"Flags of Our Fathers"

#0"Flags of Our Fathers"
Posted: 10/20/06 at 9:37am

Saw "Flags of our Fathers" at an industry screening last night..how cool is it that playing the surviving members of the unit are Harve Presnell, George Grizzard, George Hearn and Len Cariou?

#1re: 'Flags of Our Fathers'
Posted: 10/20/06 at 9:55am

Really? I didn't know that they were going to be in it! That's so neat!

Just as a side note: Quite a few scenes were filmed here in Chicago and one of my coworkers was an extra in it. She brought photos of how she was dressed up and she looked so incredible.

You promised me poems. ~Tricky

DAME Profile Photo
#2re: 'Flags of Our Fathers'
Posted: 10/20/06 at 11:43am

My good friend Myra Turley is in the movie. Otherwise this type of movie is usually something I skip. I have never made it through private Ryan. War movies bore me.


JohnBoy2 Profile Photo
#3re: 'Flags of Our Fathers'
Posted: 10/20/06 at 11:57am

You never made it through SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, because SPR is boring. There are many good "war" films.

#4re: 'Flags of Our Fathers'
Posted: 10/20/06 at 11:57am

It's the same with me, DAME, but now that I know Hearn and Cariou are in it, I'm just a nig enough nerd to want to go and see it.

And to play Spot-The-Coworker, of course.

You promised me poems. ~Tricky

DAME Profile Photo
#5re: 'Flags of Our Fathers'
Posted: 10/20/06 at 11:59am

JohnBoy2; your right. They still are not my cup of tea.


#6re: 'Flags of Our Fathers'
Posted: 10/20/06 at 12:45pm

I have a lot of trouble with violence in films, but this story sounds so intriguing and I've heard the book was remarkable, I might have to give it a shot. Plus, Mr. Eastwoods last few films have been so stirring, I feel I have to see it.

I love Hearn and Cariou (had to make my post theater related I suppose).


#7re: 'Flags of Our Fathers'
Posted: 10/20/06 at 1:14pm

Incidentally, Eastwood also wrote the musical score for this movie! I hope I have this kind of energy when I'm 76.

Behind the fake tinsel of Broadway is real tinsel.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#8re: 'Flags of Our Fathers'
Posted: 10/20/06 at 1:24pm

He also wrote the musical scores for MYSTIC RIVER and MILLION DOLLAR BABY.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Fiction Writer Profile Photo
Fiction Writer
#9re: 'Flags of Our Fathers'
Posted: 10/20/06 at 1:32pm

I love war movies, as long as they're more story and not really about the war.

#10re: 'Flags of Our Fathers'
Posted: 10/20/06 at 1:39pm

Eastwood is one of the great movie icons of the late 20th century and i admire him for his work with Sergio Leone. His versatility late in life is also very impressing. However regarding the movie Million Dollar Baby - i found it rather simplistic in it's charecterizations. The mother to the female boxer in particular was a total caricature.
Updated On: 10/20/06 at 01:39 PM
