See Passing Strange. NOW!

#1See Passing Strange. NOW!
Posted: 5/1/07 at 6:14pm

Updated On: 5/27/07 at 06:14 PM

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#2re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/1/07 at 6:15pm



Crapgame13 Profile Photo
#2re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/1/07 at 6:20pm

I'm a huge fan of Stew's music, I hope it does well.

I'm more worried about the onstage stuff, as that is new to him.

#3re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/1/07 at 8:34pm

i saw a tech rehearsal the other day. the music and lights are really solid. the band sounds really tight as well. neat stuff.

#5re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/14/07 at 10:12pm

NY Times:

I can't believe NO ONE on this board is talking about this show. - most underrated performers on broadway

#6re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/14/07 at 10:34pm

they're all caught up on spring awakening. isherwood approves.
take a look at some of kevin adams lights in passing strange.

#7re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/14/07 at 11:02pm

Yeah, I wrote a review of its awesome set for my scenic design class when it was here in Berkeley. :) - most underrated performers on broadway

#8re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/15/07 at 4:56pm

humpty bumb.

kevin adams = nominated for tony for spring awakening.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#9re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/15/07 at 5:06pm

Oh, I must have missed this thread when I posted my other one.

I don't know why there aren't more people talking about this show. When I first saw it, I thought this is just the kind of thing that fans of Spring Awakening and Rent would love. It's a similar vain of storytelling, but I think it's writing is often more perceptive and more likely to branch out to more mature audiences as well.

The score is great; I'm really excited about the recording.

#10re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/15/07 at 6:19pm

the music, lyrics, and acting far exceeds rent and spring awakening, imo. the story seems a bit cliche at first, but is executed very well. the problem i had with spring awakening was that the production values far exceed the content of the play. b/c they try to fit in so much music (internal monologue such and such), and so much content, character development falls short. the only character in spring awakening that you end up caring about is moritz. rant.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#11re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/15/07 at 11:30pm

Oh, I think Passing Strange is leaps and bounds better than Spring Awakening in every way. And I think it succeeds at some things Rent is weak at, though Rent was a more moving experience for me.

People really need to get to this show!
Updated On: 5/16/07 at 11:30 PM

gumbo2 Profile Photo
#12re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/15/07 at 11:37pm

Wow, it's strange that no one has been talking about it. How hard do you think it'd be for me to get tickets for tomorrow night?

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#13re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/16/07 at 12:08am

It shouldn't be difficult at all--every night I've worked so far has had a fair amount of empty seats.

gumbo2 Profile Photo
#14re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/16/07 at 2:05am

Cool, thanks. I'll call the box office tomorrow.

EugLoven Profile Photo
#15re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/16/07 at 2:08am

I was actually VERY surprised with the outpouring of positive NY reviews for "PASSING STRANGE"

It got panned during its premiere engagement at Berkeley Rep (when I saw it) and most people thought it would tank unless some major book changes were made.

If you're interested in reading my review from November 2006:

Best of luck to it.
Updated On: 5/16/07 at 02:08 AM

#16re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/20/07 at 1:43pm

I've got 2 tickets for Passing Strange on June 2nd at 8:00. I was supposed to come out to NYC on a trip, but the dates got changed. Willing to sell the pair at a discount (Face is $45 each) Email me if you're interested.

#17re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/25/07 at 12:21am

I just saw Passing Strange tonight --- it was one of the greatest theatrical experiences of my life. The show runs a little long, but other that it's just about perfect. There is nothing else like it out there. It far surpasses what Spring Awakening was trying to accomplish (and I say that as a HUGE Spring Awakening fan). It's fun, moving, beautiful and smart. I sat there stunned by the raw talent pouring out of these actors and musicians.

You must see this show NOW.

#18re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/27/07 at 10:27am

I went into the city on a whim yesterday, and got two rush tickets for passing strange. It was, as the person above me said, like nothing I had ever seen. The acting was terrific, the music and lyrics were fantastic, and Stew's ability to tell a story is really mind blowing. The audience gets completely involved in the show, even singing a bit on a few songs. I thought of comparing this to Spring Awakening, but then I realized that while Passing Strange is much more clever and well thought out than Spring Awakening (on top of having a better cast, score, and book), it is very difficult to compare the two because they are completely different pieces of theatre. However, I can say this: although some may view the plot of Passing Strange as generic, or overdone, the execution of the plot and the character development in Passing Strange, far surpasses any play with music that I have seen. In short, go see this play before it closes.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#19re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/27/07 at 10:55am

Yeah, keep spreading the word on this, you two. It's a shame, but I just think word of this play hasn't gotten out to the right crowd. I mean from my experience, even the older, more sophisticated audience members I sometimes see at The Public seem to be enjoying it, but like I said, this is just the kind of thing the Rent and Spring Awakening crowds need to see. I do agree that it's much MUCH better than Spring Awakening, but I suggest it for the audience of these two shows (and Hair, for that matter) because that audience tends to have an attraction to this style of story-telling.

Can the title of this thread be changed to like..."See Passing Strange" or something that might compel people who don't know what the heck it is to open it?

I'm still hoping the powers that be at the Public decide to extend it, but I think we might have missed that boat.

Dancin Thru Life Profile Photo
Dancin Thru Life
#20re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/27/07 at 11:01am

Good suggestion about the thread title , BROADWAYGIRL!

This phenomenon seems to happen a lot around here. With better punctuation and capitalization, the thread woul; dread completely different.

I honestly never heard of this show before this thread and would like to check it out.

I have to admit, however, that I really came in here to read a thread about people who post strange reviews and to find out what possible predictions there could be about them.....????

"To love another person is to see the face of God!"

#21re: passing strange reviews. any predictions?
Posted: 5/27/07 at 11:10am

I'm seeing this today at 2 and I'm very very excited. Will report when I get back.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

#22re: See Passing Strange. NOW!
Posted: 5/27/07 at 1:11pm

thread title has been changed. enjoy the show Ashley. I was the youngest person there, which surprised me, as I thought there would be more 17 year olds. A lot of people there seemed to be mid-20s and my dads age, mid-50s.

#23re: See Passing Strange. NOW!
Posted: 5/27/07 at 5:50pm

It makes me so happy to see people responding enthusiastically to this show!! It only runs for a couple more weeks and we need to help it get picked up somewhere else!

#24re: See Passing Strange. NOW!
Posted: 5/27/07 at 5:57pm

I just got back from the show. It was fantastic! Full of energy and life. I'm not really good at full reviews, but it was a really great show. And the audience was so into it. The standing ovation at the end was one of the true standing ovations I've seen. It wasn't people standing because they had to, it was because they loved the show. The message is great. I hope to see the show go far.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife
