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Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies

Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies

adamgreer Profile Photo
#1Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies
Posted: 1/29/08 at 12:43am

Saw Phantom again this evening...lots of understudies on tonight (perhaps there is some kind of bug going through the cast??)

We saw...
-Tim Martin Gleason as the Phantom
-Paul A. Schaeffer as Raoul (and all I could think about was Paul Schaeffer from Letterman playing this role)
-Kris Koop as Carlotta
-Sally Williams as Madame Giry (although the usher told me that she has taken over the role as of tonight, since Marilyn Caskey left for Gypsy, they just haven't re-printed the Playbills yet).
-then a ton of swings on in the smaller roles

Not that this is the least bit relevant or important, but there were "dueling slips" in my Playbill this evening...the big long understudy slip announced Julie Schmidt as the "Wardrobe Mistress and Confidante," but there was also another, individual slip that announced Kristie Dale Sanders as being on in those roles.

The understudy slip was literally a whole page with one name after the other.

Christine was the alternate, as per the schedule, Elizabeth Loyacano.

I was actually pleased to see this many understudies, because I saw the show back in December and did not care for McGillin or Gleason in their roles at all.

When I last saw it in December, the show was in ok shape. No one was terrible, but everything felt like it was very much on autopilot. It felt very mechanical. This evening, however, the understudies injected a lot of life into the show, and it felt like watching a completely different performance. There was some energy and passion coming off the stage again.

I was particularly impressed with Tim Martin Gleason, whose Raoul I do not like at all. However, he gives a pretty amazing performance as the Phantom. It's seriously leaps and bounds ahead of Howard's. His voice as the Phantom sounds completely different than when he's Raoul, and he's just so much more effective in this role. His acting is a lot better here, and I loved how his Phantom was a bit angrier than others.

Loyacano is a lovely Christine, and she sings the part well. Her Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again (my pick for the best song in the show) is particularly beautiful. It was also nice to see a Christine who legitimately looked like a "chorus girl."

Schaeffer's Raoul, is well, Raoul. He acted it well enough, and his singing was great, but it's such a poorly written role, there isn't a lot to do with it.

Sally Williams, who I've seen as Giry before, is particularly good, if supremely over-qualified for the role. Koop was a good enough singer, but I didn't find her as amusing as Patricia Phillips.

Overall, bravo to the understudies for lifting the energy onstage this evening. A much better, tighter, more engaged performance than I saw a month ago!

Updated On: 1/29/08 at 12:43 AM

insertclevernamehere Profile Photo
#2re: Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies
Posted: 1/29/08 at 12:57am

What do you mean, it's refreshing to see a Christine who looks like a chorus girl? Glad you enjoyed the show.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention...I'm the good cop, he's the bad cop.

#2re: Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies
Posted: 1/29/08 at 1:03am

Christine is a chorus girl at the start, Insertclevernamehere. I think Adam means that Loyacano could easily pass as a chorus girl in appearance.

SDav 10495 Profile Photo
SDav 10495
#3re: Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies
Posted: 1/29/08 at 1:06am

What do you mean, it's refreshing to see a Christine who looks like a chorus girl?

If I had to guess, I'd say he's probably referring to the fact that historically many stage Christines are in their 30s...and look like it. A young face in the role can make the story much more believable, seeing as the character does indeed start out as a chorus girl.

Thanks for the understudy re-cap! I've been meaning to see the show again sometime soon and have only really heard about the regulars these days.

"If there is going to be a restoration fee, there should also be a Renaissance fee, a Middle Ages fee and a Dark Ages fee. Someone must have men in the back room making up names, euphemisms for profit." (Emanuel Azenberg)

adamgreer Profile Photo
#4re: Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies
Posted: 1/29/08 at 6:33am

That's exactly what I meant. There is a line in one of the early scenes about how Christine is nothing more than a chorus girl. A lot of women I've seen play Christine do not look at all like they could pass for chorus girls in the ballet chorus. Loyacano was young enough that it made sense for her to be doing that.

Justin D Profile Photo
Justin D
#5re: Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies
Posted: 1/29/08 at 7:20am

I agree about Gleason, I found his Phantom way better than his Raoul, sounds almost like a totally different person.

Glad to see Sally WIlliams promoted (although the other website has Giry listed as Remecca Judd) I saw Sally Williams and she was quite good, I remember first seeing pics of her in the role back in 96 in Switzerland. Phantom at the Royal Empire Theatre

WickedBoy2 Profile Photo
#6re: Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies
Posted: 1/29/08 at 7:31am

Sarah Brightman was indeed a classically trained dancer in the UK. And then she was taken under the wing of.... no no we wont go into that!

A young actress with Noel coward after a dreadful opening night performance said to him 'Well, i knew my lines backwards this morning!'' Noels fast reply was ''Yes dear, and thats exactly how you said them tonight'!'

phantomo88 Profile Photo
#7re: Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies
Posted: 1/29/08 at 8:51am

When I saw Phantom last may:

The Phantom was a fill-in temp (Gary Mauer)
Carlotta was a u/s (Kris Koop)
Piangi was a fill-in (Jimmy Smagula)
Firmin was a understudy (Kennith Kantor)
The Slavemaster was a temp fill-in
The Mirror Bride was a temp fill-in (Sara Jean Ford, now the touring Christine)
Ken's roles were played by James Romick
I don't know who played Kris's Roles

When I saw Phantom last sunday on tour:

Andre was a u/s (Sean MacLaughlan)
Mme Giry was a u/s (Anne Idontnohowtospellthis)
The Auctioneer/hairdresser/marksman was a u/s(William Patrick Dunne)
The slavemaster was a u/s
Don Attilo was a u/s (Lawrence Asher)
The Solo Dancer was a fill in (General Macarthur Hambrick)
I dont know who played Lawrence's roles
I don't know who played Anne's roles

I think I have u/s luck!
Updated On: 1/29/08 at 08:51 AM

#8re: Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies
Posted: 1/29/08 at 9:30am

Ok people on this board need to stop going to Phantom and not inviting me! : )

#9re: Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies
Posted: 1/29/08 at 9:47am

I saw Phantom in Las Vegas with Anthony Crivello, Elizabeth Loyacano, and Tim Martin Gleason on April 2, 2007 and it was phenomenal. The entire show was great and the actors were the best in the world. I have a question though. . . Has anyone done the VIP special? Cause Im going back in April and was wanting to know how it was . . .thanks

bwaygal1 Profile Photo
#10re: Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies
Posted: 1/29/08 at 9:59am

I'm going to go back to see Elizabeth Loyacano. I thought Jennifer Hope Wills was REALLY good. Her voice is lovely for the role. And I thought Howard McGillin was quite good as well. He acted the role particularly well. (I've always liked him)
I'd be interested to see the understudy's take.

"A birdcage I plan to hang. I'll get to that someday. A birdcage for a bird who flew away...Around the world." "Life is a cabaret old chum, only a cabaret old chum, and I love a cabaret!"-RIP Natasha Richardson-I was honored to have witnessed her performance as Sally Bowles.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#11re: Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies
Posted: 1/29/08 at 10:15am

wow ! this wanna makes me revisit Phantom . re: Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies

Elizabeth Loyacano
re: Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies

Elizabeth was a part of POTO in Las Vegas... I should have seen POTO in Vegas when I had a chance (2006) ...instead of that stupid.."LE REVE"!


Updated On: 1/29/08 at 10:15 AM

jaystarr Profile Photo
#12re: Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies
Posted: 1/29/08 at 10:21am

btw.. here's a photo of Brent Barrett as Phantom & Elizabeth Loyacano as Christine in Phantom (Spectacular) in Vegas.

re: Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies

Updated On: 1/29/08 at 10:21 AM

broadwayfan7 Profile Photo
#13re: Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies
Posted: 1/29/08 at 10:24am

Thanks for sharing! Sounds like you had a nice time!

"Everytime you step on that stage it is somebody's first Broadway show and somebody's last Broadway show. Make it count."

Andante Profile Photo
#14re: Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies
Posted: 1/29/08 at 11:19am

I'm glad to hear you say that Gleason's Phantom was better than his Raoul. I've seen him in both roles, and I agree that his Phantom is wonderful.
Glad to see Phantom has such strong understudies! Now if only I could see it again (curses poor college student status!)

Justin D Profile Photo
Justin D
#15re: Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies
Posted: 1/29/08 at 12:27pm

You sure that photo isnt Anthony C. and Bogess? then again they are so hard to tell the diff sometimes Phantom at the Royal Empire Theatre

PhantomTango1 Profile Photo
#16re: Phantom tonight, or the night of 1000 understudies
Posted: 1/29/08 at 2:16pm

That's Barrett and Loyacano.
