Glory Days the musical

Amneris Profile Photo
#1Glory Days the musical
Posted: 3/16/08 at 10:41am

I am actually just trying to find out some extra info on this show. I heard a lot of chatter about the title but, has anyone seen this show? What did you think of it? Thanks!

KChenowethfan Profile Photo
#2re: Glory Days the musical
Posted: 3/16/08 at 11:15am

I saw it at Signature. Their myspace has a song or two. I like the fact that it was a new, original piece and that the very young authors were given a chance to mount a full production. The casting was also very good. However, I couldn't have cared less about the characters, their plight (coming back to high school to visit with one another after being away at college for a year), or anything else. The book was thin, predictable, and boring. The score was catchy, but lacked variety. It did have some nice pop hooks if you like that sort of thing. It was not an awful show, just boring. It might cater to some audience, but I am not part of that (even though I think the target was 20-somethings and I do fall into that category).

I wish it the best. I don't want to see it fail. I just think its a really odd choice to bring onto Bway.

"Why do you care what people might say? Why try to fit into their design?" (Side Show)
Updated On: 3/16/08 at 11:15 AM

#2re: Glory Days the musical
Posted: 3/16/08 at 11:18am

it shud have gone off-bway first.

#3re: Glory Days the musical
Posted: 3/16/08 at 11:41am

I had the great opportunity to see Glory Days during its run in Washington. I found it to be a rare musical that was truly about the human experience. I completely disagree with the above poster about not caring about the characters. I was amazed how quickly I became invested in the plot and felt that I could relate to the material on multiple levels. Even my friend (who hates musicals) related to the story, and we had an almost two hour discussion about it following the show (which I can't say about ANY new Broadway show I have seen recently). While this isn't your typical "Broadway" musical (big cast, sets, etc.), it is wonderful to see a truly NEW musical being written by very talented young people. If it wasn't for shows like Glory Days, we might only have Shrek 2 and 3 to look forward to. While some say the music sounds the same, I believe that it really works for this show. The music actually sounds like something that young 19 year olds would be singing. The song Generation Apathy, in particular, I found to be extremely poignant. Whether it is right for Broadway or not, I think everyone should give Glory Days and its writers the shot they deserve!!

#4re: Glory Days the musical
Posted: 3/16/08 at 12:22pm

One of the best new musicals I have seen in recent memory. Simple, honest and so moving. I'm not sure I can compare it to any other show I've seen. In an hour and a half we watch 4 young men dealing with the transition from boyhood to becoming men. I think the review here on put it best:

"Most refreshing is that the writers have gone into some relatively uncharted waters with a musical about real male bonding and honest friendship. It may very well be the first time on stage where one guy says to another, "I love you," that isn't sexual or familial. It's about that elusive thing – real emotion between grown men. Perhaps that is the greatest glory of this terrific new musical."

I found it to be incredibly moving.

#5re: Glory Days the musical
Posted: 3/16/08 at 1:10pm

Does anyone know though if it's confirmed for this season for not? The blog post at said it was the next tenant for Circle in the Square, but didn't say when. It's only two months to the TONY Award cutoff, and for a show that has no NYC exposure at all (as opposed to a show transferring from Off-B'way), that's a short time to start a marketing campaign, build sales, rehearse, load-in, preview, tweak/fix, and open a show. Not saying it can't be done, but might they do better waiting until summer/fall?

...this bird is singing.
Updated On: 3/16/08 at 01:10 PM

hockeynut Profile Photo
#6re: Glory Days the musical
Posted: 3/17/08 at 10:23am

Here is a podcast/interview with James Gardner (book) and Nick Blaemire (music and lyrics) that I recorded at Signature Theatre before "Glory Days" opened. They talk about writing the show. You get to hear some of the beautiful harmonies of the cast.

I hope you enjoy it. Please leave a comment in the Leave A Reply Box after the podcast. I'd like to know what you think.

See this fine show when it opens at Circle In The Square.

Go to and click on Our Podcasts or click on the link.
Glory Days Podcast With Creators James Gardner and Nick Blaemire

Glory Days Podcast With Creators James Gardner and Nick Blaemire

#7re: Glory Days the musical
Posted: 3/17/08 at 2:29pm


This season fo' sho?

...this bird is singing.

hockeynut Profile Photo
#8re: Glory Days the musical
Posted: 3/17/08 at 2:38pm

I expect that there will be press releases in the near future confirming everything. Go see it. The music is incredible and what a cast. Listen to the podcast to learn about the history of the show from the mouths of the babes who wrote it.

www, Updated On: 3/18/08 at 02:38 PM

matty159 Profile Photo
#9re: Glory Days the musical
Posted: 3/17/08 at 3:49pm

Is this really going to happen? I agree with daspazoo in that it seems like they are really coming down to the wire with a show that has no big names attached and little word-of-mouth! I keep waiting to see an announcment, but still...nothing! I do wish it the best though, and plan to see it based on the word out of DC.

#10re: Glory Days the musical
Posted: 3/17/08 at 4:45pm

This could add some real excitement to the season, because right now there's no clear winner for Best Musical.

#11re: Glory Days the musical
Posted: 3/17/08 at 10:31pm

Updated On: 3/20/08 at 10:31 PM

#12re: Glory Days the musical
Posted: 3/18/08 at 7:35pm

Updated On: 3/20/08 at 07:35 PM

BlueRoses321 Profile Photo
#13re: Glory Days the musical
Posted: 3/18/08 at 8:14pm

I'm glad that they've finally decided. Well, they better get those ads out there asap!!
