wicked tour

pants2 Profile Photo
#0wicked tour
Posted: 10/15/06 at 5:25pm

there was a post last week about raven symone being the next tour elphaba, is this true? cuz if it is, then i will take back all the times that i said they do a good job of casting wicked

Can, can I have it?

pants2 Profile Photo
#1re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/15/06 at 5:52pm

anyone?? anyone??

Can, can I have it?

defyingravity11 Profile Photo
#2re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/15/06 at 5:54pm

That was just a rumor...

"In theater, the process of it is the experience. Everyone goes through the process, and everyone has the experience together. It doesn't last - only in people's memories and in their hearts. That's the beauty and sadness of it. But that's life - beauty and the sadness. And that is why theater is life." - Sherie Rene Scott

alliez92092 Profile Photo
#3re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/15/06 at 5:54pm

All it is is a rumor.

#4re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/15/06 at 5:54pm

If you SAW the post, then respond to THAT. The search feature is your friend.

"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell

pants2 Profile Photo
#5re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/15/06 at 5:55pm

thank god it was just a rumor

Can, can I have it?

#6re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/15/06 at 6:02pm

Don't post something you THINK or may be a RUMOR.

You will get killed.

Oh, and by the way- I heard Idina is the next Glinda.

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

pants2 Profile Photo
#7re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/15/06 at 6:05pm

no, idina..... i assure you, will never ever in her life play glinda

Can, can I have it?

#8re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/15/06 at 6:07pm

But I heard it...my best friend's cousin's mother said it.

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

pants2 Profile Photo
#9re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/15/06 at 6:08pm

well ok..... but i don't think idina has the vocal strength to play glinda, only elphaba

Can, can I have it?

#10re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/15/06 at 6:10pm

I heard it too.
Apparently her and Megan will alternate the role in LA.

"I have this mental image of Patti barreling down the street and pushing tourists out of her way." -colleen_lee

pants2 Profile Photo
#11re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/15/06 at 6:11pm

i really don't think idina could play glinda, especially now that she's connected to being elphaba, doesn't have the look for it, and doesn't have high soprano opera belt

Can, can I have it?

#12re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/15/06 at 6:15pm

Pants2- Idina isn't going to play Glinda. They are joking. Updated On: 10/15/06 at 06:15 PM

#14re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/15/06 at 6:16pm

Uh, Pants? You do get that the Idina thing is a JOKE, right?

"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell

pants2 Profile Photo
#15re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/15/06 at 6:16pm

now i do

Can, can I have it?

pants2 Profile Photo
#16re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/15/06 at 6:17pm

lmao tobias

Can, can I have it?

Popular Profile Photo
#17re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/15/06 at 6:26pm

I heard that Bob who works at the McDonalds down the street from the Pantages is going to play the Wizard in LA because there was no one else in the Broadway (or other theatre) community that wanted to do it. GO BOB!!!

I work across the street from that McDonalds (it's not THAT close to the Pantages) and there is no way Bob is doing it. He can't even get my order right half the time.

Sorry.... couldn't resist. And YES I'm joking. Bob does a fine job with the orders re: wicked tour

#18re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/16/06 at 12:26am

idina has the strength to sing glinda of course . she doesnt have the right voice for it though .. and she has mushed in and will always be the first person you think of when someone says elphie .

Sillyism Profile Photo
#19re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/16/06 at 1:20am

*Rocks back and forth in corner*

Idina will play Glinda...I know it. *Mumbles* Don't tell me otherwise...the rumors are true, I tell you... TRUE!

Ya know, I felt like some nerdy-star-trek-fan-gone-wicked-fan when saying that. IM WEIRD!

Kay: You might want to be careful about wearing that. Steven doesn't like things that are quite so obvious. Crystal: When Steven doesn't like what I wear, I take it off! -The Opposite Sex

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#20re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/16/06 at 2:49am

I heard Wicked is closing on Broadway next week!

'Cuz I messaged Idina in London and she told me.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#21re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/16/06 at 3:05am

Lizzie, I hate to burst your bubble but....

it's closing tomorrow (Tuesday).

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

#22re: wicked tour
Posted: 10/16/06 at 3:12am

"high soprano opera belt"?

What the hell is an opera belt? I didn't think women belted in opera.
