


WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#1110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/13/07 at 11:59pm

Just got back from tonight's first preview and I must say, it is in *excellent* shape. This was my third first preview performance in a row this week...and it was certainly the best one!

The sets were gorgeous...Roundabout definitely didn't skimp on this one. There is a huge sun that rises and falls and changes colors depending on the mood of each scene. There is also a turntable, which allows for wonderful staging in a bunch of the scenes. There is also a piece of the center stage that folds out and is used extremely well in two scenes in Act 2. The rain scene at the end of the show was brilliant...love what they did with the buildup and then when it finally started raining, the audience burst out in applause. It was so fun! I also loved the lighting...the different colors of the sun and the spotlights during "Little Red Hat" stood out for me.

The show itself was very cute. I only knew the score going in (which I love) but didn't know the book. It is about a rainmaker (who is really a conartist) and he promises the people of the town he can make it rain. They were all complaning because it is so hot there...and I think the makeup on everyone reflected reddish skin from sunburn, which was a nice touch! And of course, there is a love story in the show as well, but I won't give it away.

Besides the three leads, there were 13 other cast members (as opposed to the pathetic 8 other cast members in THE APPLE TREE), and it definitely worked. The ensemble was extremely strong vocally and the stage never looked empty (even with Audra alone on stage at some points). Standouts were Christopher Innvar as File, Bobby Steggert as Jim Curry, and Carla Duren as Snookie.

Steve Kazee was great as Starbuck. His characterization at this first preview was spot on and his singing was great too. His big song "The Rain Song" got tons of applause and his rendition of "Melisande" in Act 2 was beautiful. He was sporting long shoulder-length black hair and a nicely trimmed beard and wore black. His scenes with Audra in Act 2 were wonderful as well.

John Cullum as H.C. Curry was great as well, though he didn't really have *that* much to do. It was wonderful seeing him on stage again and so great to know that he has been doing this for decades...he's still got it. "Lizzie's Comin' Home" and "Poker Polka" were so much fun...he looked like he was having a great time up there on that stage. Congrats to Mr. Cullum on yet another Broadway credit!

Audra McDonald as Lizzie Curry, of course, was brilliant. I must admit it did take me a little bit to warm up to her, but when she got going, I was hooked. Her rendition of "Raunchy" got loud, extended applause from the audience. She was incredible in this song, and she even did a cartwheel on the stage! It was thrilling. Throughout that entire song, she had the audience in the palm of her hands. Another high point for Audra was "Old Maid" at the end of Act 1...wow, just wow! Her duet with Christopher Innvar, "A Man and a Woman" was also gorgeous. And you know the cover of the poster/playbill? The picture of Audra tilting her head up toward the rain? That is the final scene in the show...brilliant. I hadn't seen Audra on stage since RAGTIME in 1998, so it was thrilling for me to see her on stage again, and she did not disappoint.

The stage door was a wonderful experience as well. The crowd was very controlled and the stage door guy ws really nice. John Cullum came out first and was so sweet...signed my playbill and my CD covers of ON A CLEAR DAY, SHENANDOAH, and ON THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. Audra was next and was just so adorable up close and couldn't have been sweeter. She signed everyone's playbill "Much Love, Audra McDonald" and she also signed my CD covers of RAGTIME and MARIE CHRISTINE.

I would definitely recommend this show for the music, the book, the sets, the lighting, the performances and of course, just to see Audra on stage singing and acting the hell out of this show. Congrats to Audra, and the cast and crew, for an extremely successful first preview. Can't wait to see this one again.
Updated On: 4/14/07 at 11:59 PM

#2re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 12:01am

Glad you enjoyed it! I am excited to see it.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#2re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 12:04am

Great review. Glad you had a good time and nice to hear the show is in good shape!

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#3re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 12:06am

WithoutATrace, what did you think of Bobby Steggert s Jim? I agree with everything you said. I made a last minute decision to take a friend's ticket, and I didn't really know what to expect. But I LOVED it. Would totally see it again.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#4re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 12:10am

Steggert was wonderful. I especially loved his scenes with Carla Duren...they were hilarious together. His role is small, but he made the most of it and was able to stand out in his scenes.

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#5re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 12:11am

WithoutaTrace, while Ebersole is a shoo in for the Tony, is Audra formidable competition?

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#6re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 12:11am

Great review, WAT! I'm very excited about seeing this one. It is too bad that Roundabout was so stingy for THE APPLE TREE, but I'm glad that they went all out for this show.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

#7re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 12:13am

I was so pleased that the acting was so strong. After seeing Legally Blonde in all of it's too-much-ness and over-acting, it was so refreshing to watch 110 with good actors just telling a story.

#8re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 12:17am

I said in the other thread--Audra is Christine's only competition from what I've seen. I just saw Grey Gardens last night, and 110 tonight--and it's apples and oranges--even the styles of acting. They both have so many levels. I still think Christine will win, but Audra is astounding, as well.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#9re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 12:18am

For the record, I do not think it is fair of me to compare Ebersole's performance to Donna Murphy and Audra McDonald's (since I saw Murphy and McDonald's first preview performances). If, however, I were to cast my vote based on seeing Ms. Ebersole twice (on Broadway and she had already settled into the role), Ms. Murphy (first preview), and Ms. McDonald (first preview), I would vote for Ebersole.

As Murphy and McDonald settle into their respective roles, they very well could be competition for Ebersole. It's the Tony Awards...and *anything* is possible.

#10re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 12:19am

I had a wonderful time tonight. The show is terrific and Audra is amazing!

#11re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 12:21am

Well see, I think Ebersole's role is just more challenging. Audra's is a sweet love story, but nothing UBER dramatic. And as for Murphy - I don't know too much about it - but it seems like she's playing the same "sort of" role as Ebersole by playing a real person. But I agree that it's hard to compare since they haven't "settled" yet.

WAT, what was the show curtain if there was one?

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#12re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 12:26am

Thanks for the excellent review (as usual) !!!

Seeing it next Thurs !

kyle. Profile Photo
#13re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 12:28am

I have tickets for the end of May. Can't wait!

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#14re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 12:34am

There was no curtain...none was needed!

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#15re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 1:43am

So glad that you guys liked it...I see it next weekend.

Foster: Not to pick on you, but just to clarify...in minimalistic approach to THE APPLE TREE was not in any way, shape, or form so Roundabout could save money or "skimp." They didn't do it to be cheap. If the set designed had designed something huge and elaborate, they would have done that, too. It was simply a mounting of a concert production. Now, I know that it didn't really work - but the blame shouldn't be on ROUNDABOUT, but on the designers and the horrific Gary Griffin.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

defyingravity11 Profile Photo
#16re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 1:56am

Do you think that 110 could make some competition for Company for best revival?

"In theater, the process of it is the experience. Everyone goes through the process, and everyone has the experience together. It doesn't last - only in people's memories and in their hearts. That's the beauty and sadness of it. But that's life - beauty and the sadness. And that is why theater is life." - Sherie Rene Scott

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#17re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 2:00am

"Do you think that 110 could make some competition for Company for best revival?"


munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#18re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 2:13am

I wouldn't be worrying about COMPANY...I'd be keeping my eye on A CHORUS LINE.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#19re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 2:20am

I agree with both Munk and WithoutATrace regarding COMPANY as Best Revival, I just didn't think it was that great of a production even if I did enjoy it.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#20re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 3:10am

I am seeing the Saturday matinee (11 hours from now). I am so excited. Glad to hear that there is another revival that is actually good in quality. It makes for a much more interesting race between A Chorus Line and the disappointing revivals of Les Miz, Apple Tree and even Company.

#21re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 3:25am

At least this year there is competition in the Best Revival Category!

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#22re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 3:26am

So true neddy, lol.

sidneybruhl Profile Photo
#23re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 6:08am

It has already been determined by the Tony committee that "A Chorus Line" and "Les Miz" cannot be nominated for best revival since are they carbon copies of the originals.
Updated On: 4/14/07 at 06:08 AM

AC126748 Profile Photo
#24re: 110 IN THE SHADE - FIRST PREVIEW - 4/13/07
Posted: 4/14/07 at 6:28am

Thanks for the review, WAT. This is one of my favorite musicals ever and I can't wait to see it.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body
