The Little Mermaid 4/11

PlayhouseBeauty Profile Photo
#1The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/12/08 at 7:28am

Hey everyone, Well last night I went to see The Little Mermaid last night and thought it was wonderful. They way they transfered from sea to land was really cool and how the waves came up from underneath the stage. The cast was amazing. Sean Palmer was out, which was somewhat disappointing at first but after his understudy came out it didn't matter anymore because I thought he was very good. They were selling a bunch of things for broadway cares, which was good to see. I got to stagedoor afterwards and the first to come out was Sierra. She was very quick didn't stop for pictures. She just kind of smiled and signed. The rest of the cast came out and had a great time with the crowd because there was a whole high school in the audience that went to the stagedoor. When Norm Lewis came out he was singing and happy as can be...He sang Happy Birthday to two people and just seemed to be having a blast. I personally think this show is a must see for a good time! :)

My weekend will end on sunday and I still have 3 more shows to go...hopefully I will write more reviews for them! :)

shh282 Profile Photo
#2re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/12/08 at 9:06am

I'm glad you liked it!
I heard Sierra does that alot- she didn't even come out when I saw it earlier this week, I felt bad for the groups of little kids around.

FutureAriel88 Profile Photo
#2re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/12/08 at 9:36am

Was this an evening show beaucase I am going to the evening show on wednesday and I really want to meet Sierra. When I went in Denver she came out and alked to us.

aliciag Profile Photo
#3re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/12/08 at 10:29am

I'm glad you liked it. Norm Lewis is so awesome and such a nice guy!

broadwayfan7 Profile Photo
#4re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/12/08 at 10:35am

Sounds like you had a lot of fun! Enjoy the other shows you see as well!

"Everytime you step on that stage it is somebody's first Broadway show and somebody's last Broadway show. Make it count."

Charlie No-One
#5re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/12/08 at 12:35pm

Did Sherie come out?

shh282 Profile Photo
#6re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/12/08 at 1:06pm

I can't speak for them but she didn't come out when I saw it a few days ago

caitlinette Profile Photo
#7re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/12/08 at 3:25pm

Several friends of mine have seen the show. One of them got to chat with Sierra for awhile, one got hugged by her, and the other didn't get to meet her because she was in a rush to get somewhere.

maya5892 Profile Photo
#8re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/12/08 at 3:58pm

I saw the show in Tuesday evening and though I thought it was entertaining and not nearly as bad as others have said, it still reminded me of a theme park attraction. It wasn't really theatre, but more of a special performance. I did enjoy the song "She's In Love", but mainly because Brian D'Addario was so darn cute. Also, Sierra has a phenomenal voice and Sherie stole the show with her diva-attitude. We had understudies for Sean, Tyler, and Heidi but they all were wonderful. But the Prince Eric's understudy, Bret Shuford, was blonde. It didn't phase me much. He was good, but I think the problem I have with Prince Eirc is the actual way it was written. There is no depth. Especially when he sings "Her Voice". He just runs on stage, sings, then runs off. It wasn't staged well at all. And Jason Snow as Flotsam was SO MUCH LIKE TYLER. Scary. Really scary. But he was great.

And I went with school, so we had a talk back afterwards. That little Brian was there and obviously had a rehearsed response to the question, "How did you get into the business at such a young age?" He was adorable though. And Sherie showed up, and I was so surprised that she did being of her diva-status. But she answered our questions, which was great. The others who showed up at the talk back were Jason Snow, Derrick Baskin, and John Treacy Egan. Oh, and Norm Lewis showed up for a second but he was in the middle of giving his guests a tour.

Oh, and the next day we went to a studio exercise/improv class and at the end, Michelle Lookadoo, one of the mersisters, showed up and answered our questions. She was so sweet.

But yeah, all in all, it was an entertaining performance, but not a great piece of theatre.

P.S. When Sherie left the talk back, she left through the front of the theatre. Not the stage door. And I saw her walk past everyone at the stage door and they didn't even notice her! Very funny.

#9re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/12/08 at 4:54pm

anyone have any news on this newly implemented rush per playbill? has anyone tried it?

#10re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/12/08 at 5:20pm

playhousebeauty- where did you sit? i have a seat for MMEZZ row C seat 128, and i was wondering if it is a good seat

#11re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/12/08 at 8:16pm

Glad you enjoyed it! When I saw the show, Sierra seemed to be in a bit of a rush, but she still signed and took pictures and she was very nice; I also got Sherie's picture.

shh282 Profile Photo
#12re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/12/08 at 8:43pm

dave that's how I got to seat the show

#13re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/12/08 at 9:37pm

Rush is great...I showed up at about 10:30 this past Thursday morning and got 10th row dead center seats...they were awesome. It is only one ticket per student ID though.

shh282 Profile Photo
#14re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/12/08 at 9:40pm

I showed up at like...6:15 PM thursday and got seats Left Orch 10th row.. I think it was because no one really knows about it yet?

still, utterly fabulous.

brettystar Profile Photo
#15re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/12/08 at 9:41pm

I am so glad that you enjoyed the show. When I first saw the film I immediately thought it would make a wonderful Broadway show, however most of the reviews and word of mouth has been disappointing. I decided to bite the bullet and I bought a ticket for my trip in May, so it is refreshing to hear of another person who enjoyed it.

'Downtown Elaiggghhhy?'

PlayhouseBeauty Profile Photo
#16re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/13/08 at 10:16pm

Hey everyone, Sorry it has taken me so long to post again. I just got home from NYC...I can't stop raving about the Little Mermaid...I thought it was a great show...I do have to agree that it did reming me alot of something you would see at Disney World...But it was still very enjoyable. I sat in the Rear Mezz Row E...The seats were very good because you could see everyting, but I was not comfortable at all...I am 5'7 and I could barely move my legs...Everything just felt really smushed...I have to add that I saw Brian as Flounder and Oh My God does that kid have a voice on him...My friend and I were just in shock that this cute little kid had such an amazing voice...When he came out at the stagedoor there were a bunch of High School students that made him and everyone else in the cast feel like Rockstars!!! It was nice to see Sierra at the stagedoor. I can't really say it was nice to talk to her bc I barely got to say hi or thank you she just sort of took the playbill signed it and went on. Im sure she had something else to do which I completely understand. Im not like one of those people who feel like since they bought a ticket are entitled to meet the actors and have a 20min conversation then take numerous amounts of pictures...Lastly, Sherie did not come out, which was ok too bc shes a mom and im sure her son was missing her. So all in all it was an amazing weekend. I aslo saw RENT, Grease, and Wicked. I may post reviews tomorrow but right now im just exhausted!!! Have a great night everyone!!! :)

maya5892 Profile Photo
#17re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/13/08 at 10:20pm

I'm glad you also enjoyed Brian. I was AMAZED by his talent

PlayhouseBeauty Profile Photo
#18re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/14/08 at 1:20pm

Yea Brian was amazing...his voice can over power 5 adult women...That will come in hand when his beating off the ladies with a was just so adorable!

#19re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/14/08 at 1:50pm

"playhousebeauty- where did you sit? i have a seat for MMEZZ row C seat 128, and i was wondering if it is a good seat"

No such thing as a good seat for The Little Mermaid.

PlayhouseBeauty Profile Photo
#20re: The Little Mermaid 4/11
Posted: 4/14/08 at 7:46pm

I have to disagree with you Fosse I thought where I sat in the Rear Mezz was a very good seat. You could see the whole show! I also didn't think the show was that bad...Yea I mean it wasn't Shakespeare or anything but it was a fun show that kids and adults could enjoy together. I’m glad that the Little Mermaid in on Broadway because its bringing kids into the theater and they are the future of theater!
