opinions wanted

#0opinions wanted
Posted: 4/2/06 at 5:12pm

if you had to pick two of the following three to see back to back, what would they be.....

jersey boys
dirty rotten scoundrels
spelling bee

any other must sees????

#1re: opinions wanted
Posted: 4/2/06 at 5:23pm

i'd see bee and DRS, but only because I have no desire to see Jersey Boys --- but DRS was amazingly funny.

LorelaiGilmore Profile Photo
#2re: opinions wanted
Posted: 4/2/06 at 5:30pm

I haven't seen JB, but I've seen Spelling Bee 3 times and DRS twice(I'm really hoping to see it once again before Norbert and Greg leave). Both are great, and from what I've heard, so is Jersey Boys(which I actually really want to see).

So I'd go with either DRS or Bee.

oy with the poodles already!

uncageg Profile Photo
#3re: opinions wanted
Posted: 4/2/06 at 5:31pm

Spelling Bee is a MUST see! Also Sweeney Todd. I also enjoyed The Color Purple. DRS was fun.

Just give the world Love.

#4re: opinions wanted
Posted: 4/2/06 at 5:41pm

It really depends on what you want to see. Spelling Bee is HILAROUS, but it isn't a show that showcases one actor's talent- its an ensemble show. If you want to see a show-stealing performence, then see DRS or Jersey Boys. Both Norbert and John Lloyd Young give amazing performences.

There's a lot I am not certain of...

#6re: opinions wanted
Posted: 4/2/06 at 7:12pm

"Well if you want to see a show thats better then all 3 of those, see Avenue Q, if you've seen it already, see Spelling Bee and DRS"

I agree 110%!

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

#7re: opinions wanted
Posted: 4/2/06 at 7:18pm

for 2 back to back, i'd see JERSEY BOYS (which I havent seen, heard its really good, have the cd though, and seeing it this summer) and DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS (which I just saw a week ago and is one of my favorites! norbert and mylinda were amazing!)

so yeah


#8re: opinions wanted
Posted: 4/2/06 at 7:25pm

All three are very good, but to only pick two I would say Spelling Bee and Jersey Boys.

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#9re: opinions wanted
Posted: 4/2/06 at 7:34pm

JERSEY BOYS and SPELLING BEE! They are so different and amazing in their own way. Have fun! Spelling Bee is one of the funniest shows I have ever seen, and Jersey Boys one of the most spectacular.

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

greeneyed_one Profile Photo
#10re: opinions wanted
Posted: 4/2/06 at 7:38pm


keatonbynumbers Profile Photo
#11re: opinions wanted
Posted: 4/2/06 at 7:39pm

I like all three, but I like them in this order:

1. Spelling Bee
2. Jersey Boys
3. DRS

#12re: opinions wanted
Posted: 4/2/06 at 8:02pm

This is a really hard decision but your first choice should definately be Jersey Boys without a doubt. I had no desire to see it either until last night I got a rush ticket in the front row and I though it was one of the best musicals I've seen on Broadway. DO NOT MISS IT!!! Between Spelling Bee and DRS I would pick DRS just because IMO the sets, actors, costumes, and music are alot better,. I would only get SRO or try to win the lotto for Bee becasue I don't feel its worth $95.

Check out the app Todaytix if you haven't already for theatre tickets around the world. My referral code is DGHVR
Updated On: 4/2/06 at 08:02 PM

ILove Profile Photo
#13re: opinions wanted
Posted: 4/2/06 at 9:12pm

Spelling Bee is amazing. Its hysterical and the cast is great.
