
Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition

Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition

#1Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/8/08 at 5:53pm

So I know that it's a little while until it actually starts and everything, but I thought we should have an official "NtN part deux" thread, to discuss all the goings on with the show!

I've been getting reeeally into the show again lately, and cannot WAIT to see what changes they've made and so forth.

What are you guys thinking about? What changes are you hoping they've made/havn't made? Do you think there's a legit chance the show could get to Broadway? What are your favorite songs/scenes/etc?

in short, let's discuss Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 10/8/08 at 05:53 PM

TonyVincent Profile Photo
#2re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/8/08 at 6:18pm

Haha. Never to early to get excited.

I'm definitely planning a N2N/West Side Story weekend in January. Nice excuse to see the city and visit a friend I have down there.

Besides Alice Ripley, has any of the cast been announced? I know I'll get killed for saying this, but Alice definitely wasn't my favorite member of the cast--I really liked Aaron Tveit and Brian D'Arcy James. I'm curious who they'll get to play those roles, this those two have moved on to bigger (although not better) projects.

alliez92092 Profile Photo
#2re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/8/08 at 6:23pm

J. Robert Spencer will be playing Dan. Nothing else has been announced yet.

#3re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/8/08 at 6:24pm

I didn't care for the younger actress in the role at the time, but looking back, she played the whole "teenager in angst" pretty accurately, which is probably why I didn't care for her, ha. I don't get the fuss over Tveit. I thought he was fine in the role, but he didn't blow me away. However, James will def. be missed. I thought he was excellent.

Are the designers all the same? I'm curious to know if the design is going to change any with this new version.

#4re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/8/08 at 6:29pm

I think that as of now the only cast that have been announced is Alice and J Robert Spencer as Dan. Seeing as Brian was pretty much equal to Alice in brilliance for me it makes me REALLY sad that Brian's not doing anymore, but Bobby seems pretty awesome too, so it shall be interesting to see his take on the character :)

I too was in love with Aaron!Gabe, and he's *actually* probably the one who I'm most weary of seeing anyone else take over the role. Not so much because of singing and acting (he was GREAT in those respects, but I'd bet there's other people who could be great too), but because he moves like a gazelle. He's just so SMOOTH and light on his feet in everything he does, and it happened to work absolutely brilliantly for the role imo because it gave him a very ghost-like vibe. So I feel like that's something pretty much NO ONE else is going to be able to redo. Plus, he was just fantastic over all :)

So yeah, the casting should definitely be interesting!

ALSO, in terms of changes in the show:
This is definitely NOT a for-sure thing, but it seems like there's probably a PRETTY good chance that I've Been is coming back into the show, completely re-written! At the Tom Kitt concert a few nights ago, Gavin Creel did the song, and it was totally re-written. Which is like.. why would they go through the trouble of completely re-writing the song if they weren't intending to put it back in the show? <33

If this is the case I will be SO SO happy. That was ALWAYS the one song that I truly missed and wished they'd have found a way to keep in

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

#5re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/8/08 at 6:38pm

Sort of off-topic, but who was in the show during the Fringe (or was it something else?) run of the show? I know it was Anthony Rapp and Amy Spangler, but who else? I have a little recording of that version and I didn't care for most of the cast. They all seemed very subdued.

#6re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/8/08 at 6:56pm

The 2005 NYMF cast featured Anthony Rapp, Amy Spanger, Joe Cassidy, Anneleigh Ashford, and Benjamin Schrader.

When I saw that production, they didn't seem subdued. That performance still still has an effect on me to this day.

Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten. "Unwritten" Natasha Bedingfield

#7re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/8/08 at 7:05pm

There was DEFINITELY a long period of time when I was like "if Amy, Anthony, and Annaleigh do not stay with the show I will NOT be a happy camper".

I never really got attached to Joe or Benjamin, but the other three, for sure I was majorly attached.

And then the 2nd Stage cast came along and now I'm like "...how was Amy EVER right for the role!?!" ahaha. I mean I still adore her in general, but this was just NOT the right role for her. Alice, on the other hand, is PERFECT :)

As far as Annaleigh goes, I still love her Natalie, but Natalie is a very very different character now and I don't think she'd be quite right for this more "real" version of her. I thought Jenn did a lovely job with it, but I'm def willing to see other people take a stab at it.

I STILL want Anthony back as Dr. Madden though. Very badly. Don't get me wrong, Asa was good, but Anthony was just... perfect for the role, I think :P No one can perform Feeling Electric better than him <3

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#8re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/8/08 at 7:11pm

I've heard rumblings that they're toying with making it into a one-act show.

I do hope it's able to make the move...but without that nightmare-inducing Arena artwork. I wasn't a huge fan of the dangling feet, but compared to what they're using at Arena, it was amazing.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#9re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/8/08 at 7:21pm

hahaha yeah, the artwork it kind of FRIGHTNING. But they can always change that re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition

And yeah, at first I was opposed to the idea of them making it a one act show. But then I was thinking.. it's not a particularly long show ANYWAY, so if they just took out Feeling Electric, it's not like they'd probably have to cut a WHOLE lot else, right? So it could actually work.

I personally love Feeling Electric, but I know that a lot of people seemed to have problems with it, and felt like it was too campy and almost making fun of ECT. So you know what? If cutting it or drastically changing it is going to make the show have more mass appeal? At this point I say go for it. Whatever needs to be done to make it have a legitimate shot on Broadway.

You know, it's times like these when I despise Bush and the current government in general even MORE than usual. Because this friggin economic depression we have going on is the reason amazing, unique, cutting edge shows like this one aren't having a chance in hell at successful long runs on Broadway. I mean, honestly, ALL that people are confident in enough to take to Broadway are big named mainstream crap like Shrek and Spider Man and stuff! And revivals. That's it. Nothing NEW or CREATIVE has a chance because economically it's just not possible for them right now. Not enough people are traveling to sustain a show that's not as well known.

EFF YOU GEORGE BUSH. You're screwing up Broadway *glares*

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 10/8/08 at 07:21 PM

#10re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/8/08 at 11:31pm

After I saw the show in March, I was walking behind Asa and I'm guessing his grandmother and her friend, or just two old ladies? but anyways, he mentioned that the writers are considering getting rid of his Act 1 Finale song ("Feeling Electric"). I have to agree, I thought the song was terrible, and just all together bad. I don't like the idea of it being a one act though. I love the idea of the act ending with her surgery, and then in act her not remembering who her daughter is. That moment totally landed to me, and I loved it. I think without the intermission there it would not have been as affective.

And whoever played the son in the NYMF has a very nasal voice. Not my cup of tea.

Sondheim_Geek Profile Photo
#11re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/8/08 at 11:56pm

I think the show has to be two acts. it just doesn't work as one. Personally, if anything needs to be re-tooled from 2nd Stage run, it would be entirely in Act II. I find the first act to be in an absolutely perfect place. The "Hey" interludes with Henry and Natalie were atrocious and songs like "Everything" and "Next to Normal" need to be rethinked as well.

With that said...I absolutely love this show.

Alice and J. Robert are both confirmed in the lead roles.
I think it is fair to say that Asa Somers will return (as he isn't involved in anything, and IMO played the role great). I could also see Tveit taking a break from Wicked to reprise it as well. However, I do believe that Natalie 'could' be recast fairly easily, and Henry 'should' be recast.

#12re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/9/08 at 12:27am

As Henry goes... Skylar Astin was involved in readings as Henry before the second stage run, and I'd KILL to see him actually do it :) I think he'd be a perfect Henry.

In terms of the one v. two acts:
I definitely had the same reaction at first. I did NOT think it would work as one act. And then I started thinking about it and realized.. it might not be such a bad idea. The thing about this show is that SO many parts of it are almost made, in a way, by the perfect flow that they have.
I Miss The Mountains- It's Gonna Be Good- He's Not Here-You Don't Know- I Am The One
Didn't I See This Movie- Light In The Dark- Feeling Electric
Why Stay/A Promise- I've Alive (reprise)- The Break- Catch Me I'm Falling (reprise)

Now granted some of these songs could be majorly tweaked or even eliminated and the show would still flow wonderfully as a whole. But the point is.. it's a show that's based on flow. It's a rollercoaster ride that you get on and don't get off till the end- if you do, it disturbes your enjoyment of it. At least, that's always how I've felt about it.

So thinking about it, I think that it might actually contribute to that idea to get rid of the intermission. It would allow it to be one single, evenly-flowing experience as opposed to being broken up in the middle by an intermission.

Granted I don't think we even know for sure that this WILL be done- from what I've heard it's just an idea they're toying with. So we shall see. But basically, I personally feel like making it one act might actually help matters, as long as it doesn't mean cutting a whole lot just for the sake of shortening to time. And because it's not too long a show anyway and they've got some material they CAN clean up and cut, it shouldn't be a problem :)

All I know is that a whole lot of people seemed to not like Feeling Electric, and I don't *really* see how they could turn it INTO something people would like more. Because I think it's the basis of the whole song that people don't like- the idea that it's satirizing ECT. If they made it one act, it would be easier for them I would imagine to find a way to make the show work without that scene- or, at least without the.. flamboyance (for lack of a better word) of that scene as it was in the 2nd Stage production

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

#13re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/9/08 at 1:44am

To be honest, while I love "Feeling Electric," I wasn't thrilled with the way it was staged at 2ST. It wasn't big, flashy and bizarre as could have been - not out there enough, which, in turn, made the scene ineffective. In the number, Asa came off less "rock star" and more like a creepy 35 year old guy who tries to pick up teens at a Coldplay concert.

#14re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/9/08 at 1:52am


see, I actually really enjoyed the STAGING of it at 2st. I'm a fan of trippy so I thought it was awesome haha. But I agree about Asa. For most of the show he was fine, but for that particular song... he just wasn't as FIERCE as he needed to be to actually pull it off. And I think you hit the nail on the head: because he wasn't fierce enough he came off seeming just wierd and slightly creepy, and since HE didn't come off right, the whole scene fell flat. Dr. Madden really has to carry that scene.

Hence why Anthony needs to get his butt back in the show :) When ANTHONY did the song, even in CONCERT format without any set or anything, he just made it amazing and thrilling. He has that waily edge to his voice that makes it... sexy. The way Asa sings it, it's just wierd.

WOW okay I'm gonna try and not post in here for a while because I'm like practically making every other posts so far LOL. Sorry bout that guys :P

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 10/9/08 at 01:52 AM

#15re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/9/08 at 2:17am

I've never seen Anthony do it, so I can't really compare, but Dan and Diane are, what, 40-ish? That would put them in the hair band era during their college years. Meaning Def Leppard. Guns n Roses. Poison. Motley Crue.

I would've expected Diane's to have pulled up leather pants, silver jewelry, maybe makeup. Madden should've taken center panel, once he tore off his clothes, taking command of the stage, with everybody as a satellite around him. I wanted him licking his microphone, humping the mic stand, posturing and preening to a rotating backlight. Not doing that crappy New Kids on the Block spin move on the bottom level. He should've been the one dipping Diana right before the lights fade.

That's how I envisioned it before I had a chance to see it on stage. I guess I was surprised to see how bland it turned out to be. The first part, the surgery, I liked. The second part, when it really kicked up, not so much.

Yes, I've thought about this way too much.

#16re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/9/08 at 3:39am

Hi JordanGirl,

You know how AR puts "These are not my legs". We gotta get her to now put, "These are not my arms."


#17re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/9/08 at 7:47am

"I've heard rumblings that they're toying with making it into a one-act show. "

I really hope not. There is such a thing as too much editing and revision and FE/N2N was already starting to suffer from it at 2ST. I shudder to think of what would be cut and oversimplified in order to make the show fit a one act timeframe.

#18re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/9/08 at 12:57pm

Just a thought:

I haven't heard the new I've Been (can someone help nudgenudgewinkwink) but I wonder if it's meant to replace Light in the Dark, as I recall the critics ragging on it and the 2ST version was a bit anaemic compared to the 2005 edition so it could be on its way out...

#19re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/9/08 at 1:28pm

^ youtube *cough*watch?v=RKBB5FU7QcA*cough* :)

and actually, that's precisely what I'm thinking might be the case! The lyrics now would work in place of Light In The Dark. And, if that is where it's been put, I could not be happier. I've Been is a MUCH stronger song than Light In The Dark, and it wouldn't mess up the flow of that section of the show one bit

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

Sondheim_Geek Profile Photo
#20re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/9/08 at 2:55pm

I just received an email from Asa Somers, and he said that due to scheduling conflicts, he will not be able to reprise the role of Dr. Madden/Dr. Fine.

I'm really disappointed about this. I really think that he was great in the role.

#21re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/9/08 at 5:12pm

A friend of mine has been cast as the Henry/Gabe understudy. We are working on a production of Urinetown the Musical at St. John's University, which opens tomorrow. He is playing Bobby Strong, so everyone should try to come out, he is an amazing talent. Free press, why not?

#22re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/9/08 at 5:19pm

as per the "new" version of "I've Been" -
Gavin is actually singing (for the most part)the arrangement/lyrics of the version of the song that Tom Kitt's band plays in concert and on their CD.

Unfortunately, this probably means that the song still isn't in the show (which is such a shame because it is hands down my favorite song from any version of this show).

I stated a while back on my old username on this forum (i'm back though re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition ) that i emailed mr. kitt about the song and he told me it was taken out because they felt it stopped the flow of the show and that we didn't really need to hear from Dan's character at that point. Shame though, because its such a beautiful song. I was so happy Tom sent me the music to it though!

Hope that clears up the confusion of the differences of the "new" version of the song

#23re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/9/08 at 5:33pm

Wait but... why in the heck DON'T they put the song back in the show if they've already re-written it in a way that lyrically makes SENSE in the show!?

I mean you totally could be right, it's just it doesn't make sense to me. If they were going to take all the time change ALL the lyrics to something that would pretty much fit super well in place of Light In The Dark, why wouldn't they actually put it in? I know composers play with lyrics a bit and stuff for their concerts, but I just don't see why they WOULD even bother changing *almost* every word of the song if it's just to play at concerts. Why not just do it the way it was? It's not like it's any less...context-driven (by that I mean, it's not like the new lyrics make the song that much easier to understand if you've never seen or heard of the show).

Again though, I'm certainly not suggesting you're wrong, I just don't get it! haha

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

#24re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
Posted: 10/9/08 at 5:45pm

haha i understand where you're coming from...
I don't know WHEN exactly Tom "created" the band version of I've Been, but my guess is at LEAST 3 years ago. And my assumption is that the Feeling Electric lyrics were much too dark for a band to play as a pop song. Copyright issues might also be a reason for this (in the case of record label distribution, etc.)

There are a few reasons why i still don't think the song will be in the new version (unfortunately, because i'll repeat how much i love this damn song)
1. The alternate version that Gavin sings is a bit more repetitive than the old version.
2. The tenderness of "Light In The Dark" fits perfectly in the moment where Dan is basically pleading with Diana to try the ECT therapy. The tone of "I've Been" is almost opposite of LITD, in the sense that its much more driving. I still think it would work brilliantly after Diana's attempted suicide.
And as much as i LOVE LOVE I've Been, the removal of "A Light in The Dark" would not be warranted at that point in the show.

I still just think they should put it back in its original place. But i guess with the new "vision" the show has taken, it is more through the eyes of Diana, rather than Dan. Whereas i felt Feeling Electric was much more through the eyes of Dan.

just my .02 re: Next to Normal- the Arena Stage edition
