
Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?

Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?

#1Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?
Posted: 1/14/09 at 9:05pm

He went on today!!! see: http://broadwayunderstudies.com/

Anyone see him? Was he good? What happened to Brian?
Updated On: 1/14/09 at 09:05 PM

#2re: Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?
Posted: 1/14/09 at 9:14pm

Uh, oh... Maybe this is that nasty stomach flu going around the cast?

If so- get well soon Brian!

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#2re: Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?
Posted: 1/14/09 at 9:27pm

When I saw it, D'Arcy James seemed a bit tired...he was visibly paining from the role. Plus they just recorded the OBCR on Monday so he's probably really strained and tired...I'm sure Crawford was excellent though.

#3re: Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?
Posted: 1/14/09 at 9:34pm

Wait, a scary thought just occurred- Sutton was also just out this past weekend(?) and many others have been out as well... And this was quite recent, as well as the recording date... Do you think that this altered her and other's performances? Or do you think everybody has recovered from the virus? Either way, I just hope all's well!

#4re: Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?
Posted: 1/15/09 at 3:35am

Yeah! I want to know if anyone saw him, and if there are any comments about his performance. I am sure he was fantastic. He is a graduate of the University of Arizona MT/ACTING program, which I am apart of now.

#5re: Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?
Posted: 1/15/09 at 7:17am

So nobody saw him?

#6re: Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?
Posted: 1/15/09 at 7:20am

I'm going this Sunday, and since I've seen the show twice before, I would love to finally see some understudies for once! especially Haven!

#7re: Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?
Posted: 1/15/09 at 7:50am

I saw the show Saturday afternoon and the four leads were all there. John Tartaglia wasn't.

#8re: Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?
Posted: 1/16/09 at 1:55am

I saw Ben Crawford perform the role of shrek on Wed. night. He was amazing. His voice is incredible and I thought he sounded better than the night I saw Brian. The crowd was loving him by the end of the night.

#9re: Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?
Posted: 1/16/09 at 2:53am

Brian did sound a little bit sick when he sang certain songs on Tuesday night--but he was still wonderful!! Hope he gets better soon!!

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

#10re: Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?
Posted: 1/16/09 at 2:24pm

Sort of off topic- but who went on for Sutton the other night?? If so, did anyone see them??

I saw the show Tuesday night and Brian did seem a little tired, but it didn't affect his performance at all! He is truly professional...and wonderful in the role of Shrek....

"that's what my date said."

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#11re: Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?
Posted: 1/16/09 at 2:34pm

Sarah Jane Everman was on, I believe.

#12re: Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?
Posted: 1/16/09 at 3:28pm

WHEN WILL HAVEN GO ON? The other girl has gone on a lot give Haven a chance

TimeSquare3 Profile Photo
#13re: Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?
Posted: 1/16/09 at 3:32pm

Sarah is the first cover. She has priority to go on.

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"The gay one?" -- Marissa Jaret Winokur on the Jonas Brothers.

#14re: Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?
Posted: 1/16/09 at 3:47pm

Does anyone know why Sara is first cover?

TimeSquare3 Profile Photo
#15re: Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?
Posted: 1/16/09 at 4:10pm

Because she was chosen to be.

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"The gay one?" -- Marissa Jaret Winokur on the Jonas Brothers.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#16re: Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?
Posted: 1/16/09 at 4:19pm

I saw him as Shrek but in Marat/Sade.
Updated On: 1/16/09 at 04:19 PM

steven22 Profile Photo
#17re: Anyone see Ben Crawford in Shrek as Shrek?
Posted: 2/19/09 at 1:58pm

he went on again tues and wed of this week...anyone see him?..review please!
