
If I owned a Broadway theatre...

If I owned a Broadway theatre...

CapnHook Profile Photo
#0If I owned a Broadway theatre...
Posted: 4/9/06 at 4:21pm

I'd have a special night where the night of the Tony awards I would have a huge screen placed on the stage so that the Tonys can be broadcast live and people could go and watch it. I'd charge, too. And have some of the money go to BC/EFA.

But that's just me...you know. To help recoup. You know...if I owned a theatre.

You know...make it special. Not just the show, but have contests, drinks...perhaps live performances from actors not attending the Awards or other parties.

Just a rambling thought.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

Elphaba Profile Photo
#1re: If I owned a Broadway theatre...
Posted: 4/9/06 at 4:28pm

sounds like a cheeks contest at a gay bar........

It is ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story... AGATHA CHRISTIE, Life magazine, May 14, 1956

#2re: If I owned a Broadway theatre...
Posted: 4/9/06 at 4:36pm

I don't think I'd like sitting in some Broadway theatre with narrow seating (or even non-narrow seating) for three hours watching something like that. It's too confining and it doesn't feel like a party. Plus, unless you want to spend every dime you raise on cleaning costs you can't let people bring food and drinks back to their seats (plus there's no room for it or any place to put drinks).

There are lots of restaurants, bars and cabaret spaces around town that have Tony parties every year where they broadcast the awards and that I find much more conducive. You're in a room full of theatre fans, you can have food and drinks at your table or walk around with them if you want and it's a real party environment.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [http://margochanning.broadwayworld.com/] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

#3re: If I owned a Broadway theatre...
Posted: 4/9/06 at 5:37pm

If I owned a Broadway theater I would consider hiring Liotte as an operating consultant so that she could create etiquette rules for patrons. That lady means business.

p.s. The Wave is not allowed in theaters--No Matter What!

liotte Profile Photo
#4re: If I owned a Broadway theatre...
Posted: 4/9/06 at 5:44pm

Jose', why continue with snarky remarks? There is already a thread talking about this subject, why bring it to yet another one? There's no need for you to continually post mean comments about me because I think that doing the wave at a Broadway show is inappropriate.

dirty rotten guy Profile Photo
dirty rotten guy
#5re: If I owned a Broadway theatre...
Posted: 4/9/06 at 5:54pm

I always have had this wierd dream of buying a theater on Broadway and living in it. Something about having your living room right on the stage sounds really cool to me.

"The hallmark of aristocracy is responsibility. Oh brother, that got me, that did me in!"

#6re: If I owned a Broadway theatre...
Posted: 4/9/06 at 6:29pm

if i owned a broadway theatre i whould have good vibrations and lennon and in my life and any show that did not made a cast cd i whould do again and then i whould make cast cd 's of them.

peggyandvelma Profile Photo
#7re: If I owned a Broadway theatre...
Posted: 4/9/06 at 6:31pm

I'd go to your party Capn! :)

No one is alone.

#8re: If I owned a Broadway theatre...
Posted: 4/9/06 at 7:11pm

If I owned a Broadway theatre, I wouldn't try to have the orchestra pit so hidden.

#9re: If I owned a Broadway theatre...
Posted: 4/9/06 at 7:40pm

I would...

1. Drastically improve the acoustics so that no mics are needed.
2. Rotate productions of classic musicals, like an opera house with operas.
3. Expand the size of the orchestra.
4. Hire unknown singers to fill roles alongside famous castmates.
5. Hold OPEN auditions.
6. Make sure the scenery, costumes, etc. are spectacular.
7. Have performances every night and Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday afternoon.

I'm braindead. I'm sure there's more...

#10re: If I owned a Broadway theatre...
Posted: 4/9/06 at 7:43pm

Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun afternoons and eve?
And Monday eve?

Well, besides costs, you better have two different casts.

#11re: If I owned a Broadway theatre...
Posted: 4/9/06 at 8:09pm

BSoBW2, I would rotate a few shows, and each show would have a different cast.
Costwise: the more performances, the more money.

JMVR Profile Photo
#12re: If I owned a Broadway theatre...
Posted: 4/10/06 at 12:23am

I would put in a little more leg room and increase restroom capacity!

The meat is always leaner on somebody else's dinner plate!

#13re: If I owned a Broadway theatre...
Posted: 4/10/06 at 12:33am

I would make it an experimental theater and only run shows that were new and inventive and creative. There needs to a commercial space on Broadway for new and exciting works.
