Tarzan got mixed reviews?

#1Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 1:45pm

Did it really? if so, why? I hear from other people its supposed to be great.

Jared Leto is my husbanddd <3333 :)

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#2re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 1:46pm

It didn't get mixed reviews, it got terrible reviews.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#2re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 1:46pm

Go away.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

istillbelieve24601 Profile Photo
#3re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 1:47pm

Do YOU like Tarzan, Rentroxmysox29?

If you do, it doesn't matter what the critics say. Or anyone else on the boards.

Cosette: Roses are red. Marius: Violets are blue. Eponine: You're so in love! Marius: And so not with you.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#4re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 1:51pm

Exactly. The reviews weren't mixed -- they were HORRIBLE! It was critically panned by every critic. The show has had mediocre attendance since it started performances on Broadway, and it is also the FIRST Disney show to have tickets available at TKTS for half-price since day one, something none of the other Disney shows had during their early runs.

jess20882 Profile Photo
#5re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 1:54pm

thanks, istill!
i happen to love tarzan and am sick of people saying it's a terrible show, especially when they haven't even seen it or only know someone who's seen it. to each his own, right? re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?

#6re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 1:58pm

Yes, Tarzan got mixed reviews. No matter what anyone says. No matter how many bitter folk WISH it got trashed, it did not. Yes, there were some nay sayers, and I will be the first to admit it's anything but perfect, there have been some MUCH more AWFUL stuff on the boards.

Like it or not, this is the truth. You may not refute it.

#7re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 2:01pm

I went into that show not wanting to see it and already hating it. And we all know what happens once we have a preconcieved notion about a show. But about half-way through I couldn't make myself hate the show anymore. I was having a blast and so was everyone else around me. I hope Tarzan sticks around for quite some time and that it finally finds its audience.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#8re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 2:04pm

re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?

Just to clarify, this image refers to the thread originator.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson
Updated On: 4/7/07 at 02:04 PM

#9re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 2:19pm

istillbelieve24601, I haven't seen Tarzan yet.

Jared Leto is my husbanddd <3333 :)

#10re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 2:49pm

oh yeah and Rathnait62, thanx for being so nice *scarcasm*

Jared Leto is my husbanddd <3333 :)
Updated On: 4/7/07 at 02:49 PM

#11re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 3:03pm

Ha ha ha ha.

You are a riot, Rentroxmysox29. Good way to find out who are the Disney plants on the board, if any. And good point about some claiming the reviews were "mixed" which they were not.

Pay no attention to Rath being an unelected hall monitor, it's just an unsuppressable compulsion.

LuPonatic Profile Photo
#12re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 3:08pm

what do you guys mean by sock puppet?

Producer2 Profile Photo
#13re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 3:09pm

It was a real crowdpleaser! If you don't go in expecting Beauty, Lion King or Sondheim and just enjoy the spectacle, you'll like it. I was in the front row on the aisle and had a blast! Being that close to Josh Strickland made it more exciting as well.

winston89 Profile Photo
#14re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 3:10pm

The show got bashed by every paper. It is not even turning a profiit and most of the people that go are tourists who associate disney wiith good. Looking at disey's track record with theatre I can see why they would say that but Tarzan unfortunatly should close. It ain't making any money for disney.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

#15re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 3:10pm

A sock puppet is like being an actor.

Ha ha!

Strickland is just a downy peach.

#16re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 3:11pm

thanks nomdeplume :)

Jared Leto is my husbanddd <3333 :)

#17re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 3:12pm

Thats what I heard winston89, some people say that Beauty and the Beast should stay and Tarzan should go.

Jared Leto is my husbanddd <3333 :)

#18re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 3:13pm

You got it, kiddo.

Keep up the hilarity.

I can use a laugh.

#19re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 3:28pm

marry me, super muffin

I'm a glutton for carbohydrates.

#20re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 3:33pm

omg nomdeplume, LMFAO!!!!!!

Jared Leto is my husbanddd <3333 :)

#21re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 3:39pm

It was love at first post.

D2 Profile Photo
#22re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 3:41pm

Get a room!

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

#23re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 3:45pm

I second D2

Jared Leto is my husbanddd <3333 :)

One Song Glory
#24re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 3:47pm

Just what the boards need, a couple of love muffins...

I'm not a gay stereotype. I'm a coincidence.
