
10 million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?

10 million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?

jaystarr Profile Photo
#110 million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 6/15/07 at 10:18pm

How was it ?

J* Updated On: 6/20/07 at 10:18 PM

Raviolisun Profile Photo
#2re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 6/15/07 at 10:24pm

The NY Times reviewed it. It sounds pretty interesting.

One time, Patti LuPone punched me in the face...

It was awesome.
- theaterkid1015

AC126748 Profile Photo
#2re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 6/15/07 at 10:31pm

It's awful: the book is weak, there is no correlation between the story and the songs, and the two lead performances are laughable. Saving grace: Mare Winningham, who's terrific.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

jaystarr Profile Photo
Posted: 6/15/07 at 10:34pm

bump Updated On: 6/20/07 at 10:34 PM

Raviolisun Profile Photo
#4re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 6/15/07 at 10:34pm

That's too bad.

I wasn't even aware Mare Winningham sang until I read the review. I only knew her from Grey's Anatomy.

One time, Patti LuPone punched me in the face...

It was awesome.
- theaterkid1015

jaystarr Profile Photo
Posted: 6/15/07 at 10:43pm

..... Updated On: 6/20/07 at 10:43 PM

WickedMuzzy422 Profile Photo
#6re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:11pm

saw this the other day.
like someone said in a previous post, the book is very weak. the songs are barely relevant to the story itself. i'm not too into the folksy music, so maybe that's why it didn't appeal to me. i also thought it was very cliche and kind of unengaging. i thought the set was pretty neat. i liked the multi purpose car in the center of the stage. i also like how the orchestra was located above the stage. it was nicely constructed. it was ok. glad i saw it for free and didn't have to pay. not worth it, IMO.

"Labels are for cans, not for people." --anthony Rapp

#7re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 6/16/07 at 12:16am

plus: mare w. is quite good. skip s. does solid work as well. there are a few excellent songs, the ballads mostly. mounted nicely.

minus: the book is very weak. the songs have a sameness about them that gets old after awhile. the yger couple quite annoying.
he pushes--or was pushed-- too hard, musical comedy style throughout the early scenes... she's just in over her head,can sing but hasn't the acting chops.

i'd rate it right around 'summer of '42' if you saw that.

i was glad i saw it, but can't really recommend it to others.

April Saul
#8re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 6/16/07 at 8:39am

I started a thread on this show when I saw it because I did like it! It's not amazing, but if you like Patty Griffin's music, it's really enjoyable. Mare Winningham was the stand-out but Matthew Morrsion was so much fun to watch that I felt it was worth the twenty-odd dollars I paid for my TDF ticket....

AC126748 Profile Photo
#9re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 6/16/07 at 12:45pm


If you want a full review, you can follow the link below for mine.
10 Million Miles

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

jaystarr Profile Photo
Posted: 6/16/07 at 12:53pm

...... Updated On: 6/20/07 at 12:53 PM

Phantom2 Profile Photo
#11re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 6/16/07 at 11:20pm

Where's nomdeplume when you need her?

"I'm learning to dig deep down inside and find the truth within myself and put that out. I think what we identify with in popular music more than anything else is when someone just shares a truth that we can relate to. That's what I'm searching for in my music." - Ron Bohmer

"I broke the boundaries. It wasn't cool to be in plays- especially if you were in sports & I was in both." - Ashton Kutcher

Wavetree Profile Photo
#12re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 6/17/07 at 12:04am

Yes the book sucks, but the music and vocal performances are wonderful, especially for Patty Griffin fans. And don't forget that student tickets are only $10- cheaper than any number of crappy movies I've paid to see this summer. And none of them had Matthew Morrison.

#13re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 6/17/07 at 6:29am

Then you should have seen "Music & Lyrics".

Gelfling Profile Photo
#14re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 6/18/07 at 6:22am

I think it's too bad you are trying to categorize music into a box like the music industry desperately tries to. Patty Griffin's music is so much more than "folksy" and in fact most of her songs cover a wide range of genres.

I'm saddened that they weren't able to provide a strong book around the songs but I swear if I hear one more time that Griffin is a country star, I'm going to kill someone! lol

Country star?! learn your music!

"What book of rules says that theatre exists only within some ugly buildings crowded into one square-mile of New York City? Wherever there's magic and make-believe and an audience, there's theatre..."

#15re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 6/19/07 at 4:14pm

I already posted thoughts on this show very early in previews. I went back and saw it the week before the opening and most of what I'd hoped would be changed had taken place.

I would like to see it again now that it's opened to see what further changes if any there have been. It's been a work in progress as far as the book has been concerned and just needed a stronger, more experienced writer on the book to create characters and a plot line that fits the working class theme of the songs.

I enjoyed the show, and think the actors have been doing everything they can with their characters given the book. Ben Brantley gave it a decent review, even finally acknowledging Mr. Morrison's considerable talent to the point where I am considering forgiving Brantley for his ratty review of The Light in the Piazza. Roma Torre gave Morrison a rave.

You know a better writer could have moved this show into a whole different class, but they always want to promote the young male writers considered "hot" when they don't know much and can't stand the test of fire.

This show could have stood a more Streetcar Named Desire or On the Waterfront or James Dean edginess which would have fit much better with the working class characters, it needed to be a little more raw and honest than contrived.

That would have taken advantage of the music more, the strong point of the show being excellent singing. This music is more in the genre of Arlo/Woodie Guthrie--folk songs for the working class, rather than "country" music a la Nashville, though the genres are similar. As to Molloy's acting and the criticism thereof, if this director, Tony-winning or not, can't teach an actor how to act he's lacking in an important area of training. I saw spots where even a little physical acting between the young couple, some tender giving/caring gestures, could establish the nature of their relationship that just were not utilized or taken advantage of and that is the fault of the director. Now I want to go back to see if those spots have changed.

I was very happy to see Mr. Morrison back on stage and giving his time to the effort to create new theatre works. I sincerely hope he does not stay absent from the stage so long again.

And phantycakes, your nomdeplume has been very busy wearing many hats, hard work but very successful, and still miles to go before I sleep... Updated On: 6/19/07 at 04:14 PM

Gelfling Profile Photo
#16re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 6/20/07 at 8:19am

thanks for the further review, Nomdeplume... It's good to know that they are trying to improve on the weaknesses of the show.

I read my post from yesterday and boy... I sound mad! lol... I should change cereals! It just gets frustrating to see Ms Griffin stuck with reducing labels. Who cares about labels, if you listen with your heart, you can find beauty in any music genre and I think her lyrics transcend any label you could stick to the song. I guess she's classified as country by a lot of media outlets because she's been working with Emmylou Harris for a few years on a regular basis and she lives in Austin but her music though sometimes countryish, is very far from what people imagine when they hear the word "country"... I mean... a waltz never hurt anyone, right? re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?

I didn't know Brantly reviewed it. Anyone has a link to that, I'd like to know what he has to say.

"What book of rules says that theatre exists only within some ugly buildings crowded into one square-mile of New York City? Wherever there's magic and make-believe and an audience, there's theatre..."

#17re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 6/20/07 at 12:57pm

Brantley's Review:


Some relevant portions:

"Mr. Morrison has already proved himself on Broadway as a matinee-idol hunk of disarming musical sensitivity (in “The Light in the Piazza”) and comic flair (in “A Naked Girl on the Appian Way”). And he combines those virtues in his sharp-witted portrayal of Duane as a sexy, show-off narcissist with a conscience that keeps getting louder. He and the affable, pleasant-voiced Mr. Sudduth are both at their best in a duet called “Mad Mission,” a funny slice of boyish machismo.

But Ms. Winningham is the show’s revelation. ...

But this actress, who played a country singer in the film “Georgia,” is also a musical performer of depth, style and versatility. Playing a drunken divorcée at an Atlantic City wedding chapel and an elderly factory worker in upstate New York, Ms. Winningham shifts with sublime seamlessness from feisty flash (leading a rousing version of the blissful “Love Throw a Line”) to humble resignation (in a rendering of Ms. Griffin’s “Making Pies” that is a heartbreaking study in quiet resignation).

Both characters, like Ms. Griffin’s songs, have independent lives that continue in your head when the music ends. How often does that happen when you see a new musical these days?..."

And here's Roma Torre (NY1):


In excerpt:

"And is there any role Matthew Morrison can't play? His talent and versatility seem to know no bounds.

“Ten Million Miles” is really a vehicle for Griffin's music and its 90 intermission-less minutes seem long in spots especially when you're traveling with a clichéd couple and no break for a pit stop.

Yet, thanks to a very fine production, I still found it to be a moving ride." Updated On: 6/20/07 at 12:57 PM

BroadwayDoc Profile Photo
#18re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 6/20/07 at 2:03pm

If you are a fan of either Patty Griffin or Mare Winningham, then I would go and see it.

Gelfling Profile Photo
#19re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 6/21/07 at 5:35am

Thanks for the link...

It's not a rave for sure but it's much more positive than I expected. It's funny to see that Brantley even knows who Patty Griffin is and that he knows her well enough to actually find a vocal resemblance (real?) between her and Molloy.

I never would have pegged him for a Griffin guy re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?

damn... i wish I could see this... I hope they at least make a cast recording to hear Winnigham and Morrison sing Patty.

"What book of rules says that theatre exists only within some ugly buildings crowded into one square-mile of New York City? Wherever there's magic and make-believe and an audience, there's theatre..."

Elphie4ever Profile Photo
#20re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 6/24/07 at 4:10am

one word:

this show lacked depth and were missing some elements to envoke emotions in me. the story was too predictable and weak.. will have full review in the morning..

Gelfling Profile Photo
#21re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 6/25/07 at 7:06am

oh damn... another negative review... well... okay it's from a Wicked fan of all people but hey... :p

"What book of rules says that theatre exists only within some ugly buildings crowded into one square-mile of New York City? Wherever there's magic and make-believe and an audience, there's theatre..."

Pippin Profile Photo
#22re: 10 Million Miles Reviews/ Opinions Anyone?
Posted: 1/28/08 at 4:39pm

does anyone know if the production rights are available for this show?

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."
