SA vacations

#1SA vacations
Posted: 10/28/07 at 3:36pm

Is anybody in Spring Awakening taking vacations any time soon? I heard somewhere Jonathan Groff was about to take a vacation, but I was not sure.

Yes, but sometimes people have a third deeper layer thats the same as the first. Like pie. Dr. Horrible

#2re: SA vacations
Posted: 10/28/07 at 3:45pm

Today is the first day of Jonathan Groff's vacation. He is shooting a pilot and has said he will return on Sunday, November 18th.

Skylar Astin and Phoebe Strole are filming a movie. Skylar will be back on Tuesday, so I've heard... no word on if/when Phoebe will return.

Jon B. Wright's hiatus goes into effect on Tuesday; he's filming a movie. Not sure when he'll be back but he said he will be returning.

#2re: SA vacations
Posted: 10/28/07 at 3:49pm

So does Groff's leave mean that Lea Michele won't perform, either?

#3re: SA vacations
Posted: 10/28/07 at 4:00pm

does this mean Matt Doyle will be playing Melchior for a couple weeks?

Yes, but sometimes people have a third deeper layer thats the same as the first. Like pie. Dr. Horrible

JonathanGroffislove Profile Photo
#4re: SA vacations
Posted: 10/28/07 at 4:02pm

Yup I guess Matt Doyle will be Melchior for those weeks, I havent seen matt perform yet.

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#5re: SA vacations
Posted: 10/28/07 at 4:14pm

Word is that John Gallagher will be leaving the show in early to mid-December and that Jonathan Wright's return isn't necessarily a certainty.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 10/28/07 at 04:14 PM

#6re: SA vacations
Posted: 10/28/07 at 4:29pm

I've heard that John Wright definitely wants to come back, but no one knows for sure whether Phoebe is coming back. Jesse Swenson and Matt Doyle will be splitting Melchior.

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#7re: SA vacations
Posted: 10/28/07 at 9:25pm

I really hope Phoebe Strole comes back. I'm seeing the show on December 16, provided everything goes well strike-wise, and she's the only cast member I've never met.

I know you. I know you. I know you.

#8re: SA vacations
Posted: 10/28/07 at 9:29pm

I've asked this question before, but I'm always interested. How do you think the show will be after a big chunk of its OBC leaves? I've heard good things about the guy that replaced Gideon Glick, so lets hope its just as good as more people leave!

I want to apologize for some offensive messages posted on this board under my name. The night 0f 12-15-08 I did not have internet access, and someone had used my name to post something offensive. My avatar was also changed. I dont' know what else was posted, or if anyone recieved bad PMs, but I want to apologize for that. I've changed my password, and even though I was not the one posting these messages it still needed to be corrected.

#9re: SA vacations
Posted: 10/28/07 at 9:54pm

The thing that I'm scared for, is what will happen once John Gallagher Jr, Lea Michele,and Jonathan Groff leave the production. If they don't get quality replacements, then I don't quite know what will happen. But I do wish Jonathan the best of luck on his pilot.

Yes, but sometimes people have a third deeper layer thats the same as the first. Like pie. Dr. Horrible

JKlock Profile Photo
#10re: SA vacations
Posted: 10/28/07 at 10:05pm

this is what everyone says when it comes to cast changes in any show..."its going to be so hard to replace ______ "...It's been done before, the show will be fine.

#11re: SA vacations
Posted: 10/29/07 at 9:18am

I spoke to JBW on Fri Night-He is leaving for 4 weeks to do a film But he will be back. Gerard & Matt will alternate as Hanschen {Matt will also be dong Melchior for a week}.

#12re: SA vacations
Posted: 10/29/07 at 5:31pm

I heard they cast a temporary replacement for Hanschen named Drew.
