
speed the plow... any gun shots?

speed the plow... any gun shots?

#1speed the plow... any gun shots?
Posted: 10/4/08 at 12:11am

sorry, i dont know the play
just looking for warning on gun shots

also did 9 to 5 have any in the out of town try out?

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#2re: speed the plow... any gun shots?
Posted: 10/4/08 at 12:11am

Nope, at least for Speed-the-Plow.
Updated On: 10/4/08 at 12:11 AM

dshnookie Profile Photo
#2re: speed the plow... any gun shots?
Posted: 10/4/08 at 12:14am

yes too many gunshots on Broadway...

Tale of Two Cities
The 39 Steps

All My Sons


Makes me jump in my seat.

TheatreFreak05 Profile Photo
#3re: speed the plow... any gun shots?
Posted: 10/4/08 at 12:52am

When I saw the 39 Steps I literally jumped out of my seat! And they did it maybe two or three times!

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#4re: speed the plow... any gun shots?
Posted: 10/4/08 at 12:54am

Can we list the current shows that have gunshots...? I hate them and always like to be prepared.


and I guess that's it. 9 TO 5 does not have gunshots so I heard.

dshnookie Profile Photo
#5re: speed the plow... any gun shots?
Posted: 10/4/08 at 1:03am

Ah yes, Phantom too. It woke me out of my slumber.

#6re: speed the plow... any gun shots?
Posted: 10/4/08 at 1:06am

There are actually a couple of gun shots in 9 to 5 so far.

winston89 Profile Photo
#7re: speed the plow... any gun shots?
Posted: 10/4/08 at 1:12am

I remember there was one time I saw Phantom where I moved into the front row at intermission. I was enjoying the view from there and having a good time. That was until the actor who shoots the gun came to his spot in the pit and he was literally right in front of me. I covered my ears extra hard and jumped just because I was right in front of it.

What I find funny is that if I am seeing a show multiple times and I know that there are gunshots in it I still hate it and I still cover my ears. I saw the Les Miserables revival 15 times and I still covered my ears during the gunshots and I still hated it. I would have thought that if I were seeing a show more then once and I knew that it had gunshots in it and I knew when they were going to happen I wouldn't cover my ears and I would be ready for them. However, I am wrong. Even though I know that they are coming I still cover my ears.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

Glory Profile Photo
#8re: speed the plow... any gun shots?
Posted: 10/4/08 at 1:32am

does anyone remember what parts to look to in ATOTC for gun shots? i'm possibly seeing it next weekend and I hate gun shots, but Im not letting that stop me from seeing it. I'm glad I didn't let it stop me from seeing Curtains :)

#9re: speed the plow... any gun shots?
Posted: 10/4/08 at 3:04am

Oh, I hate guns shots too! I always jump! Les mis is torture because of that! And back in the Cabaret days when I saw it loads of times, I would jump EVERY TIME the Emcee would drop the brick!

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#10re: speed the plow... any gun shots?
Posted: 10/4/08 at 8:17am

I haven't seen many shows with gun shots but if I ever sit in a lottery seat I am normally next to a speaker on stage so it's very loud. So every time at In The Heights when the music starts I jump out of my seat. Same happened with Avenue Q, I was actually texting someone and I through my phone. And also when Nicolette was in Rent she liked to scream a lot and it was an awful sound. But during La Vie Boheme she made a baby sound and she would always scream really loud and I would know it was coming but it stlll scared the $hit out of me.

#11re: speed the plow... any gun shots?
Posted: 10/4/08 at 11:19am

The one in Jersey Boys scared the crap outta me!

dshnookie Profile Photo
#12re: speed the plow... any gun shots?
Posted: 10/4/08 at 11:29am

Glory, the gunshot in ATOTC is pretty easy to see coming because the actor climbs up the stair that are on either side of the stage (left staircase) with gun in hand, so once you see him heading up - cover your ears. I dont remember there being more than one

#13re: speed the plow... any gun shots?
Posted: 10/5/08 at 1:11am

So glad I'm not alone in this; I still jump at Phantom even though I know it's coming. I hate gun shots.

How can I prepare myself for AMS? Any advance warning cues to look out for from those of you who have seen it?

"Maybe Philly'll change your luck."-42nd Street "Don't be afraid it won't be perfect. The only thing to be afraid of really is that it won't be."-Company

JeaniusIsMe Profile Photo
#14re: speed the plow... any gun shots?
Posted: 10/5/08 at 1:19am


SPOILER for All My Sons...

End Act 3, following the reading of the letter, when the neighbors stand up and move toward the stage, one of the main four actors exits (you'll know when you see it)...then you need to get ready for the gun shot.
