 'the best British musical ever'... it is still a British musical and unlike other imports from Britain, it is a show with lots of British references, specific historical events etc. and might get lost on this side of the ocean. If LOTR failing dosen't forever seal the fate of this city, then Billy Elliot will.

Mirvish should sit and wait and do nothing but import touring shows until Mary Poppins can sit down here. At which point it should offer 30% off to ALL American tourists to make up for our strong dollar. Only then will we see what it was like pre 2001.

When I worked at the Lion King, 60% of the audience was American. If we can't get that portion of the audience back, then every show will close earlier than expected...

But back to Billy- I'm not sure it will sell.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#3re: Billy Elliot in Toronto
Posted: 3/11/06 at 8:59pm

Funny, I think it will sell. There are other tourists other than Yankees in TO. A lot of visitors from the Commonwealth who will get the Brit reference, Europeans and yes i would venture Asian's w Commonwealth ties would also be part of the audience.

tophertilson Profile Photo
#4re: Billy Elliot in Toronto
Posted: 3/12/06 at 8:33am

It actually sounds like a good business plan to me. With all the worry about whether Americans will "get" this show or not (which is a load of tosh; they will), it might be nice to have a testing ground.


"Me flunk English? That's unpossible!" - Ralph Wiggum

MusicalMan2 Profile Photo
#5re: Billy Elliot in Toronto
Posted: 3/12/06 at 8:43am

I think the show will do very well in Tornoto. Actually, it will succeed more than on Broadway. I agree with them when they say they are concerned it won't do well in the U.S. I think Americas are very familiar with the story and the movie, but I don't think it will be as big a hit as it has been in the U.K. I for one would love it to come to Broadway as I'm dying to see it. (I'm a huge fan of Elton John and LOVE the OLC recording).

Tigger Profile Photo
#6re: Billy Elliot in Toronto
Posted: 3/14/06 at 7:42am

I saw Billy Elliott last November in London and have to say that it is probably one of the most satisfying and thrilling experiences I have ever had in fifty years of theatre-going.
Many American friends of mine have seen it too when going through London and have unanimously raved about it. The show has a heart and a passion that transcends accents,the location of the story or any "Britishness". The show sings and dances it's heart out and acting chops of a superior level are required and enthusiastically delivered at every level. I for one hope that it will come to Toronto so that I may enjoy it again and again.

"Extraordinary how potent cheap music is..." Noel Coward-Private Lives
